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Top 100 Poster
#143857717Sunday, August 17, 2014 7:43 PM GMT

1: Be more transparent with how things work - Nobody knows how the reporting works, nobody knows what all is being updated when the game updates, no patch notes are posted, no progress reports are given. Games such as Wildstar or Path of Exile are very good in this regard, having significant patch notes, posting a wealth of information about future updates that isn't just hype - they go into why they are doing what they are doing. 2: Either strictly enforce or abandon the whole "kid-friendly" thing - Right now, Roblox is filled with users posting things that are, according to the rules, inappropriate, and getting away with it quite easily, thinking they're 2edgy4u because they posted BAD WORDS ON A KID GAME! oh no! 2a: If you're going to strictly enforce the whole kid-friendly thing, don't dumb the content down or let it get dumbed down due to negligence - Kids can deal with darker concepts, such as loss or fear, but it has to be dealt with in a mature (not rated M for mature, intellectually mature) way. 2b: If you're going to abandon the whole kid-friendly thing, don't dumb the content down or let it get dumbed down due to negligence - There's already enough stereotypes of gamers being closed-minded neanderthals that enjoy violence and content that is currently (supposedly) not appropriate for Roblox; you can allow more "edgy" content, but don't let the edginess be what you're going for, after all, that's what we see half the time on Roblox now. 3: Implement "milestone" awards for reaching a certain number of place visits, KOs, et cetera: Right now, you either put forth a lot of effort and succeed and acheive notability, put forth a lot of effort and fail, or put forth no effort and fail. There needs to be a middle ground that can be reached through eventually getting to a certain point where you'll be recognized for at least existing. 4: Revamp the forums entirely. Currently, they are woefully out of date and broken. Online games have one thing going for them that offline does not and that is community (speaking in broad strokes by the way), and Roblox needs to embrace it further than they have. 4a: Hide post counts. They only serve as fodder for ad hominem attacks against people with lower post counts. 5: Remove the ability to disable comments on items such as places, models, and clothing. The feature does far more to prevent constructive criticism and warning against scams than it does to prevent spam. Spammers and victims of chain comment scams will go to the hats to find open comment sections, disabling comments only lets content creators bury their head in the sand and pretend they're perfect. tl;dr: tell us what's going on, either be kid friendly or dont, make the area between being an unknown and being famous matter, fix the forums, force comments to be enabled
#143858064Sunday, August 17, 2014 7:48 PM GMT

Yes. The mods suck at their job now. Back in '09 I saw everyone who got reported banned/warned. Now people can get away with calling all African-Amerians racist names.
Top 100 Poster
#143858345Sunday, August 17, 2014 7:52 PM GMT

I think the problem you bring up is less a failing of the mods and more a failing to have any sort of backlash for constant/inaccurate reports, or a reward for accurate reports. Good reports get drowned in a sea of bad reports, so many will be missed and any sort of automation would bring up false positives like the plague, so why bother?
#143859820Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:12 PM GMT

Being an 07er doesnt make you better then everyone else
#143862009Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:41 PM GMT

Support, but I disagree with 4a. I enjoy seeing just how much I have been in the forums (not very much). @Hollie: It actually kind of does. More experience. More mature. Personally, I am ashamed that I did not join ROBLOX sooner. Anyway, support. >I will rip out your duodenum
#143862351Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

No. It really doesn't.
#143863204Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:56 PM GMT

@hollie a 2013er getting pwned by a 2007er.
#143863319Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

oh and hollie, just because you use grammar, doesn't mean you are better than a 07'er. Btw he's the Top 100 poster
#143863399Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:58 PM GMT

Full support.
#143863687Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:02 PM GMT

Full support. [2]
#143864446Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:12 PM GMT

@Fire Being an 07'er doesn't make you superior in any way. It just means you've wasted your life on an online game more than most of us here. @Op I support your idea completely. The moderators do a terrible job of moderation. One of my friends got his pas'word changed by a hacker. He was able to get his account back through his email, then he reported him for phishing/account theft. You know what happened to the guy who hacked him? NOTHING, WHEN ROBLOX SAYS THE HACKING CAN GET YOUR ACCOUNT DELETED
Top 100 Poster
#143865088Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:19 PM GMT

@Hollie: Of course it doesn't. But it does mean I know what Roblox was like back in the day, and I know what has worked in Roblox's favor and what hasn't. But hey, thanks for wasting a post complaining about something that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. @CHEEZE: Did he have any actual proof of the hacking? Even if so, I mentioned the current problems with the report system in a previous post. @the guy disagreeing with 4a: As long as there is post counts, there will be very little more than people posting one sentence in order to boost their post count instead of contributing to the discussion. I am looking at you, guys saying "full support" without going into any sort of detail why.
#143866148Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:32 PM GMT

@devon someone with 16 post is in the top 10.
#143866451Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:35 PM GMT

@hollie proof?
#143866711Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:38 PM GMT

Full support [3] `Bow down to my siggy`
#143867672Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:52 PM GMT

op just has more experience pls, join date doest matter
#143868136Sunday, August 17, 2014 9:58 PM GMT

All of you going join date doesn't change anything, are incorrect. By joining in 2007, it is presumable that he has seen what ROBLOX was before, and see what the mods have done, why they did it, and how the people reacted to it. Therefore, he would presumable me more apt to make a correct suggestion. I joined in 2008, and I agree with OP. If he joined in 2007, left for 7 years, and just returned, that would be a different story. However, looking at his thousands of posts, that suggests differently. Full support. OP FTW. -Numbers
#143868353Sunday, August 17, 2014 10:00 PM GMT

#143868852Sunday, August 17, 2014 10:06 PM GMT

All of my support, no doubt about it.
#143869713Sunday, August 17, 2014 10:16 PM GMT

I support 1,2,2b,3,and 4. The rest are not good ideas though.
#143870391Sunday, August 17, 2014 10:24 PM GMT

@devon find him yourself I will Try find him though
#143870769Sunday, August 17, 2014 10:28 PM GMT

@hollie At no point did he say that he is better than everyone else.
#143871219Sunday, August 17, 2014 10:34 PM GMT

"an 07er's" I was trying to say why did he say that
#143872130Sunday, August 17, 2014 10:46 PM GMT

That's just his title, he can put whatever he wants that relates to the idea. It can be something silly, serious, or anything. And that's just what he chose, so could you stop obsessing over the word 07er?
#143873082Sunday, August 17, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

brb going to take piss out of the title lolol jk

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