#144075734Wednesday, August 20, 2014 5:07 PM GMT

The LE discovered your scout operation, but they didn't stop it as they don't have any naval forces. Your scout-men are coming back soon with news. ----ARMY---- 15,000 Men of your army are warriors with swords and axes. The rest(10k men) are 'professional warriors/archers/horse&camel riders etc'.
#144075892Wednesday, August 20, 2014 5:10 PM GMT

Hmm, okay. How's the canal, is it finished? Did my invaders arrived in northern Libya? Did the three Pyramids and the Sphynx is built?
#144076472Wednesday, August 20, 2014 5:20 PM GMT

The canal is half-way to success. Your invaders arrived, and they are attacking LE. The 3 pyramids?? XD They were built in 4000 BC.
#144134427Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:27 AM GMT

Oh, that's a relief, lol. How my soldiers doing in Northern Sudan? Is there a news of the scouts in the Central Egypt?
#144147115Thursday, August 21, 2014 2:40 PM GMT

Your soldiers in Northen Sudan saved Toshazon Clans from being crushed by Libyans. Your army started attacking the LE, causing lots of damages for their structures. ------ Your scout-men in Central Egypt was back, 1/4 of them were dead. The found lots a hidden/unseen village in the desert, this village is made for the assassins' creed. The assassins attacked your scout-men.
#144147904Thursday, August 21, 2014 2:56 PM GMT

Sent 500 warriors to Central Egypt to get rid the assassins, I don't want assassins in my land, rid them once and for all. Is the fight in Northern Sudan is over? Tell my invading warriors in Libya to kill ALL of the Libyan warriors, no mercy, just don't kill civilians.
#144149511Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:24 PM GMT

You army in Libya took your orders. The battle in Northen Sudan ended, the Libyan forces failed in defeating Toshazon due to your alliance with them. 500 Warriors were sent to the desert, to kill the assassins.
#144149591Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:25 PM GMT

We tell the Toshazon clan if to become a vassal state of Egypt, protectorate of Egypt, or become part of the wealthiest country, Egypt.
#144149789Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:28 PM GMT

They accept, your land was extended to Sudan. Now, you own entire modern-day Egypt and Sudan.
#144149899Thursday, August 21, 2014 3:31 PM GMT

The Toshazons can now migrate to Egypt and the Egyptians can now migrate to Sudan. How's the fight against the assassins in the Central Desert of Egypt? Upgrade the ships so my naval forces will be strong against any battle.
#144151647Thursday, August 21, 2014 4:08 PM GMT

Ships are being upgraded. Desert fight, didn't end yet.
#144152012Thursday, August 21, 2014 4:15 PM GMT

How's the fight in Libya? Also, do I own Suez and Sinai?
#144152117Thursday, August 21, 2014 4:17 PM GMT

Your forces in Libya are destroying everything, without killing civilians. You almost won... You own Suez. But Sinai is occupied by Rome, as same as the Middle East.
#144152668Thursday, August 21, 2014 4:30 PM GMT

So, how is the education, economy in Egypt? Also, we tell the Libyan Empire to surrender now or face the mass killings of the empire. Also, tell the builders to build a stonewall in New Sphynx, by circling it, like similar to the fortress.
#144201585Friday, August 22, 2014 3:48 AM GMT

Economy is very good, you have a main treasury and an extra-treasury for emergency situations. Education rate is very low, and that is why 70% of your population are farmers. The builders are putting the design of the wall, they'll begin building it in a week. --Libyan War-- The LE refuses to surrender, you have destroyed their main structures though. Their army wasn't prepared for any attack. The Libyan civilians are beginning to surrender, but their emperor is still refusing.
#144206054Friday, August 22, 2014 5:07 AM GMT

Increase the education rate so the people of Egypt will be smart. Tell my invading forces in the Tripoli frontier that start the siege in the Tripoli's inner city. Sent a explorer to Sinai.
#144214416Friday, August 22, 2014 9:42 AM GMT

The explorer were killed by the Roman guards. 75% Of the canal is built. Your army are trapping the inner city of Tripoli. Your advisor spent some money on new local schools, teachers etc.
#144214958Friday, August 22, 2014 10:04 AM GMT

How many soldiers have been recruited in Alexandria? Tell the Toshazon tribes to attack the southern citiess of Libya with the help of my army.
#144217891Friday, August 22, 2014 11:30 AM GMT

500 People recruited, and the number is increasing. The Toshazon Clans sent 1000 warriors with your army, Libya is falling. ---- Your border guards discovered a secret underground tunnel starts form Sinai to your land, the Roman are using it to spy on you!
#144220195Friday, August 22, 2014 12:35 PM GMT

Those fvcking Caesar stalkers, Sent 150 men where my border guards discovered a secret underground tunnel and tell the border guards to guard the secret underground tunnel and wait the army to arrived. And trained 500 recruited men in Alexandria.
#144302439Saturday, August 23, 2014 8:57 AM GMT

Your guards caught the spy, he's a hostage now. They're bringing him to you. Your canal is nearly finished. The stonewall is being built. ------ Libya finally surrendered, their emperor is a hostage in your army now. Education rate is starting to increase slowly.
#144302625Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:04 AM GMT

Bring the Roman spy to me, this is gotta be great. Bring the Libyan emperor to Alexandria, Egypt and treat him good, if he is insulting Egypt then punch him until he passed out. We tell the surrendered Libyan Empire to become part of Egypt. (Not becoming vassal state nor not becoming a protectorate state.)
#144303404Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:30 AM GMT

The LE immediately agrees. The Libyan emperor was treated good, and he didn't insult Egypt. The spy was brought to your palace, with 10 warriors guarding you from him. ------ There are rumors that Goddess Hapi, the god of Nile River, has got angry and he'll make the Nile flood.
#144308565Saturday, August 23, 2014 12:32 PM GMT

So, is the Libyan Empire is now part of the Egypt? Did the Libyan emperor has arrived in Alexandria? Approach to the spy and I said to him, "Hah! A Roman spy! For the first time, we've finally catch a dirty Caesar. Now tell me, why are you here, spy?" I wait for his response. That rumor is actually fake, don't trust that kind of rumor, no one is a god of the Nile River, we Egyptians don't believe that. Sent 300 soldiers to the border between the Sinai with the 150 soldiers guarding to make sure that the Romans wouldn't get through and invade Egypt and also sent some 60 border guards with soldiers to the underground tunnel near Sinai. Sent 50 ships to guard the North Coast of Egypt (20km in Alexandria in water) to make sure the Roman ships couldn't go to the North Coast of Egypt and start invading.
#144400552Sunday, August 24, 2014 2:45 PM GMT

Yes, the LE is now a part of Egypt, the same as Sudan. Yes, the LE emperor arrived to Alexandria. Border guards were sent to the tunnel, ships were sent to the North Coast. The canal is finished, your builders are checking that there are no wrong parts. ------ "I'm spying, I thought that was clear.. as you called me (spy)." Said the spy in a sarcastic accent, and a small smile at his face."