#194860701Friday, July 29, 2016 1:58 PM GMT

"the problem is, you ARE an idiot." Yep... Oh by the way, excuse my typos. I tried to check for errors but I guess I missed out on some things. Hope that the article was still understandable through my few typos. I'm guessing that's a joke, though. Since you've made quite a few typos that aren't grammatically correct. In the wild, animals have to eat meat to survive. Because quite a few animals in the wild are carnivores and need meat to survive. They literally can't live without it. We humans can and thrive without it, actually. Yes, you can eat what you want but like I said to the other guy, the only real reason people continue to eat meat is either pure ignorance of meat or simply taste. By continuing to eat it after you've been shown all these facts you'd be ruining the environment, exploiting animals we don't need, people without food, and most importantly yourself. Why would you continue eating it after knowing you don't need it and that you can thrive without it? The reason why humans continue to eat meat is either pure ignorance of the effects of there meat and how it gets to their fridge or the fact that they like the taste of it. Most people don't know about meat at all because they are grown up to believe that it's all fine to eat it and teach their kids that. That's probably the reason why were here. Not to mention how shunned veganism is to the world. To make a point to anyone now a days seems almost impossible. There are plenty of foods to eat, but that's one of the biggest things people believe aren't true. I've seen people tell vegans that if they changed their lifestyle to veganism they wouldn't have any options at all. Which is quite strange, in all honestly since most of the foods you already eat are vegan. We haven't evolved to grow anymore custom to it than we ever were. We've actually are doing the opposite. Our environment is going through horrible effects because of animal agriculture. (Cowspiracy is a good documentary to watch for information on this.) To make one pound of beef it takes over 12,000 pounds of water and 13 pounds of grain. All just for one pound. Now think about how many people eat meat and how much they eat. Doesn't that seem like a lot? I can assure you it does matter to quite a lot of things. And now it's causing even more deaths because of all the illnesses it causes. ( Forks over knives is a good documentary for this too!) Meat-eaters have 50% higher chance of getting heart disease and other illnesses. This isn't even talking about the typical american diet. It also increases your chances of getting chance by 16%. Meat is one of the biggest killers and people don't even know it. "so if a cat is forced to live off plants rather then meat it will eventually die" Sorry, but that comment is false. Dogs and cats have been recently put on vegan diets due to health concerns and issues. They have been reported to even thrive and shown to have more energy and less problems. You should maybe look it up some time. There are plenty of vegan dogs everywhere on social media that are doing better than dogs that eat a meat diet. Darkness will prevail...
#194860912Friday, July 29, 2016 2:03 PM GMT

im not even going to bother responding to you anymore because now i actually have stuff to do. you were fun while u lasted tho bye
#194861424Friday, July 29, 2016 2:12 PM GMT

Because humans again, don't need meat. Animals in the wild do. Like I've said before we thrive without it. Animals also don't have factory farms where they get their food from do they? We shouldn't be comparing ourselves to animals in the wild because animals in the wild hunt for survive while humans drive to the grocery store for sheer taste. You say you're one of the strongest and fastest kids in your school, but I'm assuming since you're still in school you are still young. The effects of meat (health wise) won't catch on to you when your still in whatever grade you're in. But if continue to eat it it will definitely catch on to you sooner or later. Not to mention that you are increasing your chances and time. Also, you can get several calories from plant-based foods. You aren't limited to calories once you go vegan but get even more. Why? Because when you're on a vegan diet you get to eat more and still get more energy and calories. You aren't limited to anything. Darkness will prevail...
#194861531Friday, July 29, 2016 2:14 PM GMT

Lol, that's cute. I can't say I expected anymore from you, though. You were bland while you lasted, though. Bye-Bye! .3. Darkness will prevail...
#194861585Friday, July 29, 2016 2:15 PM GMT

"I really think we should stop wasting our time on her. Anyone who takes such a firm stance on the ethicality of not being vegan is either trolling us or a gigantic moron, and neither types of person is worth this much attention." You do know how logical that sound right? Darkness will prevail...
#194861875Friday, July 29, 2016 2:20 PM GMT

"You say you're one of the strongest and fastest kids in your school, but I'm assuming since you're still in school you are still young. The effects of meat (health wise) won't catch on to you when your still in whatever grade you're in. But if continue to eat it it will definitely catch on to you sooner or later. Not to mention that you are increasing your chances and time. Also, you can get several calories from plant-based foods. You aren't limited to calories once you go vegan but get even more. Why? Because when you're on a vegan diet you get to eat more and still get more energy and calories. You aren't limited to anything." nah man im a college player im trevone boykin
#194862407Friday, July 29, 2016 2:31 PM GMT

Well, welcome back trevone boykin. Did you finish the things you had to do? Darkness will prevail...
#194862477Friday, July 29, 2016 2:33 PM GMT

I spy with my little eye, an angry vegan gnome with an extra chromosome. When all your jokes are full of self-hatred and someone notices. (edgy, ikr)
#194862628Friday, July 29, 2016 2:35 PM GMT

Cute poem. <3 Darkness will prevail...
#194862729Friday, July 29, 2016 2:37 PM GMT

Oh shoot, the gnome is trying to communicate! When all your jokes are full of self-hatred and someone notices. (edgy, ikr)
#194863210Friday, July 29, 2016 2:45 PM GMT

Oh, sorry I only speak lettuce language. Darkness will prevail...
#194864635Friday, July 29, 2016 3:06 PM GMT

>whines about us not accepting her vegan opinions >proceeds to not accept our opinions LOGIC, right?
#194865105Friday, July 29, 2016 3:11 PM GMT

If you've read my other post you'd see I said my opinion isn't going to change unless I'm shown facts. Is that so hard to understand? No one has presented me with facts and no one has debating with me without throwing petty jabs so it seems pretty logical that I didn't pay much heed. Darkness will prevail...
#194865418Friday, July 29, 2016 3:15 PM GMT

Your argument can be debunked with pure logic, which has been said at least a couple million times already on this thread. Just because an argument is short doesn't mean it becomes a petty jab instead. If anything, it just shows how stupid you are for not taking what they're saying into consideration. It shows how simply wrong you are.
#194865701Friday, July 29, 2016 3:19 PM GMT

Plus, a couple people have taken the time to explain why you are wrong in detail, because you seem to not understand why yourself. They have provided facts that you have seemingly ignored in your quest to find factual evidence to change your opinion. You're dead set on maintaining your opinion. You're not open to other ideas and evidence that might change it, like you claim. You're just looking to try and prove people wrong, and doing pretty poorly at it.
#194866153Friday, July 29, 2016 3:26 PM GMT

Pure logic? Feel free to show me some. I've asked people to show me some facts but you're saying that I'm not up to hear others opinions? I never said just because their response was short that it became a petty jab, can you show me where I did? I was saying everyone was making petty jabs because if you read the previous comments you'd see that no one who replied has gone without calling me something such as "idiot" or "moron". It's hard to take someone serious when they insult you just for voicing their opinion. I took what they said into consideration by at least looking it up, but what I got I replied back to them. Everyone is saying that their opinions are "pure logic" and call me idiot or moron when I question it but I'm the close minded one? I don't understand that. Darkness will prevail...
#194866283Friday, July 29, 2016 3:28 PM GMT

They're not calling you an idiot because you're a vegan. They're chill with vegans. However, you are completely wrong in your thought-process and you arguments are garbage. That's why you're an idiot.
#194866583Friday, July 29, 2016 3:32 PM GMT

*eating le popcorn* When all your jokes are full of self-hatred and someone notices. (edgy, ikr)
#194866647Friday, July 29, 2016 3:33 PM GMT

Well, thanks for your opinion. I will try to improve but how are my arguments garbage and what parts of my argument did you think were garbage? What did you think was false? See, I don't think their chill with vegans. But that's an opinion,like you have yours. If you tell me what parts of my argument you thought were false then we can debate on that. But since you seem to think I'm such an idiot I don't see why you would take time to reply anywho. Darkness will prevail...
#194866703Friday, July 29, 2016 3:34 PM GMT

begs for popcorn in lettuce language Darkness will prevail...
#194866715Friday, July 29, 2016 3:34 PM GMT

Not gonna bother with individual reasons if you ask for them, while you're typing up that word wall. I really couldn't care less about this thread; I was just stating that you're wrong because I have nothing else to do and leaving. Plus, individual points aren't necessary in this case because you're so blatantly in error that it's pointless bringing up why.
#194866717Friday, July 29, 2016 3:34 PM GMT

im chill with anybody if you want to put test tubes up your nether region that's up to you i dont care man slong as you're not an idiot
#194866863Friday, July 29, 2016 3:36 PM GMT

Ah, well you posted seemingly while I was typing. At least you got one thing right; not gonna put much effort into these replies.
#194867092Friday, July 29, 2016 3:39 PM GMT

And you're not going to explain how I am wrong and how my argument is? You say I'm so in error but don't want to bother to help fix my error? If you think it's pointless to bring up then okay, bye-bye, I guess. Darkness will prevail...
#194867159Friday, July 29, 2016 3:40 PM GMT

Lol, that's cool birmie. That image wasn't really want I wanted in my head but OK. Darkness will prevail...