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#14503231Tuesday, September 22, 2009 1:10 AM GMT

Long ago, A woman named Tina Mcwright practiced black magic. She drove the villagers CRAZY with her antics, so one day they burned her at the stake and put her ashes in a jar. A black magic messenger came down and took the black magice from her and put it in a book marked TW. To this day, the messenger- named Maluji is gaurding the book-and the ashes of Tina- in the middle of the earth and evereyone is after it. Will YOU get it? (I get a character of my choice AND Maluji) Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Starting point: Apperance: Powers (Dont put TOO many): Bio:
#14503838Tuesday, September 22, 2009 1:20 AM GMT

#1 Name: Maluji Age: 5000 Gender: Female Race: Vampire Starting point: N/A Apperance: Red eyes, long black trench coat with turtleneck, short black hair over one eye Powers (Dont put TOO many): Telekineisis Bio: A Black Magic Messenger sent to gaurd the ashes and black magic of Tina McWright. #2 Name: Paula McWright Age: 13 Gender: Female Race: Well I don't know what it's called but a person who can sprout angel wings on their back at will (Call it Ageloa) Starting point: A house in a town called Ronhood, Kansas. Apperance: Shoulder length blonde hair, green eyes, baby blue tank top, jean shorts, Blue flip flops with coins glued on straps, coin necklace. Powers (Dont put TOO many): Mind reading (only on mortals), Telekinesis Bio: Ancestor is Tina Mcwright and is off for her ashes and the BMB (Black Magic Book).
#14504233Tuesday, September 22, 2009 1:27 AM GMT

Paula: *Is packing packback* Mom: You better leave for school now. Paula: Don't rush me. *runs out door* BYE MOM!!! Mom: Bye Sweetie! =D *closes door* Paula: Heh. Better get going to the park....*starts walking*
#14505147Tuesday, September 22, 2009 1:43 AM GMT

#14505712Tuesday, September 22, 2009 1:54 AM GMT

Malunji: *Rises out of coffin* What a nice sleep. *looks at TM ashes* Soo, you will be rescued Tilania.
#14506298Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:05 AM GMT

Name: Paki Retania Kreman Age: 10 Gender: Female Race: Demon Starting point: At a cliff pointing to where the sun sits. Apperance: Silver long braided hair, wrapped with some blue ribbon, and red eyes, a bit of blackness there too. Some blue and black shirt, some thick silver blue bracelett, and some blackish blue skirt that goes to the knee Powers (Dont put TOO many): 5 times stronger and faster, can do 'gifted' powers they get stronger but rightnow weak. Bio: A demon that lives with humans, often sits on the cliff.
#14506383Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:07 AM GMT

(Also she lives near a kingdom where she trains her combat skills, where different races live...)
#14506624Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:14 AM GMT

Paki was standing on her cliff, looking at the sun rise, "Man its beautifull.." she sighed. Even though her bangs were long and sometimes cover one eye she still loved it, the tought that she was a demon, she didn't know why, but she just liked it... because she was different, sometimes she hated it, sometime she like it but.. Anyways her Master, named Master Jak, called "Hey Riantia! It is morning!!" and Paki quickly ran, she liked the fact that Jak called her by her surname, it sounded better.
#14507277Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:36 AM GMT

Name: Happy Age: 925 (Im a ghost so duh.) Gender: Male Race: Ghost Starting point: Mt. Blockiest Apperance: 0.5 Transparent, Spooky face. Powers (Dont put TOO many): Crystal shooting, Flying, Haunting Bio:A Really nice ghost with lots of friends
#14507359Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:39 AM GMT

It was a cold day in Mt. Blockiest I decided to leave Mt. Blockiest. I Flew through the world trying to find a hot place, Ah ha! Hawaii! As i reached hawaii there were a HUGE amount of people at the newspaper stand, i went to see what was going on. I grabbed a newspaper and started to read "Everyones on the hunt for Tina McWrights hidden ashes in the jar...." I stopped reading after that, I decided to go find the hidden ashes.
#14507488Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:44 AM GMT

I charged up my power and went on the hunt. " Im a quarter and a half from the center of the earth!" After a few hours i reached the city in the middle of the earth, the city was HUGE, Its gonna be hard to find the ashes now! "Hmm ill need a map for this place!" I ran to the gift shop "Do you have a map of this place" Cashier: "Yes we do! Here you go!" *Gives tip and runs away* "Hmm Ooh! lets go to this castle!" I went inside the castle, there was a king sleeping on his throne. I tapped his shoulder and he woke up, I asked him "Do you know where the ashes of Tina Mcwright is?" King: "In the center of the earth" Me: " isnt THIS the center of the earth?" King: "No" Oh crap... * starts to fly around the earth trying to get to center*
#14532350Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:15 AM GMT

Paula: *arrives at park and pulls map out of backpack* Ok...how am I going to get there? Oh I see! *Sprouts wings and starts flying*

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