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#144599556Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

The snap of gunfire sounded around you, rousing you from your sleep groggily until you someone, one of your tent mates, grabbed your collar, shaking you awake, "GET THE HELL UP! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" He screamed, letting you go as he cocked the chamber on his gun, crouching by the tent flap. "Role playing bios are allowed in this forum. This is a forum for all roleplaying, it's pretty simple."-Gordonrox24///#GetRektCyantic
#144599757Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:19 AM GMT

What's around me? Do I have a gun anywhere nearby? I snap out of my bed and reach for my gun, if I have one, of course.
#144600355Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:25 AM GMT

(It would be in your benefit to do this story mode, not ISRP mode, like third person or first, without asking whats around, actually look, makes it better for me than just answering questions constantly) Your gun should be stashed beneath your bed, which you find and grab. You're in a basic green tent, two cots on either side, yours and your tent mates. Gunshots are cracking outside, and the tent rips as a bullet tears through it a bit towards the back. "Role playing bios are allowed in this forum. This is a forum for all roleplaying, it's pretty simple."-Gordonrox24///#GetRektCyantic
#144600773Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:29 AM GMT

I grab my gun, placing the magazine in the magwell quickly. I grip i from it's pistol grip and handguard, peering outside the tent quickly, observing where the shots are coming from.
#144600970Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

You're pulled back suddenly, a knife coming at your throat, though it veers away as your tent partner catches the wrist, "GET HIM!" He shouts. It appears the rip was not caused by a bullet after all. "Role playing bios are allowed in this forum. This is a forum for all roleplaying, it's pretty simple."-Gordonrox24///#GetRektCyantic
#144601084Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:32 AM GMT

I spray my gun in the guy's direction, right after flipping off safety. I make sure not to hit my buddy, though.
#144601252Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

The grip on your shoulder shakes violently as your gun fires, many of the shots making contac with him. "Role playing bios are allowed in this forum. This is a forum for all roleplaying, it's pretty simple."-Gordonrox24///#GetRektCyantic
#144601371Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:36 AM GMT

I shoot one last panicked burst at him, followed by me reloading my rifle.
#144601985Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:42 AM GMT

The man slips loose from you, falling to the ground dead, "Nice job..." the other guy says, takeing a deep breath as he lets the mans arm fall, keeping the knife, "Not bad..." "Role playing bios are allowed in this forum. This is a forum for all roleplaying, it's pretty simple."-Gordonrox24///#GetRektCyantic
#144602132Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:43 AM GMT

I take another peek outside, this time actually trying to observe my surroundings. I flip my rifle onto burst mode.

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