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#144551006Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:15 AM GMT

I'd like it if we could track more threads, because there are lots of moments I'd like to hold onto. Have you tried turning it off and on again? - Roy
#144551019Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:15 AM GMT

There's a limit? O_o
#144551053Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:17 AM GMT

I didn't even know there was a limit.. If there is, support.
#144551055Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:17 AM GMT

@xthis I think so. Maybe it's just me, but if I add another tracked thread, one disappears. Have you tried turning it off and on again? - Roy
#144551086Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:18 AM GMT

Imagine, how many TB Roblox uses right now. If it would be added, the website would lag, because lots of TB are used.
#144551105Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:19 AM GMT

Also, this can be abused. Just telling you. 75% support overall.
#144551126Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:20 AM GMT

@xthis How can this be abused? Have you tried turning it off and on again? - Roy
#144551148Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:21 AM GMT

RTers and OTers track threads very often, especially if there's a flame war.
#144551187Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:24 AM GMT

@xthis I know, isn't that great? That means wonderful flame wars will be captured forever. Have you tried turning it off and on again? - Roy
#144551324Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:31 AM GMT

Or just locked posts that are around 3 months hold..
#144553804Tuesday, August 26, 2014 10:12 AM GMT

#144560827Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:51 PM GMT

bump. Have you tried turning it off and on again? - Roy

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