#145472051Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:53 PM GMT

You know, because inviting someone to your game then killing them when they don't have any weapons makes you cool!
#145472079Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:54 PM GMT

@chaser omg plz dont send an assassin to kill me i dont wanna respawn D:
#145472091Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:54 PM GMT

It's not crying it's pointing out a fact that you lied about the whole kill. When I confront you and tell you to have your minion come to a place to test it you bow down. Like I said your proof is crap you want to talk the talk then bring it to where I am.
#145472167Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:55 PM GMT

@Thesilent It's not my game it's lolock's game. Very fair. Blank slate.
#145472232Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:56 PM GMT

Silent, were quite happy to combat someone as normal, but it's the frumentarris job, I send them out or take care of it myself, from time to time. I do not take your comment as disrespect, but a job is a job, they have trained well for it, the whole group is not focussed primarily on that, in the group soldiers have different purposes, were split into two paths, the career path, and promotional.
#145472267Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:56 PM GMT

Lol this is so incredibly ridiculous. Chaser is nothing but some two bit leader that got lucky enough to lead a small 400 member clan that hasn't grown past that in the year he has had it. He's never on C&G because nobody likes him and he learned that quick. His clan is a laughing stock and that's why he spends his time in games verses leading, lol'd.
#145472292Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:56 PM GMT

I lied about the kill? Check the picture again if your blind.....
#145472312Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:57 PM GMT

And, I am telling you Chaser never happened. Nor can she follow me. Lawl all my settings are private. Therefore, I would like to know how she came to a game with me in it if she couldn't even follow me.
#145472383Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:58 PM GMT

lol...Either she came to the quarry or it is not me. I have not left the quarry for most of the day.
#145472422Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:58 PM GMT

Actually i'm active for my group everyday, constantly looking out for my members, some have been bullied and I have saved them from that. That is why I am at games more, keeping things active, keeping members happy, you'll discover most legionaries are happy. I appreciate your comments, a little harsh, but I can keep a level-head.
#145472429Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:58 PM GMT

And you can edit pictures. Not that difficult to change chats either.
#145472476Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:59 PM GMT

And tia, she lead you to her game.
#145472492Saturday, September 06, 2014 4:59 PM GMT

You are just butt hurt because I didnt want to be a HR in your clan. Have those messages can post them.
#145472537Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:00 PM GMT

Chaser I was never in her game. Was with my friends in the quarry. Shows how much you know.
#145472667Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:02 PM GMT

It's not about 'HR' it is about your attitude and how you lied, when you make a promise, you stick to it, otherwise face any such consequences given. Sorry it had to turn out this way, but hey, you brought it on yourself, at least now that business is taken care of, I can move on from this and focus on any pending targets or new additions to the frumentarri's list, I assign them tasks occassionally.
#145472893Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:05 PM GMT

Your minion didn't kill me end of story. I know where I was. And, was never at your friends place. Shows it was updated 38 minutes ago. And less then 20 visits. None to which are mine. LAWl
#145472949Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:05 PM GMT

Can't you see? The mighty Chaser had his commissionaire kill you. You're a failure!
#145473018Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:06 PM GMT

If you believe she is as great as you say at exploiting or h4x have her go to a server for x-101st or FEAR will go there with her and we will test her skill. lol
#145473046Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:07 PM GMT

who cares
#145473099Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:07 PM GMT

Nice joke dboot. That made me lol so hard.
#145473318Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:10 PM GMT

As I said, a job is a job, and I never said anyone was great, I just said my frumentarri know how to do their 'job' right, and a lot of members make me proud, I'm quite proud of the successs of our career system, and the structure of the group, how everything came to plan, it's a shame most of your friends fail to see the facts bestowed infront of them, the reasons behind it, as I said, biased at it's best.
#145473437Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:11 PM GMT

That is the whole point chaser nobody killed me was in the quarry and not her game get your facts straight you just look foolish.
#145473440Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:11 PM GMT

#145473511Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:12 PM GMT

OMG TIA! WHERE YOU BEEN GURL? FalseProphets: The most fabulous female organism to roam the subforums
#145473540Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:12 PM GMT

I am telling you have only been in the quarry.