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#144977293Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:09 PM GMT

(Let's try this again) //Synopsis// The human race, thriving, expansive, and at the peak of its power, dominating the earth through the reality of survival of the fittest. But with a rise, there is a fall, and in the year 2017 a new disease made itself known. No one knows the source, how or why, or when it truly started, but it did. Medusa. The virus spread like wildfire, infecting a majority before it mutated, taking on a sudden lethality we had not seen before, and one that no one could survive. The virus attacked the blood directly, causing almost immediate clotting. The clotted blood, in essence, created human statues, dying from suffocation or brain damage depending on where it clotted first. The death rate was 100%, nothing was able to cure it, for somehow it had built a resistance to any and all commercial and private blood thinners. In a last ditch effort a private company known as Centauri developed a program to put humans who were not infected into a cryo sleep. With the world in chaos the the company, centered in America on the eastern cost, began screening applicants, picking those who were uninfected and isolating them. About 300 candidates were selected, and packed into cryo tubes after the program ended, and within weeks of their storage humanity finally all but died. Those in cryo sleep were the last remains of humanity as they slumbered. As time went by the Medusa virus died out, unable to propagate within the bodies of other species, and with the bodies of their original hosts decomposing they had no where to remain and the Medusa virus was completely expunged. //Information// You will go into cryogenic sleep until the year 2500. The world will be in ruins and vines, moss, and plant life will be rampant all throughout the world. Plant life has evolved to the point where it kills. They are lethal and dangerous. There might be surviving humans, but that is for you to find out. Animals have also become even more lethal as they adapted to their new environment. This is a survival type of RP. Your objective is to survive and hopefully at one point come to find a way to thrive in this familiar but new world. //Rules// No ubering and godmodding. No killing other players without their permission. Respect other roleplayers. Use grammar and punctuation. No one starts off with weapons or dangerous objects. Choose a ID number that is between 1 - 300. Good luck to you and the Human Race. //Candidate Information// Name: A.ge: Gender: Personality: Physical Appearance: ID Number: Items: (Stored on the side of your pod. Nothing dangerous or big.) Biography: ........487 years later. No that was some other guy. 'Shit Sherlock', first name 'No'.
#144977356Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:10 PM GMT

hmmm i feel like joining this and making a gRay char, because i've never done it before and i want to try but i just don't know
#144977457Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:11 PM GMT

u kno what im gonna do the same birm im just im gonna do it
#144977611Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:13 PM GMT

gRay? then I'll do deaf bring it on man
#144977627Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:14 PM GMT

I've had lesbian characters in my RP but never a gay ones... This should be interesting No that was some other guy. 'Shit Sherlock', first name 'No'.
#144977649Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:14 PM GMT

rlly come on m8 i just wanted to be special cri cri
#144977743Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:15 PM GMT

#144978563Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:27 PM GMT

ass //Candidate Information// Name:David Roberts Age:31 Gender:Male Personality:David is funny, sarcastic, and genneraly the type of person you'd want to be around. However, he is surprisingly shy to strangers. He's also g{ay}. Physical Appearance:David has blonde(did i spell it right!? never been the best at spelling) and tall with blue eyes and white skin. He's not very muscular but quite skinny and very fast. ID Number:42 Items:A small canteen of water and nothing else. Biography: David lived a somewhat average young life, with very good grades. He doesn't like the outside as much as he could. He had always preffered men over women, simply because he finds females less attractive. He had kept it a secret best he could, because of his parents and family frowning upon it. Right now, he's the only one who knows this fact. {idk}
#144979014Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:32 PM GMT

lold accepted No that was some other guy. 'Shit Sherlock', first name 'No'.
#144979133Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:34 PM GMT

well as im not gRay i dont know how this will work but i shall try ;-;
#144979168Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:34 PM GMT

//Candidate Information// Name: Dexter Allyeigh A.ge: Around his mid-twenties Gender: M Personality: ENFP - The Inspirer Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities. Yeah, his personality will develop with the starting point of that above. Physical Appearance: For his physical appearance: Height: Roughly six foot three inches Weight: Whatever floats his boat, in other words, the standard weight Eyes: A greenish-swampy colour Hair: Frazzled and messy; a dark brown colour FacialFeatures: Faint stubble around his mouth/cheeks/chin Build: Average, not really muscular but strong enough to do what he can ID Number: 101 Items: His journal and a pen, his favourite yellow beanie, and a pair of headphones (red headphones, to be exact). (don't question it ;-;) Biography: Childhood: Dexter was born deaf, not able to hear anything. He often communicated with writing or signing something with his hands. He wears headphones, because he thinks himself his ears should stay that way, he shouldn't force it. So he kept them so he couldn't hear anything. Teenager: In highscool he wasn't all forced to do anything. But he did experience everything by sight, how people would talk, and he's just at the early stages of lip-reading. His teachers would get someone in with sign-language to teach him, and despite that, he did very well. Adulthood: Medusa came. He was lucky not to hear all the screams and whatnot, he really wouldn't of wanted to. Luckily himself he was selected, he was excited and whatnot, but his family never told him anything after he went for college, and really, he's kinda worried despite that, but know this is happening. It's worrying what he'll be able to do. probably the most 1. worst 2. rushed 3. cringy-ess CS I've ever made m8
#144979308Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:36 PM GMT

accepted hissey but its gonna be hard cause be now any writing utensils and paper will have been destroyed by time and no one knows how to sign ^_^ unless picka is nice and makes a signing character No that was some other guy. 'Shit Sherlock', first name 'No'.
#144979585Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:39 PM GMT

way to ruin my character *cough* but anyways, he doesn't need a signing person he has learnt to lip-read a bit but Pika please be nice and do it "Mofo's got the popo round the coco so we need to get a gogo"
#144980022Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:44 PM GMT

Marked, going to a ceremony first]]
#144980307Sunday, August 31, 2014 3:48 PM GMT

//Candidate Information// Name: Sunny Dawn A.ge: 22 Gender: Female Personality: Sunny is a rather timid and gets nervous easily. She is someone who is often indecisive and unsure of what to do. Her gaze often looks lost to where to look, and her face defaults into a slight frown. She is often stressed, and shows it, as well as most of her other emotions along on her sleeve. Physical Appearance: Sunny stands about 5'10", being awkwardly tall and lanky. She's not really skinny, though more of average, though her height makes her muscle and fat spread more lightly around her body, making her look thinner than she really is. She is around 142 pounds, and has a pale color to her skin. Her hair is a dark black, and is cut rather short above her ear. Her face is sorta square shaped, her nose is straight and prominent, and her lips are thin. ID Number: 201 Items: She has a small golden necklace and a sealed bottle of iced tea. Biography: Sunny, for most of her life, was isolated from the outside world, preferring to stay inside in her own home. She was somewhat lucky to have never caught the disease, and was healthy enough to be selected, allowing her a place in one of the cryo tubes. She also has somewhat of a distaste for men. (uhhhhhhh i have an excuse, reusing and recycling characters is good for the earth, its not that im lazy nope.)
#144982209Sunday, August 31, 2014 4:11 PM GMT

Name: Crowe S.G. Host A.ge: 23 Gender: Male Personality: Crowe isn't very talkative, and can be called anti-social. He possesses a rare disease that allows him to resist extreme heat, and thus he is always tremendously cold; merely touching him would give you a cold shock. Physical Appearance: He is skinny, although slightly lean, with dark, copper colored eyes and a very pale skin tone. Crowe stands at 5'8, and has black hair reaching his shoulders, and a small amount of freckles dotting his face. (o ye an birmie bby: crowe is g@y as well) ID Number: 269 Items: (Stored on the side of your pod. Nothing dangerous or big.) N/A Biography: Is this required? If it is, just tell me and I'll make something up. (virtual cookie to whoever can figure out the wordplay in his name and what his ID number means on a numerical keypad) behold the magical king of boxes
#144983030Sunday, August 31, 2014 4:20 PM GMT

numbers are a music sign and the name is crowes ghost? Also uhm no to the heat thing because thats not even possible. No that was some other guy. 'Shit Sherlock', first name 'No'.
#144983314Sunday, August 31, 2014 4:24 PM GMT

so am i accepted or what
#144985235Sunday, August 31, 2014 4:46 PM GMT

@Soard k wrong about numbers numbers mean BOX behold the magical king of boxes
#144985291Sunday, August 31, 2014 4:46 PM GMT

Name: Daniel Kentraft A.ge: 24 Gender: Male Personality: I usually leave this out, because it makes me feel restricted to how I act. Physical Appearance: 5'8", light stubble, short-cut blonde hair, dark blue eyes. ID Number: 288 Items: (Stored on the side of your pod. Nothing dangerous or big.) Bandages and a small, empty backpack that could hold 12 cans of beans if I so chose so. Biography: Ex-military police with deep fears of the Medusa virus, Daniel decided to take his chances in a potentially brighter world and signed up to the cryogenic preservation program. The RP subforum is 90% reference, 7% argument and 3% roleplaying.
#144987020Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:09 PM GMT

star and picka accepted also star for personality, cause I'm the same way, I usually put Undefined. No that was some other guy. 'Shit Sherlock', first name 'No'.
#144994994Sunday, August 31, 2014 6:49 PM GMT

Marked, because why not? Though it probably will go down hill later, it's worth a shot, right?
#145038060Monday, September 01, 2014 2:56 AM GMT

#145038148Monday, September 01, 2014 2:57 AM GMT

@Laserbreak 2edgy4soard
#145099949Monday, September 01, 2014 7:48 PM GMT

Bump No that was some other guy. 'Shit Sherlock', first name 'No'.

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