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#1441139Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:59 AM GMT

Important scripting Notes: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cframe: Position of a brick or model/object ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morphs: Building the morph is fun but it can get tricky. First, build your morph but make sure the parts of it are Welded at the joints. name the left leg "Left Leg" the right leg "Right Leg" the torso "Torso" the left arm "Left Arm" the right arm "Right Arm" and the head "Head" and make sure any other parts are called "Part". Make sure the torso is touching the left and right legs or when ever you try to jump, you wont be able to move. Now for the hard part. Group the bricks in the morph and name the new model "Dalek". Now insert humanoid for the model and put it in the model. Now, open up the insert menu and go to all models and insert another morph. Go to the explorer and you should see a plus by the morph you just inserted. Click that plus and find the Dalek and open that up. find the daleks "IsaDalek" and move it to your dalek. Then group the button and the dalek you made together. Then, exit and save two times. You're done! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Texture Types: Smooth: No special property Brick: Connects to Inlet Inlet: Connects to Brick, and Hinge Glue: Connects to any surface if Glue is on side of brick it is connecting to Hinge: Hinges on side connected to Inlet Motor: Connects to anything and property can be changed in "Explorer" Window Weld: Holds Together the weld is connected to; NOTE: Animation is not possible this way ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important scripts: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCO SCRIPT: while true do script.Parent.Color = Color3.new(math.random(), math.random(), math.random()) wait(0.5) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGENERATION BUTTON Insert a Brick and name it "Button" Place this script insinde the button: model = game.Workspace.MyModelName -----Change this to model name messageText = "Regenerating MyModelName..." ----Change this to the text U see message = Instance.new("Message") message.Text = messageText backup = model:clone() enabled = true function regenerate() message.Parent = game.Workspace model:remove() wait(4) -- display regen message for 4 seconds model = backup:clone() model.Parent = game.Workspace model:makeJoints() message.Parent = nil enabled = false wait(30) enabled = true end function onHit(hit) if (hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil) and enabled then regenerate() end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onHit) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS SCRIPT IS IF U WANT THE THING THAT UR REGENERATING TO DISSAPEAR BEFORE IT REGENS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTO REGEN SCRIPT: model = game.Workspace.MyModelName messageText = "Regenerating MyModelName..." message = Instance.new("Message") message.Text = messageText backup = model:clone() while true do wait(300) -- regenerate this model every 300 seconds message.Parent = game.Workspace model:remove() wait(4) -- display regen message for 4 seconds model = backup:clone() model.Parent = game.Workspace model:makeJoints() message.Parent = nil end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORPHS: Get a 4x4 brick and name it "Button" Insert this script into button: Dalek = script.Parent.Parent.Dalek:clone() Oridalek = script.Parent.Parent.Dalek Oridalek:breakJoints() Oridalek.Humanoid.Health = 100 function unglitch(dalek) dalek.Torso.Anchored = true h = Instance.new("Hint") h.Text = "Morphing, please wait" h.Parent = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(dalek) wait(1) h.Text = "Morphing, please wait." wait(1) h.Text = "Morphing, please wait.." wait(1) h.Text = "Morphing, please wait..." wait(1) h.Text = "Morphing, please wait...." wait(1) h.Parent = nil dalek.Torso.Anchored = false end function onTouched(hit) if (hit.Parent:findFirstChild("IsaDalek")~= nil) then return end if (game.Players:playerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)~= nil) then newDalek = Dalek:clone() c = newDalek:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do if (c[i].className == "Part") then c[i].Anchored = false c[i].CanCollide = true end end newDalek.Parent = game.Workspace newDalek:makeJoints() newDalek.Name = "YourCreaturesName (".. hit.Parent.Name..")" newDalek.Controller = 7 game.Players:findFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name).Character = newDalek unglitch(newDalek) Oridalek:breakJoints() Oridalek.Humanoid.Health = 100 end end connection = script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main resource roblox wiki
#1441204Saturday, June 21, 2008 5:08 AM GMT


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