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#142971805Friday, August 08, 2014 9:33 AM GMT

He possesses green eyes that are entwined with varying shades of emerald. They do not glow, or anything out of the ordinary, but are rather captivating due to the glint they always seem to give off. His hair is always kept short, kept swept in a certain style he has come to prefer. His clothes have changed from dressy to the more natural look of simple clothes and utilitarian garb. This is mostly to blend in with humans if needed. Example of character in action: He tried to say something, inform her of what he had just initiated unknowingly, though his tongue was numb from the force of the bite that had clenched his jaw together in some attempt to balance out the agony. Fiery flames seemed to lick against his eyes, fading away. -- Talon was born with a unique eye color. They are a very unique shade of silver which makes them stand out amongst all his other features. However, when he becomes angry, whether he wants them to or not, his eyes will take on a slight lavender tint. Even as a human, he was bothered by the sunlight, immensely, due to the light shade of his eyes. Talon has a wide arrangement of tattoos. As a human he was always getting tattoos. This also explains his piercings and the reason that he was able to gauge out his ears without so much as a second thought. Along with the tattoos though, there are also many scars. A lot of them stem from childhood when he was incapable of understanding he was hurting himself and would get carried away with something. The burn on the back of his left hand, for example, coming from when he was young and played with a lighter.

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