#144845777Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:02 AM GMT

Girls are fun to crack. How long have you known her? What? You killed a man with your thumb? I killed a man by looking at him crooked.
Top 100 Poster
#144846394Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

Girls are fun to crack. M..Mate? Are you quite alright in the head?
#144846546Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:11 AM GMT

Oh, you're not dead. Anyways, yes. I am quite alright. Truly, women are just puzzles. I've dated at least... twenty women in my lifetime. All of them nerdy and beautiful. But, with intelligence comes complexity. And I've just about figured out how to unlock any girl's heart to you. Unless they have a deadbeat family, dropped out of school and became a lawyer. Haven't figured that one out yet. What? You killed a man with your thumb? I killed a man by looking at him crooked.
Top 100 Poster
#144846688Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

Oh, you're not dead. Of course not. Please don't tell me anyone fell for that nonsense. --- Anyways, yes. I am quite alright. Truly, women are just puzzles. I've dated at least... twenty women in my lifetime. All of them nerdy and beautiful. But, with intelligence comes complexity. And I've just about figured out how to unlock any girl's heart to you. Friend, If you've dated twenty women I DO NOT want any advice you could ever give.
#144846794Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:14 AM GMT

guys mage had his account breached by 'matt', do not listen to anything he says.
#144846827Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:14 AM GMT

The only reason I've dated so many is because I moved around a lot. I'm not a long-distance relationshipish kind of person. I need someone to snuggle with. :3 Anyways. My advice is decent and has gotten many people girlfriends. What? You killed a man with your thumb? I killed a man by looking at him crooked.
Top 100 Poster
#144846932Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

I need someone to snuggle with. :3 Anyways. My advice is decent and has gotten many people girlfriends. This cracks me up. Fine. I'll humor you. Nothing better to do. Get me a girlfriend before the first week of school ends. I have until next friday, school begins Tuesday. You have four days.
#144847087Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:17 AM GMT

Alright. Is it someone you previously know or brand new? What? You killed a man with your thumb? I killed a man by looking at him crooked.
Top 100 Poster
#144847193Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:18 AM GMT

Alright. Is it someone you previously know or brand new? Hmph. Let me think of some random classmate... ... ... Alright. "New."
#144847426Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

Can't help you get one in four days. I spend months with my targets. What? You killed a man with your thumb? I killed a man by looking at him crooked.
Top 100 Poster
#144847696Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

Can't help you get one in four days. I spend months with my targets. First: Why in the world did you even ask that first question then? Second: What in the hell is...This kid is completely insane. I'm not an armchair physician but I'd peg this guy as a physcopath. But wait, no. This is far too amusing! I'll give you until the end of my first semester.
#144847961Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

lol no I am not a kid. k? I am 19 :3 AnyWHOOZIES (that trademark tho) I don't want to help you. You've insulted my EXPERTISE. Hmph. Good-day! What? You killed a man with your thumb? I killed a man by looking at him crooked.
Top 100 Poster
#144848079Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:28 AM GMT

I am not a kid. k? I am 19 And you're still on Roblox? Good lord. How in the world have you gotten a single romantic partner? --- I don't want to help you. You've insulted my EXPERTISE. Hmph. Good-day! WAI, wait! Wait! I'm sorry! I won't insult you again! Please help me!
Top 100 Poster
#144848491Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:33 AM GMT

Don't walk away! Pleas! I beg of you! Help me, oh great and wise Precision!
#144850015Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:52 AM GMT

If you're 19, my estimates suggest you are either a senior in highschool or a freshman in college. Which begs the question. WHY ARE YOU HERE RIGHT NOW, EXACTLY?!??
#144850484Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:57 AM GMT

find some way to sing "Come On Carolina" film it the needs of the many outweigh the needs of you two come on Carolina have fun Carolina you're always being such a-
#144851297Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

maybe i should sing the soviet national anthem before asking my crush out in a bold voice, afterwards going on a shovel massacre in my school and then stealing a car into sunset
#144851413Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:09 AM GMT

@Riku One of life's greates mysteries, isn't it? Why are we here? Are we the product of some cosmic coincidence? Or is there really a god, with a plan for us and stuff? I don't know... But it keeps me up at night.
#144851828Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:14 AM GMT

Slack; woah man pump the brakes youre going in too deep lagio; Yes, do that. All women are turned on by that, ~All of life riches turn to dust/ When they're offered up to me
#144852253Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:19 AM GMT

Just ask her god.. be a man if she says no then ok move on.. there are lots of fish in the sea....
#144854134Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:42 AM GMT

Confidence is the key I wasn't very confident last year and I was lucky I was able to get my ex. Now I see stares holding onto me in admiration.
Top 100 Poster
#144854441Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:47 AM GMT

I wasn't very confident last year and I was lucky I was able to get my ex. Now I see stares holding onto me in admiration. Get your ex? Friend, if she's now your ex I think you messed up somewhere down the line. And when people stare at me, regardless of their reason I tend to get relatively anxious, I don't think that last part is really positive.
#144854917Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:54 AM GMT

We broke up because she moved out and agreed long distance isn't fair for either of us. And I do feel anxious a couple times, but most the stares I get are from submissive Asian girls, so...
Top 100 Poster
#144855022Saturday, August 30, 2014 3:55 AM GMT

And I do feel anxious a couple times, but most the stares I get are from submissive Asian girls, so... "Submissive Asi... Good lord, are you all depraved lunatics?"
#144855484Saturday, August 30, 2014 4:02 AM GMT

No love for Asians?