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#142686910Tuesday, August 05, 2014 4:16 PM GMT

"Please notice that we will have slight turbulence for the next 3 minutes or so," Great. Just what I need. I'm holding my tray of food right now! Oh well, I'll just put it down on the other seat, I guess.... I wonder where we're going on this field trip? Nobody is sitting with me, that's a bummer. Hmm, do I have any------ The plane bounces up and down. All of a sudden, I look out the windows. Holy crud. The jet is on fire....I scream. "AHHHHHH! TAKE COVE---" The luggage falls out of the holders just as the wing gets ripped off. Everyone faces down on there're seats and the side of the plane takes a hole. "HANG ON! HANG ON TO MY SEAT!" A student/passenger screams. Two or three people get sucked out. And all of a sudden, my seat comes towards me at what seems to be light speed. My head has a explosion of pain and then, it's just darkness. I wake up. Sand has poured into the airplane. What just happened? CS Name: (Obvious) Age: (Again, obvious) Seat isle: (What part of the plane were you in?) Appearance: (Eye colour, hair colour and style, clothing, etc.) Story: (Why you got on the plane, and to go to where) Personality: (You know what that is) Rules: You cannot kill anybody, but you can get into serious fights and you can also die from a animal. You must only play from your character's perspective. You cannot jump to other people's scenes. You may kill animals to get recourses. And as they always put it, enjoy! Your age cannot be above 20, or below 10 as we are supposed to be students on a field trip. My CS: Name: Sam R. Helkin Age: 17 Seat isle: The first one to the right. Appearance: White t-shirt with acid-stained denim pants and a button coat. Story: Got on the plane to go to Toronto to visit his aunt. Personality: Smart, Sarcastic, Helpful, but can get very mad.
#142687205Tuesday, August 05, 2014 4:19 PM GMT

Finally. An island survival RP. Hope more people joins. Marked.
#142688357Tuesday, August 05, 2014 4:35 PM GMT

(Yeah, a island survival, thx for marking) Just a little add-on to the story: "I think we just crashed," someone says quietly. Holy crud....wow!
#142690715Tuesday, August 05, 2014 5:05 PM GMT

I can't believe my plane just crashed. I'll look out the window, woah. Great. A island. That's awesome. Now I have to survive out there...I wonder if the pilot's still alive? "Guys, you ok?" I ask. I don't hear anything back. Ow...oh no...my leg! Ow. I got a gash on my knee...
#142691015Tuesday, August 05, 2014 5:08 PM GMT

CS Name: Mike Parker Age: 13 Seat isle: A26 Appearance: About 5'4 with black spiky hair. His eye color is brown.At the time of the crash he wore a white t-shirt with a black hoodie and jeans. Story: Mike was on the field trip with the others PERSONALITY: Smart, Helpful, always making jokes.
#142693949Tuesday, August 05, 2014 5:44 PM GMT

CS Name: Kikimo Satuma (Kee-Kee-mo Sa-too-ma) Age: 17 Seat isle: Second to the right. Appearance: Female. Blonde with a blue strip in her hair. Green left eye, blue right. Black shirt and shorts. Shirt has a small purple heart, top left near shoulder. Leather jacket on her lap just in case. Story: Plane to go to LA to go to collage. Personality: Smart, Funny, Kind, Know it all, Anger issues, Lonely.
#142694036Tuesday, August 05, 2014 5:45 PM GMT

( Can we start RPing or do we have to be accepted? )
#142694683Tuesday, August 05, 2014 5:54 PM GMT

Both accepted. I already kinda started... All the students seem to be flabbergasted. I am too, of course...what will we do?
#142694890Tuesday, August 05, 2014 5:56 PM GMT

I'm bleeding badly. Oop, there's a med-kit, I'll just put a bandaid on it. Holy...the tail of the plane is on fire...
#142695667Tuesday, August 05, 2014 6:06 PM GMT

(Well I'm just gonna start.) Mike Parker "Ow.." I slowly rise up, looking already I see dead bodies around me. "This is a dream right? This plane didn't really crush?" I get up, I hear the voice of a girl. "Hey! I'm here!"
#142699544Tuesday, August 05, 2014 6:56 PM GMT

(nobody died in the crash) "Guys, are you alright?" I ask, hoping that someone says "Yeah,". "This place is deserted, we have to take everything of value off the airplane, guys" I say.
#142699604Tuesday, August 05, 2014 6:57 PM GMT

Kikimo lay unconscious near the guys. About five minutes after the plane wrecked she gasped back to reality. The first thing she wanted to do was scream. And so she did. She looked around and screamed again. She wanted to get up but her leg was stuck under some fallen chairs. "Ow... Help..." She managed to say.
#142703620Tuesday, August 05, 2014 7:42 PM GMT

Name: Claudia "Claw" Jackson Age: 16 Seat isle: 11B Appearance: 6', muscular, with long, chestnut brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her Caucasian skin is currently tanned, and her nails are painted bright red, matching her lipstick. She is wearing a black tank top and black leather pants. She has a black leather jacket tied around her waist. Story: Claudia only wants to go on the trip to get away from her parents, who are overprotective yet still incredibly bad influences (to be explained). Besides, when else will she get to go to some other country with her parents' budget? Personality: She's that punk kid that everybody fears but respects at the same time. She's tough, clever, and pretty, but she lacks the ability to work well with others and she's very arrogant. L33ch4Lyfe
#142705608Tuesday, August 05, 2014 8:03 PM GMT

(Accepted) Hey, look. A dense forest. "Crud, guys, do we have anything to cut through that?" I say, pointing my finger at the forest. "Oh well. I'll just go check the aircraft..." I say, and do. I see some girl stuck under a chair. "Hey, you ok?" I pull her out and she thanks me.
#142706759Tuesday, August 05, 2014 8:16 PM GMT

( Hey don't control other characters. :l ) "Thanks." She sighed. "I still don't want to move." She looked at the guy. She held out her hand for him to help her up and waited for him to take it.
#142707243Tuesday, August 05, 2014 8:21 PM GMT

I take it and help her up. "What's your name again? I mean, seriously, I never thought that in my childhood I would be in a plane crash," I exclaim. Anyways, I look out the hole in the side. I see some people searching for stuff I don't know, and the rest are unconscious in the plane. Crud!
#142707310Tuesday, August 05, 2014 8:22 PM GMT

(Sorry, I forgot xD)
#142710722Tuesday, August 05, 2014 8:59 PM GMT

The wing got ripped off and I can see it in the forest, sticking out in the middle of the trees. We might have to go see that later.
#142711323Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:05 PM GMT

Mike Parker I walk over the a guy wearing a white t-shirt with acid-stained denim pants. "Hey, you're alive and you too." I point to the girl
#142712071Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:13 PM GMT

"Well, all of us are," I say, sounding like he should know that. "All these people are just unconscious. Anyway, what are we gonna do? My best idea is get everything of value off this thing." I say.
#142712517Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

Mike "What? You sure? I'm pretty sure at least 1 person died. Anyways, maybe some food or drinks survived, I'll look and take what I find in outside
#142713857Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:32 PM GMT

"I think just two died. I saw two get sucked out when the hole gashed.... Also, I just noticed the plane's pilot area is submerged by water." I say. The wind slowly picks up. Rain slowly starts coming down. I hear thunder. Note: I will now be choosing random weather scenarios and disasters for us to deal with. Weather: stormy and rainy and windy Disaster: hurricane
#142714583Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:39 PM GMT

"Hey, I've got a pocket knife. I'm going to go cut a path through the trees. Meet up with me later, alright?" She said as she jumped off the plane. She almost lost her balance and fell over. Kikimo's legs still hurt from the chairs. She grabbed the pocket knife from her pocket and walked to the trees. "Huh.. pretty thick." She shrugs and starts to slowly cut through.
#142716123Tuesday, August 05, 2014 9:55 PM GMT

Mike Parker I quickly follow the girl.
#142718830Tuesday, August 05, 2014 10:26 PM GMT

*two hours later* The rain is coming down really hard now. The wind feels like it's 100 KPH, and I'm in the forest. We are just sitting under the wing right now. Lightning cracks. It hits a tree near us and it explodes. Shards of wood fly everywhere and sparks jump across the hot, sticky air.

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