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#142846099Thursday, August 07, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

The Storm/iaw35 could not make it this episode. Also by crush we mean ro-rap crush. KH: Welcome to Natural disasters again! Today we have one of the molemen! Truensee! KH: Tell me, what's it like being a moleman? Truensee: It's crazy cause the group started out as literally a joke. Me wobull and tiagnum just tryna be cool. We never thought.. platinum. KH: Well how does King Twelve/trojansqb12 Leaving ro-rap effect molemen? Truensee: I thought it would but it really doesn't. He's actually my manger now. So I'll have some guidance KH: Great. Do you plan on releasing an album alone? Truensee: Yes I do. I am working on it now. I might release it if thunder signs me. Nah but it's gonna be called queen. It's gonna be cool I hope. I keep mixing songs and replacing ones I hate. We've all been there. gotta find a click. KH: You plan on releasing a new song? Truensee: Just releasing a couple here and there. Working on my album. You know what I thought was gonna be asked? KH: What? Truensee: Who is my ro-rap crush -starts laughing- KH: Now that you brung it up tell us. Truensee: Chanel G. Just cause everyone else likes her. I havn't met he though. -looks at camra, ANSWER ME (F)ING PHONE CALLS CHANEL! I have a girl, That was my ro-rap crush. My girl doesn't rap..yet. KH: Honestly, I don't have a ro-rap crush but If I had to chose one, I have to go with Sym. KH: So tell us Truensee, Who is you're favorite rapper? Truensee: Mc Ride of death grips. KH: So how do you feel about satanboy's curtain call? Truensee: It was ok but the vibes from it were bad. I saw it and was like REALLY? But it looks like it fires people up and makes them want to be good. KH: Ok, Tell me what is your stance on the Illuminati? Truensee: Well, they are out there. I'm not sure how much they control but, I'm tigaenum illuminati. KH: Ok then, so who inspired you to rap? Truensee: 3 people, You because you had first ro-rap I ever saw and liked it. Wobull for all he does with the molemen. And King Twelve because he gave me my start in the big time. KH: Ok then I'm touched xD. So how did you react to what happened to King Records? Truensee: I was shocked. I wanted King Twelve to be the CEO. But I think shyguy supports me. As long as no (bleep) happens to me I'm happy. KH: How did you react when King Twelve said I was buying King Records? Truensee: I was thinking "I'm (bleeped) if I don't step up my game." KH: So tell me how you got the name Truensee? Truensee: I wanted a cool name and didn't want to go to school to get one. KH: YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS. DROP THAT BEAT! Instrumental: http://www.roblox.com/Dr-Dre-Xxplosive-Instrumental-item?id=148058877 Truensee: Ok. Uh Truensee up in this b. Real is real, what a I. Maybe I'm high, I believe I can fly. Believe in the people, Sorta I''m their guy. Getting a big tat. Got it back. surf, like a shack. I'm a king among men, god among deciples. This (bleep) is simple, you got discipline. Raps are genuine. Everybody knows I got them. FLu like swine. ends my time. But rap is fun, I don't know why. Raps are genuine, sh00t em down like a columbine. I ran from behind, all my life. So haters try, bring me down I'll put up a fight. Outta spite. My raps don't bite. they just sting like he sings aight? KH: This is Natural Disasters and we approve this message!
#143049792Saturday, August 09, 2014 3:41 AM GMT

i was going all tyler the creator lel

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