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#145331289Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:40 PM GMT

"I meant do you really feel that bad about me not having any favorites which means you're not my favorite?" Honestly, I really don't know. Just nvm.
#145331291Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:41 PM GMT

"i don't see how anyone could be friends with that" Outside of OT, his personality is pretty damn good. He's quite nice, actually. In OT, I can't say the same.
#145331357Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:41 PM GMT

pish posh this thread is rigged if it was legit all the the replies would be 1. ConvexPolygon 2. ConvexPolygon 3. ConvexPolygon
#145331399Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:42 PM GMT

@super Well dude you made me feel bad for a second. I have no favs but that doesn't mean I don't like anyone.
#145331537Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:43 PM GMT

"i don't see how anyone could be friends with that" i don't see how anyone could be friends with you
#145331570Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

it doesn't matter if he acts differently outside of ot he still acts how he does here and that's so gross like ???? how can someone ignore that just bc hes different in other situations [uncomfortable tina groan]
#145331624Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

"Well dude you made me feel bad for a second." Don't feel bad. Sorry, this is kind of silly of me. "I have no favs but that doesn't mean I don't like anyone." oh okay.
#145331794Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:46 PM GMT

"it doesn't matter if he acts differently outside of ot he still acts how he does here and that's so gross like ???? how can someone ignore that just bc hes different in other situations" I choose to perpetually ignore peoples' faults as long as, at their core, they are a kind and understanding person. I'm not one to be discouraged just because they may act differently at times, as I so often act differently from time to time myself.
#145331934Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

well this came diff than I thought xd
#145331957Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

1. Widebrutus 2. firefeind1 3. wizardfireugly ClaraTheDragonborn, The Hariik Dovahkiin do OT
#145331971Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

*disgusted expression intensifies* bruh.... no [uncomfortable tina groan]
#145332011Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:49 PM GMT

@muffly, omg r u sick do u want me 2 cal posten WHO WANTS ORANGE SLICES | "They're not Korean flamingos, leave 'em be."
#145332362Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:53 PM GMT

"I have no favorites. I just don't see the point in having them." "I don't prefer favoritism because it's very biased and unfair considering I either value people as friends or not friends." Man...These replies are really making me think...Maybe I shoul- Zakro Playfromscratch Crazycharmanderfan If I'm asked to do something,I'll do it.

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