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#142735Saturday, September 08, 2007 8:42 PM GMT

Your walking down a hall haveing a slight Adniesha about whats happening.You see a Grunt army ahead.you for some reson cant stop walking down the hall.........you get out of the hall and start running threw the army,shooting them.Then,behind you,you are Hit by a alien gernade!it sticks to you as you wait for it to blow up......5.....4....3.....2.....1......"Agh!"Said haloguy."That was one weird Dream.So haloguy gets up,brusshes his teeth,and walks outside of his happy home in robloxia."Hmm.....what to do what to do............"Said haloguy."i got it! ill go visit Oozlzes!"So he walks off...... ======================================================== post on fourms if you want in the next part,or where i go!!! :D
#142905Saturday, September 08, 2007 10:00 PM GMT

On the way walking to Ehwhats place,haloguy sees someone in the distence...."Whos there?!!!?"said haloguy,starttled."no consern to you..........said a guy hideing behind a bush."Come show your self!".....there was no responce........Hmm.....well,thats over.as i continu to Ehwhats place....
#142965Saturday, September 08, 2007 10:59 PM GMT

"Finnaly! im here at Oozlez and Ehwhats place.now wheres Oozles?"said haloguy. "HELP!!!!!!"said ehwhat"Oozles has been Kidnapped!!!!" "Wha?!?" halolguy said. "Someone has kidnapped Oozles!its all in this tape recorder that they left...." Ehwhat pressed play Voice:"Hello.your problobly wondering where Oozlez is.........but thats no concern to anyone else....." "Huh?!"haloguy said"That voice........i remeber a voice........." Ehwhat was worryed.he logged out he was so scared.so i gess it was up to me to save Oozles.... ========================================================= still getting recests for u being in my story! :D
#143710Sunday, September 09, 2007 2:25 PM GMT

Walking out of Ehwhats place,haloguy thought where to go....."Hmm......were would they be?"said haloguy."mayby that guy went to a obsticul corse,and useing oozlez as a snobored over all the lava! O.O........Ehhh......no."
#143818Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:55 PM GMT

Still wondering where Oozlez and the Mystirius guy is,he looks behind him,seeing that Oozlez is there."Oozlez!"said haloguy."I found you!"haloguy RAN over to Oozlez,seeing that he was ok."Oozlez,where were you??"said haloguy confused.Oozlez was just a decoy with The evil guy inside of him....."dont worry.im fine.no one kidnapped me....*Cough*"said the fake Oozlez.so haloguy took Him back to Ehwhats place. Come on people D: want to be in this story????
#144578Monday, September 10, 2007 12:26 AM GMT

"Ehwhat!look!i found oozles!!!!" said haloguy"Hmm.........i dont think thats Oozles....."said ehwhat."just look at him! he doesnt have his poorly drawn face!" "=/ your right....Who are you?"said haloguy."Heheheheheh........"said the Fake Oozlez."OMG!!!!DONT LET HIM GO AWAY!! HE HAS THE SECRET TO OOZLES AND MY JESTERS CAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"said ehwhat with lotsa anger.
#146518Tuesday, September 11, 2007 10:02 PM GMT

so we chased after him.it wasnt long untill we found him.once i saw him,he stoped....."Hehehehehehhahahahah,HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"said the fake Oozles."i do have your little friend Oozlez,AND the secret to him.......now...TO READ IT!!!!!
#147141Wednesday, September 12, 2007 10:54 AM GMT

"Wait!"Said haloguy."Lets battle for it......First one down loses." ..........There was a silents......"Ok........"Said the fake oozlses.FIGHT!Fake Oozlez triped haloguy".waaaaaagag!!!"*SLAM*"Loser get the secret!" said a judge from far away."WHAT?!?!?!?!?!!?!???im not giveing this up!"Said fake oozlez.So he ran away.....
#148890Friday, September 14, 2007 10:36 AM GMT

...>.< i cant read all of that!
#149580Saturday, September 15, 2007 1:34 AM GMT

awsome story eh?
#149677Saturday, September 15, 2007 2:57 AM GMT

Yeah...Make more!!!xD
#149935Saturday, September 15, 2007 12:42 PM GMT

"Owie..."said haloguy...xDDDD
#150086Saturday, September 15, 2007 3:25 PM GMT

U ok haloguy?..........better bring him back to sleep.......*takes haloguy to his bed*phew....i thought that would take hours.....
#150373Saturday, September 15, 2007 6:45 PM GMT

*wakes up..*"...Ugh......."said haloguy."OMG SOMEONE TO PUNCH :D!!!!!"*Punches 3racecar076* "Now to find that fake oozles agian....
#150940Sunday, September 16, 2007 12:16 AM GMT

ow..........*grabs out a K.O ray and aims it at haloguy*
#151023Sunday, September 16, 2007 1:54 AM GMT

*Eats a cookie*Rawr....me angy.....me....COOKIE MAN!!!!!!!*Uses lazers to destroy K.O Ray*RAWRRR!!!!!!!!"Me gunna get the secret back"said haloguy.*Jumps 4609847569487698674875683765873465 miles away to the fke oozlez* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------======================================================== NOTE TO FANS Sorry,but im writeing the story.you ask me if you want in,and i will put you in.
#152947Monday, September 17, 2007 7:45 PM GMT

"RAWWWWWWR!!!!!!"said the cookie haloguy"me iz cookie!!!!".Then everything that happends to the hulk happends........xD
#153268Monday, September 17, 2007 11:35 PM GMT

dude,u may not know this,but im 3racecar076 cause i got banned....XD*throws the Zeeky H Bomb at the fake Oozles*and now........ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG!*nuclier explosion happens,and goes into a rocket and goes into space till the explosion stops*
#153287Monday, September 17, 2007 11:44 PM GMT

I said i type only.....-.-
#155544Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:47 AM GMT

...*stops nuklier explosion and returns everything back to normal*good,well tats fixed.......ok,u can resume ur quest now.....oh,and can i enter on the Master Quest?
#158814Saturday, September 22, 2007 11:31 PM GMT

can i?
#161066Sunday, September 23, 2007 11:06 PM GMT

Haven Tecnicul difficultys >_<
Top 100 Poster
#161107Sunday, September 23, 2007 11:30 PM GMT

technicall dificultieas make what i say not even make since hi im blah blah blah blah. lol
#161476Monday, September 24, 2007 1:18 AM GMT

Please stand by for next part of the story.....
Top 100 Poster
#161592Monday, September 24, 2007 3:14 AM GMT

i makeing tis story to thear no rule icant so i amkesometign up hear i go out of nowhear clockwork plane drop on haloguy and he wakes up in bed haloguy: wat happin voice: i been watcing you haloguy: who are you voice: that not importin right now i i ave got you hear to test how good you r haloguy: y voice:becuase haloguy:becuase y voice:i jsut have so now for your frist test you msu eat this pie haloguy: your jokeing right voice: no i not just eat it haloguy: y what in it voice: tat for you to find out on next part mhahahhaahhahahha haloguy: wwhat whfi the lame evil thing voice: well i been working on it doyou likeit haloguy: it ok it sill need a lot of work voice: o ok well te end for now tune in next time to find out what in pie mhahahahah mhahahahaha mhahahahha *trips on rubber duck* ow is this sill on haloguy: yes it is voice: o crap

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