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#144847375Saturday, August 30, 2014 2:20 AM GMT

Your modern world seems like the only world to you humans. But way up in the bright, cold sky, there's the world of Cloud 5. It's full of weird creatures known as Trilliols. They are extremely friendly to others. In this world, you can build your own psychological world yourself. No human has ever gotten into this area, but lately the increasing pollution of your dirty factories has affected Cloud 5, and now a raging war spreads across all of land that life inhabits. Who stands a chance? The known character sheet: Name: Age: Type: (Trilliol or Human?) Personality: (optional for Trilliols) Appearance: Religion: (not available for Trilliol, optional for Human) Story: The rules that follow: No over-powered weapons. You are allowed to create any gun or weapon as a Trilliol and human, but follow the above rule. Kill someone if needed. Act the personality you chose. Enjoy the fight.

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