#145249861Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:43 PM GMT

You were gonna exile me but I left before you exiled me lol. on skype you said "#### you im exiling you and all of scr from IF. I have no respect for ANYONE THATS IN FREAKING SCR!" you rage quit so badly yesterday lol.
#145249936Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:45 PM GMT

Your profile says I exiled, you pics saying i was gonna exile you. kthx. you lose.
#145249974Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:46 PM GMT

Lasc that is a whole lie about the HRs in the Chat did see him as a leader I'm an ex-HR(you should know that you called me "The Worst HR") i respected him more then you in…i really didn't respect you at all.
#145250028Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:47 PM GMT

thats what I mean, who promotes a noob to a HR? - Function does. so if you want to be a HR in IF in like a week go join it now! My friend NextLight became a HR in IF in 3 days.
#145250126Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:49 PM GMT Your description says it all Lasc.
#145250180Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:50 PM GMT

Lasc, nonstick earned his rank to M5 and cing made him an HR. Btw, next said it took him 2 weeks to get H2, which still Is fast I agree. But yes, your profile is 100% lies. Goodwork!
#145250550Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:58 PM GMT

Lasc you took the lease active members anyways
#145269715Wednesday, September 03, 2014 9:53 PM GMT

#145302888Thursday, September 04, 2014 4:07 AM GMT

I'm laughing my @ss off. Funny to think that a little thing like this causes such a huge fight. Gotta love the internet! Might as well join in on the fun while it lasts! ^.^ Let us get started, shall we? Funct isn't a very good leader. Just because you have money ,and "know people", doesn't make you the best leader ever. Funct always threw stuff at me expecting me to get them done, then getting pissed when I didn't complete them. I also recall you saying that there would be no joking in the HR Chat, even though you just stated that you "act silly" around in the HR chat a lot. You kicked me for 24 hours, from the HR chat for "acting silly". Funct can mess with you, but, OH BY GOD if you mess with him you're the DEVIL! All you do is sit around smoking your "$350 an ounce weed"(Quote by Functionized) Why don't you actually learn how to do something other than sitting on the computer ,on a pointless video game while smoking pot all day? I don't think robbing a bank and moving to Panama is a career. I'm younger than you and I probably have 3 times the talent as you.          "You're pathetic" -Lascivus       Damn right.
#145303179Thursday, September 04, 2014 4:13 AM GMT

Ok IF don't try and act all big and strong. RB whooped you guys.
#145326628Thursday, September 04, 2014 7:37 PM GMT

It's funny how you take "robbing a bank and moving to Panama" Is real. It really shows your mental capability. First off, I watched a TV show called Prison Break, which I got the idea from. And robbing a bank Is impossible, and I HIGHLY doubt I'd rob a bank, especially since I'm still In High School. #Logic. And dath, I have "money" because I work for It. I don't care for ROBLOX hats, I use robux only for advertising my games/most of the time my group Iron Force. I have a job In real life Irl $>Robux/tix. Please, do step off. :)
#145377936Friday, September 05, 2014 11:14 AM GMT

truth: func is a idiot and a lier laz speaks the truth ~ROBLOX Forums resident egghead~/ლ(◉◞౪◟◉ )ლ/( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/
#145377982Friday, September 05, 2014 11:16 AM GMT

>says he doesn't care for roblox hats >has 11 pages of them ~ROBLOX Forums resident egghead~/ლ(◉◞౪◟◉ )ლ/( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/
#145378060Friday, September 05, 2014 11:20 AM GMT

#145378170Friday, September 05, 2014 11:25 AM GMT

i've spoken to a few people regarding this incident and that they all said the same thing: the if high ranks joined WITHOUT being asked to after your sic brought scr. you got buttmad because they liked the scr guy that much so you exiled the majority of them. it's YOUR fault YOUR such a petty buttmad kid.
#145399483Friday, September 05, 2014 8:40 PM GMT

no, its got nothing to do with them leaving for SCR. and btw, the hats i got i've had for awhile, and are somewhat cheap. by "idc for hats" i meant limiteds, i only use them for ads.
#145414025Friday, September 05, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

Ha, i scammed you? Give me proof, and i can show you that i have 0 robux and limiteds with video proof and hats that are no where worth 15k and my hats are old and low. You need proof which you do not have. And wanting war for payback? Wow, i knew you would say that.
#145414886Friday, September 05, 2014 11:37 PM GMT

Okay, time for me to butt heads in this forum. 1st off, I saw this whole thing coming, yes I admit to knowing how to KL, it's not hard at all. So what? At one point Function was asking me to KL for Iron Force to get Ad money. (What a great leader right?) Want proof I'll gladly show you screenshots. Anyways. Functionized was so butt-hurt over skype after a few HR's joined SCR. (They were not asked to join, they simply followed me and Lascivus) Also, for the fact of it. Just because I know how to KL, doesn't make me a automatic scammer, which in fact, shows Functionized falsely put me on his description as a scammer? Again, great leader right? Now, I don't like having to come onto forums like this and have to completely tell off someone I was friends with 3 days ago, but you won't drop this issue. So I'm forced to go ahead and "spill the beans" for say. Function, if you want to sit here and call all the HR's that leave you scammers because of what YOU did, then you need to hop off the forums and continue being a terrible leader off of C&G, thank you. Have a great day. Plez no posting about pigs
#145415428Friday, September 05, 2014 11:44 PM GMT

"AlertBigFiredude123- Scammed me 15k robux (Building project) " -Functionized        Oh, You mean the project that me and Alert worked our asses off for you, while you sat on your big fat ass barking orders at us with your unfathomable deadlines? Is that what you meant, because last time I checked, we volunteered to do it. YOU never even paid us. If anything, YOU scammed us, and USED us. Me and Alert spent hours on that "project" of yours, then you decided to have the balls to come on here, and accuse us of scamming you? You weren't even going to pay us anywhere near 15,000! That is the lowest of low, Jacob. How about YOU take a minute, and HONESTLY(notice how I emphasized the word HONESTLY) think about the words that have come out of your mouth and the actions that you have taken. How about you stop bashing everyone that you think is below you and get a life, and by life I mean spending money on something other than weed, not spending hours upon hours on a game trying to make people think that you're a legend, and do USEFUL things. P.S. I would still like that 1K that you promised me so I can get rid of this God awful name that you gave me.
#145416092Friday, September 05, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

Now, I can predict that you're probably going to reply to this with some idiotic, grammar less, hilarious reply. If you do, it'll just give us even more credit for winning this forum fight with a flawless victory. I'd best advise you to turn around and scamper back the way you came if you don't want to be roasted even more, although...I do like barbecue. ;)
#145416547Friday, September 05, 2014 11:57 PM GMT

I laughed a bit to hard at that... I think all of SCR is ready for some oven roasted Iron Force? Don't you think so everyone? Plez no posting about pigs
#145420570Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:49 AM GMT

#145420698Saturday, September 06, 2014 12:51 AM GMT

Lol, SCR is going to get destroyed.
#145421807Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:06 AM GMT

Lets go ahead and watch Iron Force pull in their allies to try and win? Sounds like a plan. Go ahead, we got allies to bud. Plez no posting about pigs
#145421976Saturday, September 06, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

SCR is so damn stupid you guys don't even know your own history. "Passed 20k members on 9/3/2014 5.00 PM EST" It had 20k before in my era before evelio killed it.