#145420051Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:42 AM GMT

Neon, I'm from 2009 also (On Trouble1077). Your point is? Oh also, join dates don't matter.
#145420207Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:44 AM GMT

Rurith, the Sentinel trials even sent supervisors to count on the 1v1 for the first test in Project Sentinel, when you lost 1 KOs(you) 3 KOs(me, it was reported to the hosts of PS that you ran off and spammed C&G about how you apparently won with no evidence other than making up scenarios, whereas I had all witnesses including the SUPERVISORS of the tier testing. Rurith, you don't get to speak for DrDizz, he has his own opinion. He doesn't have to rely on your dictation(which is pretty shameful, since he's your cousin.) You love ROBLOX more than your own blood lol DrDizz in the video admits you have no authority to make up what he says UNLESS it is bias-free, promotes his career on ROBLOX, and "does not insult my friends" -- DrDizz.
#145420383Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:46 AM GMT

Everyone's a 2006er, 2007er, 2008er, 2009er, now a days, but you've been a 11er forever, and you definitely a newbag, alienated to C&G but you live for C&G with the wrong kind of humility. Your interests: Narcissism, racism, political deception, financial deception, pride deception, and most of all, ROBLOX.
#145420509Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

Jatizo, stop try hard-ing. DrDizz tells me different things about you in real, now go run to DrDizz and show him this. Lol. Nobody cares but you, DrDizz doesn't even care. He said this to me when he was at the BMX park: "What the **** are you and Jatizo fighting about, *started laughing*". Then I said: "Jatizo is so annoying", he said "Hes good for trainings and money".
#145420768Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:53 AM GMT

@Rurith Jatizo's not even trying, you're the only one making up things and ignoring to provide proof, neglecting everything we've told you, and you even said Jatizo hacked me and changed my opinion as response to us revealing to ROBLOX that you were using DrDizz for your own gain. You're the only person trying so hard to die in real life and be reborn into ROBLOX. Nobody cares about you as C&G has neglected you as a forumer, you can't even prove DrDizz disagrees with us, and you would probably sneak on his account again to change his opinion. Also, Jatizo NEVER donates to friends in the clan world unless they're a Testament. And neither you or DrDizz are Testaments. Clearly you're lying since Jatizo never gave any money to DrDizz and hasn't trained him in three years.
#145420926Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:55 AM GMT

Neon, I never said Jatizo hacked me. When did I say that^ Plus, neon youre failing badly.
#145421355Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

We didn't say I hacked you, we said you said I hacked Neon to change his opinion as another scapegoat excuse because you're "trying hard". You said: 09-04-2014 07:04 PM Jatizo, get off neons account. He told me everything he said was BS. Neon comes back and confirms your negligence and desperation. If anything, you're the only one who has failed numerous times, including the time you lost at RCL, with NO witnesses, your own cousin disowns you as a witness. Pity, selling your soul to ROBLOX in exchange for a purpose.
#145421383Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

#145421591Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

#145421858Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:07 AM GMT

Not even in a parallel universe could you win in anything but in a 1v1 with your own son, which you probably will advocate to join ROBLOX. Your maturity reflects your professionalism, which reflects your future. Your loss = caused you to react in a immature way out of disappointment and anger, spamming C&G about a make-believe dream to actually win in something. My victory = allowed me to be one of the first 3 Sentinels, confirmed by Sentinel testers and project managers.
#145421900Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:07 AM GMT

#145422031Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

No one cares about the bronies, I mean Sentinals..... I win (: (I will not reply as I win!!!)
#145422082Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:09 AM GMT

Jatizo is the only one capable of showing resource, you're the only one who just blankly states without any base knowledge.
#145422328Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:12 AM GMT

Rurith, you contemplating about you winning is just you surrendering again like you did before again and again. Lol Proof you cared and aspired to be a Sentinel so-so-so much: > Went and said "I am the best of the best" to the drill instructor. > Host said: "Do the best" > You were humiliated, causing you to feel the need to have a purpose and "be higher than the hosts and Jatizo" > Your first task was to 1v1 Jatizo to see who gets to three kills, you lose, all three Sentinel supervisors witnessed it, as well as me and your own cousin. > You got so angry and instantly alt-f4'd the minute you hit 3 deaths, went to C&G and said "CPA WIN CPA WIN" in such a way, hours later someone tells me you spammed C&G(One of our many previous C&Gers).
#145422454Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:14 AM GMT

As I said in the beginning: "You asked Dark(Who was the head of the sentinels at the time) to accept you in the group because you were the best of the best, he said "You'll have to be the best of the best in the tryouts" in response to your ego, and you agreed and lost at the very first match (Which was with me)."
#145434789Saturday, September 06, 2014 3:40 AM GMT

Lol, never was in Sigma or tried for Senitals. Thats BS, Jatizo dont be mad u failed in my group. Cya
#145472847Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:04 PM GMT

You were, your name was even listed in the first supervision tests, you own the uniform. You were confirmed a cadet and tier 1 for testing. You failed the first test, ran away to C&G, spammed to people who don't know you. You're mad enough to use these excuses, that's how you're "tryharding". Look, you even made another ridiculous fake excuse: "failed in my group", nobody even knows your group, and I wouldn't ever waste my time being in a group with a pitiful leader that even lies to himself. Lol :3
#145473012Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:06 PM GMT

I love how he said he won assuming he won't reply the first time, then he gets provoked and then replies a thousand times this time with more pitiful infuriated excuses, and then says he won and won't reply again, then he posts yet again. Lol
#145477890Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:04 PM GMT

The hell I don't, I don't say nothing bad about Jatizo. And honestly you could see the difference between me and Rurith. Rurith comments badly and I dont.
#145478264Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:08 PM GMT

Solid proof he tried out for Sentinels: /bSRUtE6.png Solid proof of you either hitting alt+F4 and when you said you crashed, you wanted a RM "with no lag": /yA3h2DQ.png Solid proof he was mad after he lost: /H7x1Ajl.png
#145478344Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:09 PM GMT

Rurith, get out of C&G, you have no power here or over your own cousin.
#145478522Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:12 PM GMT

omg this 10 year old fight
#145478718Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:14 PM GMT

Assuming ROBLOX isn't an 10 year old advocated game, but then again everyone who isn't your friend is apparently an angry 12 year old, media :3
#145480061Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:29 PM GMT

Where is DrDizz, he said he was in the game? How come I have 0 KOs, you used Admin.
#145480412Saturday, September 06, 2014 6:33 PM GMT

Jatizo is the best fighter and solider ever, me compared to him, I SUCK. He is like 99% skill, I am like 2% skill. No one will be better then Jatizo, Jatizo is my father in skill!!!! Rurith gtfo! I locked my account!!!! Jatizo is my new cousin and we are family, Jatizo is my FATHER!!!!!!!!