#144941891Sunday, August 31, 2014 2:18 AM GMT

Legath feels the eye actually angering him, for an unknown reason. He wanted to crush it now, but he knew he couldn't. He had to keep it for Tol. Not for this "Reth". His mind swirls, as he does not know what to call Tol anymore. In fact, he isn't even sure he quite knows him anymore. "What do you mean? So his real name is Reth?"
#144942870Sunday, August 31, 2014 2:28 AM GMT

"No, his real name is Tol. Well, at least, NOW it is. But speaking of the here and now....." The eye splits, sending out a column of steam into the air and a plume of lava into the ground. The ground shook and split as a stone-clad creature thrashed its way to the surface, its drills whirring and converting into pincers and a stinger. "The Ground shall rupture," the stone scorpion intoned with a growl. The steam solidified and materialized into shining wings attached to a long body. A metallic dragonfly, with wings whirring at incredible speed, hovered above the rocky counterpart. "The Sky shall shake." Name(No last name required, but include a title): Bret'Xi'Kev, the RiftScourge Gender(Yes, you can be both, or neither): Genderless/male Sphere of Influence(Basically, what you represent as a god): Earthquakes/seismic activity Personality(Should coincide with your sphere of Influence): One who enjoys chaos and generally breaking things, Bret is blunt, proud and easily angered. It views itself as a powerful force of nature, and holds the belief that those who get in its way are fools. Quick to jump to conclusions and to act, Bret enjoys challenging stronger opponents to friendly yet territorial duels, often resulting in his loss. Rarely does he fight to the death. Appearance(Crazy as you like, be a blob of energy for all I care): Bret is a large scorpion made entirely of super-compressed stone and rock, occasionally dripping magma depending on how deep in the earth he just was. Mounted where the stinger and claws should be are three rapidly spinning drills, which convert into a real stinger or pincers should the need arise. Bret's voice sounds like a deep churning of gravel and rock. He has three eyes made of magma, two on his face and the third mounted on his head, staring directly upwards. Bio(What happened around you over the 12-17 years of all this?): Bret has been dormant, locked inside the Eye of Reth for many years. Other(Anything else?): Tunnels CħλરλȻτεર Sħεετ Name(No last name required, but include a title): Koh'Ter'Hekk, the Jagged Wing Gender(Yes, you can be both, or neither): Genderless/male Sphere of Influence(Basically, what you represent as a god): The atmosphere/altitude Personality(Should coincide with your sphere of Influence): Koh lives for speed. His mannerisms are rapid, cold and calculating. But as much as he loves speed, he also loves screaming, bleeding enemies. He hates being restrained and being in closed spaces, heavily preferring the open air for him to soar through and dive upon his foes. Swooping down and slashing at his victims, he rarely kills, as he is more of a trickster like his brother. Appearance(Crazy as you like, be a blob of energy for all I care): Koh is a large dragonfly consisting entirely of gleaming steel. His bladed wings can move at speeds greater than those of a hummingbird, allowing him to expertly maneuver his form. Vents and jets on his metallic body constantly emit steam, or blast fire as he rockets through the atmosphere. Unlike a standard dragonfly, Koh has two short arms that end in sharp claws and sharp spines running down the length of his back. His voice is a hissing rasp, and his mouth emits steam when he speaks. His four multi-lensed eyes are made of a grey-tinted, extremely durable glass. Bio(What happened around you over the 12-17 years of all this?): Koh has been dormant, locked inside the Eye of Reth for many years. Other(Anything else?): Tunnels
#144943461Sunday, August 31, 2014 2:35 AM GMT

(Both accepted and neutral.) Legath growls once again, sending a powerful spell flying at both the stone scorpion and the metallic dragonfly, blasting them backwards. (Legath vs. Bret'Xi'Kev and Koh'Ter'Hekk BEGIN!)
#144944385Sunday, August 31, 2014 2:44 AM GMT

"Hostile! Arrogant!" Koh screeched. "Mean person! Bad!" The evidently less intellligent Bret yelled. "You dare threaten us upon the instant of our emergence?" "What if HE killed Tol? "Then we shall tear HIS eye out as retribution!" The dragonfly lunged, claws spread, and the scorpion charged, snapping his pincers in anticipation.
#144945248Sunday, August 31, 2014 2:53 AM GMT

(Legath vs. Bret and Koh) Round 1 results! Out of d6: Legath: 5 Bret: 2 Koh: 1 Bret and Koh both move in for their attacks, and are instead swarmed by shadowy phantoms, who damage them as Legath blasts Bret, and kicks out at Koh, who is thrown to the ground. Legath smirks. "You sounded quite malevolent from what I heard. You said things to me you will soon regret."
#144946979Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:12 AM GMT

Koh leapt back into the air with a sweep of his wings. "A strong one. Not to mention it has been long since we sparred with a worthy opponent." Bret eagerly nodded. "Can we fight him?" "Prove you can withstand our might and we shall forget our nuisances towards you. In return you will inform us of the recent happenings of this plane. A friendly match, no blood will be spilled. Do you accept?" The grey glass lenses coldly analyzed Legath, twitching and clicking.
#144947529Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:18 AM GMT

Sensing another fight breaking out, yet god on god.. No more killing for spheres. The three could see a flash of crimson, as the War God's large form was silhouetted in the blood red light.
#144958987Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:56 AM GMT

Legath nods, temporarily ignoring Vraxx's sudden appearance, then half bows, half kneels, and stands upright once more. "I accept." He then turns to Vraxx. "Yes, Vraxx?"
#144975817Sunday, August 31, 2014 2:47 PM GMT

The pair took note of Vraxx's appearance. "He has the stench of a conqueror! Was it he who ended the Astral's existence?"
#145006922Sunday, August 31, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

"No, it wasn't him. It was one much more powerful." Legath responds, staring at Vraxx. Why had Vraxx come? To help him? Merely to observe the fight. "I was just about to spar with these two." he tells Vraxx.
#145011342Sunday, August 31, 2014 9:43 PM GMT

bump again
#145016812Sunday, August 31, 2014 10:44 PM GMT

#145019629Sunday, August 31, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

(banned for a day) (Huge)
#145029864Monday, September 01, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

"Disregard the petty fight. You will inform us of the being who destroyed Tol, so that we may enact retribution and continue with the directive."
#145030251Monday, September 01, 2014 1:24 AM GMT

"You two.. welps would be slain within seconds, if you encounter the being who ended the life of Tol'Reth'Mus." Vraxx glared, crossing his arms as he stared at the two.
#145032121Monday, September 01, 2014 1:46 AM GMT

Legath simply laughs weakly, a malicious grin on his face. "Yes, yes, quite true." he muses, twirling his finger. "But onto the point." he continues, drawing a sword. "I, Legath, God of Enchantments, The Frozen One, Phantom Terror, Summoner of Birds, and Master of Shadows, accept your challenge to a duel."
#145035019Monday, September 01, 2014 2:22 AM GMT

The attention of Bret and Koh has completely shifted over to Vraxx instead of Legath. "Yes yes, whatever," muttered the flyer. "So who was it? Was he strong?" The scorpion scowled. "If he's strong then we can kill him."
#145035100Monday, September 01, 2014 2:23 AM GMT

"if he's strong than we can kill him" lold quick! into the ot mobile! | shtoopidety
#145035841Monday, September 01, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

Legath readies his sword. "Ready or not...Here I come!" he shouts deviously.
#145039059Monday, September 01, 2014 3:07 AM GMT

Koh, with a look of irritation on his face, peers around, noticing the destruction. "Only an Old one could've caused this," he hissed. He began to fly upwards, circling the area and scoping out for any possible suspects. Bret stared at Legath sheepishly. "Uhhhh. Fights are fun, but we need to find the Old guy and complete the mission. Super secret, I can't tell you about the Tower or anything, so don't even think about asking, bub!" The scorpion squinted. "Oh. Oooohhhh. I said the thiiiing."
#145042781Monday, September 01, 2014 3:46 AM GMT

Legath grins wider than before. "Oh, no. You challenged me to a fight. You will not simply back down like that. The ancient one is far too powerful for me, what makes you think you are any match?" he asks quite impatiently. "You have challenged me, I refuse to let you back down. Besides, the ancient one is long gone by now."
#145052273Monday, September 01, 2014 5:43 AM GMT

(Is anyone else going to post?) No, no, no, I'm not insulting you. I'm describing you.
#145052875Monday, September 01, 2014 5:52 AM GMT

(my people are inactive)
#145065411Monday, September 01, 2014 12:23 PM GMT

Bret only frowned. "Tol was strong. Mere Ancient he can kill. Does that mean-" Koh swooped down and stopped abruptly, steam hissing from his joints. "One of the Four?" He asked, slowly and coldly. They looked at each other, as of having a silent conversation. "After we beat you, you shall tell us what we need to know."
#145196338Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:14 PM GMT

"You quite overestimate yourselves." Legath waits, standing in the same place as before, unmoving and still. "You may have the first move..."