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#144524563Tuesday, August 26, 2014 12:45 AM GMT

As the title says, this isn't a RolePlay in itself, but a description of all of my character as of 8/25/14. I create variants/new characters daily, and sometimes completely redo characters, which is why I'm leaving this open to replies, so I can make changes. Also, I would like some feedback as well, whether positive or negative. Please leave said feedback in a constructive manner, I don't really want "ur stupid ur karucters suk" all over here, at least state what I can do to improve said character. I will put *New* next to new characters, stating that they are new, and, as a biproduct of said 'new-ness' they are incomplete. ~: Cy :~ Pronunciation: "Sigh" Race: Voidling (Void-Walker, void-man, they all apply. I don't know of an official 'species'.) My opinion: Cy is quite possibly one of my most powerful characters. He's also one of the best looking when it comes to ROBLOX's character design. I find him to be interesting to RP with, and he can fit in many situations, whether it be fantasy or post-apocalyptic. Beyond that, him being combat-based, he wouldn't fit into, say, Complex RolePlay. Physical Description: Cy measures in at a maximum height of 8'3" (~2.5 meters) and a minimum height of 5'4" (~1.6 meters). His height differences will be explained in his bio. His attire consists of a black trench coat with what seems to be black jeans on his legs, that is, when his legs are visible. He has a red scarf on that is wrapped up around his face. A black hood is over his head, which shrouds his head completely in darkness. A blonde tuft of hair sticks out from the hood, but, other than that, his skin is a mystery. He wears black gloves and his boots seem to be just an average pair of work boots. Cy also has two knee pads, one green, one brown. He carries a large katana on his back (*In certain RolePlays he may have the Buster Sword, which is seen in some Final Fantasy games) which changes height with him. It is always 6 inches (15.24 cm) shorter than his maximum height. His physical build is only slightly above that of the average human male, but, given his height, average build for him is overly-buff for a normal sized man. Age: His age is unknown, but it is far over a thousand years. Bio/Abilities: Cy (when applicable) is the head of the Seven Lords of Darkness. This makes him basically the God of Darkness, which in its own right makes him already very powerful. Despite this, he seeks out other powers, like fire (the red scarf), light (the blonde tuft of hair), water (The jeans, though not blue, represent this), earth (the brown kneepad), life (the green kneepad) and death (His black clothing both represents death and darkness, along with void, but he already posessed Darkness and Void powers.). Cy, though a Lord of Darkness, is a voidling. His physical body lies within the void, so, technically, he doesn't have a physical body whilst in (our) world. (Note: This doesn't make Cy invincible, as every strike seems to land on a physical body, but it drains his energy. This is signifigantly less effective than it normally would be, therefore giving Cy greater vitality. Energy drains do not work on him, they have the same effectiveness as normal blows.) His height varies on light-level. If there is a lot of light, he becomes extremely tall. If there is low light, he becomes very short. (*This is due to light casting larger shadows.) In darkness he also becomes much more powerful. In near pitch-black conditions, he becomes one with the darkness, completely disappearing. He can create these conditions at will. Cy, as stated earlier, came from the void. For quite some time, he stayed there, running his duty as the Head of the Dark Council, but, he soon decided that it wasn't for him. He couldn't just resign, as to lose your spot at the head, someone would have to be strong enough to beat one off of the top. Cy keeps the position as a "trump card", and uses it to get one-up on people who he can't seem to talk into something, but this is rare, as he's typically by himself. Other: Cy is affiliated with Luna (*She will be input somewhere down the line) as her Guardian. This is a slightly different variant of Cy, though, he posesses many of the same powers. In post-apocalyptic games like After The Flash, Cy loses many of the fantasy-based abilities, but gains immense physical strength and becomes god-like with any weapon. ~: Eir Cubus :~ (*Applicable ERP Character) Pronunciation: "Air" "Cube"-"us" Race: Succubus My opinion: I like using Eir at times, but she can be a hugely varied character. As a succubus she can be really... Well... Succubus-y, and is one of the few characters I use in ERPs. Outside of ERPs I try to keep her as one of those characters that dislikes what she is and attempts to deny any of the things that succubi do. Physical Description: Eir appears to be 21 years of age. She has red hair that seems almost an unnatural tone and, being a succubus, has rather large, erm, 'features'. She's a little above the average human male height, which is quite a bit over the average human female height. Height in question is about 5'10". She wears a white shirt and a red scarf, which is the same shade of red as her hair. Her pants are black slacks with a gothic looking belt, she also wears a black-and-white bracelet. One of her more noticeable features (other than her 'features') is the visor she wears over her eyes. Other than that, she has a tail that seems to be made purely of fire, but, at times the fire can go out, revealing her true demon tail. The tail isn't optional, but she can summon and (excuse this, but) 'put away' her wings at will. Her demonic form is fairly similar to a Flame Atronach from The Elder Scrolls 6 Skyrim, except she actually retains skin and has a tail. She, going back to it, also retains her 'features'. Her eyes will not be disclosed until in-game. Eir is caucasian in skin-tone. Bio/Abilities: Eir is, as stated before, a succubus. She was born in (I really don't want a content deleted so, despite it not being the same thing, I'm going to refer as the demon's domain as the "underworld") The Underworld and left soon after her creation. She walked the Mortal Earth for practically all of her life and has no intentions of returning to The Underworld. Her family had met an eery fate, which, from that statement, means they died. Succubi (in my modified version) have specific areas that transmit their magical 'abilities' of attraction. Most succubi's abilities come from their 'features', but others transmit from other areas. Eir's happen to be her eyes, which is why she wears her visor. The visor's materials block the attraction powers from seeping out. (Again, in my variant) The abilities are counteracted if one has true feelings for the succubus in question. (In an ERP, if you get 'with' Eir for long enough, she will then be able to remove her visor, revealing her eyes.) Though she has access to fire abilities, Eir is not a combat-based character. She is practically useless in combat unless said person is relying on conventional weapons. Other: I don't give out PTK for Eir, typically, because you really have no reason to attack her, unless your character is anti-demon. If said situation arises, I may give PTK, depending on the situation. I don't usually get descriptive with her in-game, due to my not wanting to get reported by some do-good child. Then again, I don't really have problems with people doing that if they truly dislike what they are seeing. ~: Rai :~ (*Another possible ERP character) Pronunciation: "Rye" (The bread) My opinion: Rai is THE most varied character I have. I have WAY too many variants of him to describe, so I'm just going to go over (briefly) his typical looks. His abilities vary SO much I can't even begin to describe those, either. Physical Description: Rai typically ages between 14 and 26. His normal height is between 5'-6'6" (~1.5-1.9 meters) More likely than not Rai will have black hair and, usually, is a combat-based character. Chances are, if I'm using Rai, you'll have to pay attention to get to know him. He is also ALWAYS caucasian. Bio: I can't even. Other: Rai, as stated several times before, can vary a LOT. He can be some ultimate fighter, or just an average guy. Examine how I'm RPing before you interact with me, so you know what I have. Due to Darkened Dawn's Bio system, your job just got 10x easier. If I'm in ATF (After the Flash, for those who may not know) with Rai, he's combat based. End of story. ~: Reaper Lynn :~ (*New*) Pronunciation: "L-in" My opinion: Lynn is my newest character (As of 8/25/2014) and adding up to one of my favorites so far. She's balanced, so she isn't quite OP, but at the same time isn't a pushover. It is possible to casual RP with her, but I'm not all too sure about ERP yet. I'll see how I develop her. Physical Description (1): Lynn has two types of appearances. I'll explain why in the "other" section. In-Game, Lynn wears the stereotypical mage's hat with a skull and crossbones on it. Her hair is long, straight, and black (Heh... No.) and she wears a longcoat. She carries a scythe named Icu. The scythe has a silver shaft with black lines running up it, though, they're more curved and random than straight. The blade of it is the opposite, black with silver lines. She wears a visor that simply hides her eyes. (Like Eir, you'd have to be in-game for me to describe her eyes, I wouldn't want to ruin the secret.) Lynn's coat is black, along with the hat. Physical Description (2): Lynn's other variant is moreover the opposite when it comes to primary color. Her hair is still black, but her coat is white. In this variant, she wears no hat, but instead the skulls are at the bottom of her coat. The only change to Icu is that his blade, like the rest of him, is silver. The black accents still remain, however. The visor she wears is silver instead of black in this form, also. Icu's human form has him wearing a silver tuxedo with the black accents, similarly to the scythe. His hair is black with silver highlights. Icu's skin tone, despite the thought of it being silver, is actually a light caucasian. Lynn's skin is also caucasian (if it hasn't been noticed, I'm staying away from 'white' just in case) but it has a darker complexion. (I have no idea how to spell that word, lol.) She clocks in at about 5'7" (~1.7 meters) Bio/Abilities: Lynn is known in the Reaper community as "The Mad Reaper". Most of the time she wears a sickly mad grin and laughs crazily at random intervals for absolutely no reason. Though it may seem she is a total nutcase, she does have a sane side, and, if questioned about her laughing, she seems to not know that she did it. Lynn also has a tendancy to call others weird, when she is, in fact, the weird one. Lynn's origins are unknown. (I haven't come up with them, but I'm probably just going to keep her as a drifter, which will save me some extra story-space.) Icu has the ability to transform into a human, but can only stay in human form for a few hours at a time. (This is not from Soul Eater, as I watched that anime very shortly after creating Lynn. The main difference between Icu and a Soul Eater weapon is that Icu is a weapon imbued with a human's soul. In Soul Eater the human-weapon 'sharehold' is mutual.) Lynn is fairly powerful, having the ability to one-hit any being with a soul, as long as they aren't aware of her being a Soul Reaper. (I may add a bit of the Reaper Lore in a later post, because my variant of Reapers is probably VERY different from yours, dear reader.) Lynn also has the tendancy (tendency?) of calling people by their soul type. If one has a more powerful soul, she may call him "Greater Soul" or "Grand Soul" or even "Ultima Soul". If one has a not-so-great soul she'll call you "Lesser Soul". The average soul is just "Soul" to her. Other: The reasoning behind Lynn's second description isn't just another variant of her, but also because she'll be a part of a possible webcomic. In said webcomic I got to play with her appearance however I saw fit, so I changed her heavily. If the comic is released, which I hope it is, as I'm helping out with it, I will post the name/link of it in a future post. ~: Mi-Anne :~ (*New* *Possible ERP Character) Pronunciation: "Me" "An" My Opinion: Mi-Anne is a new character that I've been liking lately, but, I'm not all too sure what role she can be. Her setup allows her to be part of an ERP if I use her, but I have yet to attempt it, or even put much thought into it. Physical Appearance: Mi-Anne has long, black hair and wears a grey-ish hat on top of it. She is about three-fourths Japanese, but has never lived in the country. (She doesn't speak Japanese either, I didn't really want to put that in the bio.) She wears a long trench coat, which is never buttoned, but it is also never open. There really isn't too much more to her appearance other than that. She's around 5'9" (~1.75 meters). Bio: Mi-Anne works alongside the police force, but isn't exactly enrolled with them. If comperable to anything, she's a private investigator of sorts. No one really knows why she does it, or how she gets her information, but she does. Mi-Anne carries an array of weapons (I haven't even created all of them, and only two have been used) which include her two personal favorites: a black pistol named "Angel", a white pistol named "Demon". She has a strong hate towards both creatures, and, like most things about her, no one knows. Other: I don't have much to put in her 'other' slot. Eh. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, well, I'm going to cut it off here and continue tomorrow. It's getting late and I wrote all of this in one sitting. x.x By the way, if you're wondering, I am female. If you have any questions about any of my characters, I can elaborate and explain in further detail. Thanks for reading, if you did. I moreover made this as a reference for those to look at if I'm talking about a character and don't feel like explaining it. ~TheBattleMedic(zimey1)
#144554442Tuesday, August 26, 2014 10:37 AM GMT

~: Nora :~ Pronunciation: N/A My opinion: Nora is one of my best comedy-based characters. She can fit into combat decently as a support role, too. I enjoy using her, as she's probably one of my youngest characters. Physical Description: Nora is a fairly short neko, standing at about 4'9". She wears a brownish armor, but it seems to also be laced with cloths and such, so it's been seen more as clothes than as armor. She (like most of my characters, I'll say it just because I do have a few odd-balls) has caucasian skin that has been tanned from her time outside. She carries a staff, which looks almost like a stick except for the object at the top. Said object is a very small griffin, about a foot or two in length. (I don't have much time for the metric conversion.) The staff is quit a bit taller than Nora, but she still keeps it around. Her eyes are different colors; her left is cyan, the right crimson. She is around 14 years of age. (*At times I have made her younger, and, by right of age, shorter.) She has long brown hair that is oddly well kept. Her ears and tail, however, are black/grey. Bio/Abilities: Nora comes from a world of her own making. She didn't really know of the presence of humans until recently. (At times, she still won't in the beginning of a RolePlay.) Upon meeting people she tends to get attached to them if enough time has been spent between them. More often than not, the first person she meets she will follow into town. Nora has the ability to transform into a domestic cat. This cat form is primarily black, though there are black streaks going down its back. She retains her eye color in this form. Nora typically plays a healing role in combat, though the process is slow (to prevent godmodding) and usually won't create a full recovery, but a temporary solution. She can, however, fully heal someone outside of combat fairly easily. Nora does have quite a few attacks of her own and she can use the staff fairly well as a melee weapon, but, given her age, she isn't exactly on par with most opponents. Other: Nora is one of my few non-solo characters. I tend to be a solo RPer, but, with Nora, I typically need a RP partner.
#144554868Tuesday, August 26, 2014 10:53 AM GMT


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