#15934171Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:19 PM GMT

I looked at the new recruit. "I am a ship captain of "The Jolly Roger" fleet. You are loyal to me now. Our army of ships have split up. Be prepared to endure long perilous journeys."
#15934235Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:20 PM GMT

"Do i get to fiht?"I ask in an exited voice.
#15934380Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:23 PM GMT

"We will test you out, I can not afford to have new recruits die that fast." I looked into the sea. I saw one of the ships of my fleet sailing away. It was packed with men, which meant the fleet captain was on it.
#15934438Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:24 PM GMT

"Well fine then."I say and sulk away.I pull off my sword(Its long and tihin).To bad i have no gun.
#15934586Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:26 PM GMT

I saw him scowl when he looked at his rusty sword and his empty gun pocket. I tossed him my old flintlock, which is rusty and second rate. I now had a shiny Navy gun which menat I killed one on shores and looted him. I had enough to buy a better flintlock anyways.
#15934751Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:28 PM GMT

"This works."I check it's load and put it in my gun pocket.Holding my rusty sword i slice down imaginary foes. (Oh yea im only 17 by the way.)
#15935054Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:32 PM GMT

"Careful, put your sword away for now," I told the recruit. "I will teach you many tatics, on that deserted island over there," I said as I pointed to a deserted island with a few large birds on it. You will leanr all types of tatics, ground and on ships. I will teach you recruits all there is to looting and taking out foes quickly and quietly.
#15935208Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:34 PM GMT

"Yes sir Mr captin Sir."I say the laugh. (He knows alot of tatics by the way. His dad was in the navy but he dosen't know. BUM BUM BUM.)
#15935754Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:41 PM GMT

(I hope your not going to end up like the other thread) We sailed to the small island and got onto the rowboats and set out onto the shores. I lended the recruits my veterans' flintlocks and trained them to fire apon the birds. I also taught them hit and run strategies. After a few hours, we set back on our ship to search for Navy merchant ships. They usually carried gunpowder which made them very delicate and carried a lot of gold. They were also filled with Navy soldiers who make people pay far too much just for simple goods.
#15935848Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:42 PM GMT

(I won't hopefully. Also post there please!" I stand on deck breathing in the fresh clean ocean air.
#15935858Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:43 PM GMT

As we looked around, I made the new recruits pledge their loyalty to me, to not go to mutiny and not to betray me. The men did it wholeheartedly. I knew these recruits were to keep.
#15935935Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:44 PM GMT

I silently slipped away during this loyalty thing. My loalty go to no one.
#15936691Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:55 PM GMT

After that, a Navy merchant ship was found by the lookout boy. The British flag flew ontop of it. We quickly came up at it and fired our cannons. They had very few canons, which were going to be sold, and untrained soldiers. We put large holes in their ship and tried to find barrels of gunpowder hidden in the ship, which we aimed to blow up.
#15936797Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:56 PM GMT

I grabbed a loaed canon and boom. Hitting the ship I look pleased.
#15936838Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:57 PM GMT

(why do you always gotta be the rebel?) Within a few minutes, a barrel of giunpowder was found and we fired a cannon ball at it. It exploded and sent the ship sinking even faster. The remaining soldiers fled to the row boats and sped away. We went in with out rowboats and took what was floating on that water, rifles, crates of food, etc.
#15937018Tuesday, October 27, 2009 9:59 PM GMT

(One reason is because it adds something to the story. A boring story would me swaring loalty,then becoming a good pirate. My story is me not pleading loalty then somthing arises.
#15937330Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:04 PM GMT

Trust me, a lot of "mutiny" is going to come soon.
#15937411Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:06 PM GMT

(Yay) I sit on the deck.
#15937625Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:09 PM GMT

I saw my captains ship coming and they released men inot the loot. He came up and ordered my men to go back to my ship and they were taking the loot for themselves. My had scowls on their faces and stayed quiet, even though I knew a fire was burning in them. The captain's crew cheered and quickly sailed away. We kept talking that night about how unthoughtful "The Jolly Roger's" captain was all that night.
#15937737Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:11 PM GMT

I walk into captin jhon's quarters.
#15937884Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:13 PM GMT

I look up from the note I was writing. "Hmm? What is it, mate?"
#15938661Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:25 PM GMT

I walked out onto the deck, the men had the strongest lantern on deck in the center of the them. They betted gold peices and talked. They were chuckled hearty laughs and told stories. I sat down with them and talked along with them.
#15944871Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:03 AM GMT

i woke up the frigate still was not done i got on a dingey and saild tord a jolly roger fleet ship witch had the fleet captain on it "hm jolly roger fleet?" i siald tord it ad rang a bell "hay! may board your ship my ship is in the shop!"
#15969461Wednesday, October 28, 2009 7:30 PM GMT

I heard the voice from under the frigate. I leaned my head over the railings. "And who might you be, mate? Sure, you may board put leave your weapons with me, I trust no personson me ship 'cept my crew."
#15988893Thursday, October 29, 2009 1:05 AM GMT

"i am johnson im not on any team or "faction" anyway my frigate is in the shop" i climb up leaveing all my weapons but my cutlass for self defence reasons