#145685439Tuesday, September 09, 2014 2:11 AM GMT

C-FIRE: "I-I don't know... Maybe it's what you creators call... Feelings. Or was it 'Moodswing'? Hnn..." I angrily grit my teeth in confusion.
#145685539Tuesday, September 09, 2014 2:12 AM GMT

{PRIORITIES UPDATED: APPREHEND ENTITY FOENT AND UNKNOWN ENTITY, SUBDUE UNKNOWN ENTITY WITH LETHAL FORCE IF NECESSARY, DETAIN ENTITY FLUENT.} "{PURSUING..}" Tri jumps out of the building and makes its way towards the last seen location of its targets.
#145685821Tuesday, September 09, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

Nickton "Why did you steal and release FOENT? We're lucky a 1000 meter tall wall is preventing it from advancing farther."
#145686277Tuesday, September 09, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

C-FIRE: "Well.. I don't exactly know. Something just... Ticked inside me. I'm a mutant too, as you call it." I look at him, sitting down.
#145686570Tuesday, September 09, 2014 2:24 AM GMT

Nickton "It's's not like we will not ever see it again, let's just go back to the town..." I slowly walk into the city, expecting C-Fire to follow me.
#145686708Tuesday, September 09, 2014 2:26 AM GMT

C-FIRE: I follow him, thinking about the other mutants. Maybe they all can't speak...
#145747826Wednesday, September 10, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

Nickton I head to the factory, and while walking I pull the small remote control out from my pocket and stare at it. Lar I take a pair of binoculars and open a window, observing the city, then spotting C-Fire. "Huh?" I say. "C-Fire folowing Nickton?"
#145748813Wednesday, September 10, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

C-FIRE: I look at the remote. "Hey, what is that you're holding, exactly?" I ask, tilting my head as I walk. BOREALIS: I hide behind the trees, watching them, making sure there are no ambushers following them.
#145754123Wednesday, September 10, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

Nickton "Just a little weapon I made, just in case. All it does is stun live beings for like 15 seconds."
#145782705Wednesday, September 10, 2014 7:21 PM GMT

C-FIRE: "Seem's... Kind of... Useless. I've seen most of the other mutants. Mostly all of them are slow... But then again, I was only secluded in the forest." I say, as I walk beside him.
#145788771Wednesday, September 10, 2014 9:00 PM GMT

Nickton "I know, it's for Lar." I put it in my pocket. "He really dislik-" I spot Lar on a window of the factory, observing both of us. "He saw you now. Dimwit will do something bad now." Lar I grab a glass of water and stand up infront of the door, waiting for Nickton and C-Fire to enter.
#145789921Wednesday, September 10, 2014 9:16 PM GMT

C-FIRE: I look at Lar, but I ignore him until we walk in. Borealis: I leave the covers of the trees, seeing that there are no mutants following us. I head into the factory.
#145998792Saturday, September 13, 2014 10:49 PM GMT

(Been quiet for a while) Nickton We arrive the factory, but I don't open the door. "Since Lar noticed you, expect a stupidity at the momment we open the door, so get ready."
#145999733Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:01 PM GMT

oh god this thread is still going? i forgot all about it
#145999861Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

(Welp. You missed 5 pages. wat do)
#146000173Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:06 PM GMT

idk but then i'd have to read 6 pages to know what's going on
#146000314Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:08 PM GMT

(You can do anything to make your character catch up now.)
#146001927Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:32 PM GMT

C-Fire: I look at him, then at the door expectantly. "Well? Open the door already!"
#146002276Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:37 PM GMT

Nickton I open the door and walk into the factory. Lar I dump the water on Nickton. "Ah!...Sorry! I did not have any intention-" Nickton "What you don't have is a brain." I groan, and walk into the bathroom for personnel. Lar I look at Nickton, then turn my head at C-Fire and back away. "So..." I throw the glass out of a window "H-How's it been?"
#146003399Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

C-Fire: I look at him, unexpectedly. What's he so freaked out about? "Well, I found Nickton... And he led me to the wall. Sadly, I couldn't teleport past it." I look at the floor, then him again "Well, what is it, creator?"
#146003696Saturday, September 13, 2014 11:56 PM GMT

Lar "Oh, nothing. Two months of living with monsters and that mean guy made me...scaredy." I look at my right. "I wish Nickton was friendlier to me. And aswell for that wall to be burned to the ground...How is containing a whole town like that allowed?" I say, sadly.
#146003991Sunday, September 14, 2014 12:00 AM GMT

C-Fire: I grit my teeth. "Well, you may want to be less..." I look at the water on Nickton. "Clumsy."
#146004567Sunday, September 14, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

Lar "Clumsy." I say. "Well, after all I think Nickton has a reason to hate me at all" Nickton I dry myself with a towel, leaving my clothes slighly wet and I get out of the bathroom to walk up to Lar and slap him. Lar I rub my cheek. "I apologize again!" I shout. Nickton "Okay, C-Fire" I look at the decaying hound. "Can you mention details of what happened with FOENT out there?"
#146005026Sunday, September 14, 2014 12:14 AM GMT

C-Fire: Hey! I think to myself. Why're you putting me on spot like that? I sigh. "Well, as we were at the wall, FOENT came. He was easily defeated, and captured, but..." I sigh again, gritting my teeth even more. "I took the container, and ran off. I dropped it, realizing what I had done, and FOENT came out. As a cannonball fly to me by a robot, FOENT..." I look at the ground. "Saved me."
#146005572Sunday, September 14, 2014 12:20 AM GMT

Nickton "Strange. I wonder why it did that." "However, Lar. I have this for you." I pull the Remote stunner out of my pocket. Lar "What is that? I don't like weapons" I exclaim. Nickton I press the top button on the Remote stunner, and a purple transparent beam is shot at Lar, freezing him for 15 seconds. Lar As I regain my ability to move, I gasp. "Wh- Why did you have to test it on me?" I snap the remote stunner out of Nickton's hand and walk up to an opened window "How does this work anyway?" Nickton "Easy. 1-Push the top button. 2- Don't push the bottom button."