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#145495205Saturday, September 06, 2014 9:16 PM GMT

hey lets telk leeke-a zee svedeesh cheff becoose-a receesm is a-foonny a-bork bork bork ~The dandy highwayman of OT since 2011
#145495377Saturday, September 06, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

So basically what happened...I woke up one morning just like any other day. I was really hungry and I was running kind of late so for breakfast I had beans, broccoli and leftover chicken tacos that we had for dinner the night before. It tasted a bit strange but I ate it all rather quickly anyway since I was so hungry. Then for lunch I had a large egg/bacon burrito as well as some caesar salad. After lunch, I was in history class and my stomach started making loud, grumbling and whining noises. I was having extremely bad cramps, and I was sweating really bad. I asked the teacher to go, but he said no. So anyway, I was sitting there, trying to think of some happy thoughts until class was over. Then I felt a large stabbing pain in my abdomen and before I knew it, I had crapped in my pants. A pestilent stench rose around my seat as diarrhea spilled out of my rectum. I felt the warm, wet diarrhea fill my underwear and it began dripping down my legs into my socks. My legs felt very slippery and to the point where my shorts were sliding down my legs. My underwear was so overwhelmed with the weight of the diarrhea that it dropped into my chair. I stood up and took my underwear, shorts and shoes off and tried to make it to the door. As I stood up, I let out a HUGE, deafening fart and poop came rocketing out of my butt. Diarrhea and loose poop had literally covered a good 1/5 of the classroom floor by this point. I stood at my desk for a good 2 minutes crapping myself. The smell was so bad that another guy ran over to the garbage can and threw up. Everyone began salvaging their belongings and moved to the very back of the classroom with their shirts over their noses. I let out another huge fart and more poop spilled out. Chunks of poop spattered the desks behind me and covered a girl's knapsack and binder. Chunks of beans and chicken floated around in the massive puddle of brown diarrhea. I felt a massive hot flash and my shirt was soaked from sweat so I took it off. I was bare naked by this point. I tried running over to the door and tripped on the floor as more diarrhea spilled out of my butt. My entire bottom half of my body was brown from the poop. I then left a muddy trail as I stumbled all the way to the door, still pooping myself. By this time, the teacher had called the nurse to come and get me. I tried opening the door but I had no strength left so I collapsed to the floor. As my body slid down the door, a huge grumbling feeling occurred in my stomach. I then let out huge farts and more diarrhea came rocketing out of my body, covering the walls and all. Explosive diarrhea came out of my butt like fireworks, all over the desks and walls. Green chunks exploded out of my butt, then yellow, then brown, then green again and so on. Nobody could evacuate the class because the floor in front of the door was covered in my diarrhea. I heard everybody laughing at me and I started crying.. Even the teacher was laughing at me! The nurse came up and opened the door for me and helped me off the floor. As she helped me up, more diarrhea came out. It was all watery and multicolored, and it got all over the nurse as well. Other classes nearby had heard the racket so they opened up their doors and started making fun of me. My mom couldn't pick me up from school because of work so I had to ride home in a cab, naked. My clothes were all dirty and there were no clothes that I could change into. I'm honestly really scared about going back to school tomorrow. Everybody is going to make fun of me. Is there still hope for me? I'm fairly new to this school, so does this pretty much thwart my chances of making friends and getting a g/f? Will girls like me after this? I really need to know. I am crying right now as I type this. Please help! ~The dandy highwayman of OT since 2011
#145495438Saturday, September 06, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

Su beseecelly vhet heppened. Bork bork bork!..I vuke-a up oone-a murneeng joost leeke-a uny oozeer dey. Bork bork bork! I ves reelly hoongry und I ves roonneeng keend ooff lete-a su fur breekffest I hed beuns, brucculee und lefftufer cheeckee tecus thet ve-a hed fur deenner zee neeght beffure-a. It tested a beet strunge-a boot I ete-a it ell rezeer qooeeckly unyvey seence-a I ves su hoongry. Bork bork bork! Zeen fur loonch I hed a lerge-a igg/becun boorreetu es vell es sume-a ceeser seled. Bork bork bork! Effter loonch, I ves in heestury cless und my stumech sterted mekeeng luood, groombleeng und vheening nueeses. Um gesh dee bork, bork! I ves hefeeng ixtremely bed cremps, und I ves sveeteeng reelly bed. Bork bork bork! I esked zee teecher tu gu, boot he-a seeed nu. Su unyvey, I ves seetting zeere-a, tryeeng tu theenk ooff sume-a heppy thuooghts unteel cless ves oofer. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Zeen I felt a lerge-a stebbeeng peeen in my ebdumee und beffure-a I knoo it, I hed crepped in my punts. Um gesh dee bork, bork! A pesteelent stench ruse-a eruoond my seet es deeerrhea speelled oooot ooff my rectoom. I felt zee verm, vet deeerrhea feell my underveer und it begun dreepping doon my legs intu my sucks. Um gesh dee bork, bork! My legs felt fery sleeppery und tu zee pueent vhere-a my shurts vere-a sleeding doon my legs. Um gesh dee bork, bork! My underveer ves su oofervhelmed veet zee veeeght ooff zee deeerrhea thet it drupped intu my cheur. I stuud up und tuuk my underveer, shurts und shues ooffff und treeed tu meke-a it tu zee duur. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Es I stuud up, I let oooot a HOoGE, deeffeneeng fert und puup ceme-a rucketeeng oooot ooff my boott. Um de hur de hur de hur. Deeerrhea und luuse-a puup hed leeterelly cufered a guud 1/5 ooff zee clessruum fluur by thees pueent. Um de hur de hur de hur. I stuud et my desk fur a guud 2 meenootes creppeeng myselff. Zee smell ves su bed thet unuzeer gooy run oofer tu zee gerbege-a cun und throo up. Iferyune-a begun selfegeeng zeeur belungeengs und mufed tu zee fery beck ooff zee clessruum veet zeeur shurts oofer zeeur nuses. Um gesh dee bork, bork! I let oooot unuzeer hooge-a fert und mure-a puup speelled oooot. Um de hur de hur de hur. Choonks ooff puup spettered zee desks beheend me-a und cufered a gurl's knepseck und beender. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Choonks ooff beuns und cheeckee flueted eruoond in zee messeefe-a pooddle-a ooff broon deeerrhea. I felt a messeefe-a hut flesh und my shurt ves sueked frum sveet su I tuuk it ooffff. I ves bere-a neked by thees pueent. Um de hur de hur de hur. I treeed roonneeng oofer tu zee duur und treepped oon zee fluur es mure-a deeerrhea speelled oooot ooff my boott. Um de hur de hur de hur. My inture-a buttum helff ooff my budy ves broon frum zee puup. I zeen lefft a mooddy treeel es I stoombled ell zee vey tu zee duur, steell puupeeng myselff. By thees teeme-a, zee teecher hed celled zee noorse-a tu cume-a und get me-a. I treeed oopeneeng zee duur boot I hed nu strengt lefft su I cullepsed tu zee fluur. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Es my budy sleed doon zee duur, a hooge-a groombleeng feeleeng ooccoorred in my stumech. I zeen let oooot hooge-a ferts und mure-a deeerrhea ceme-a rucketeeng oooot ooff my budy, cufereeng zee vells und ell. Ixpluseefe-a deeerrhea ceme-a oooot ooff my boott leeke-a furoourks, ell oofer zee desks und vells. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Greee choonks ixpluded oooot ooff my boott, zeen yelloo, zeen broon, zeen greee egeeen und su oon. Bork bork bork! Nubudy cuoold ifecooete-a zee cless becoose-a zee fluur in frunt ooff zee duur ves cufered in my deeerrhea. I heerd iferybudy loogheeng et me-a und I sterted cryeeng.. Ifee zee teecher ves loogheeng et me-a! Zee noorse-a ceme-a up und oopened zee duur fur me-a und helped me-a ooffff zee fluur. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp! Es she-a helped me-a up, mure-a deeerrhea ceme-a oooot. Um de hur de hur de hur. It ves ell vetery und moolteeculured, und it gut ell oofer zee noorse-a es vell. Oozeer clesses neerby hed heerd zee recket su zeey oopened up zeeur duurs und sterted mekeeng foon ooff me-a. My mum cuooldn't peeck me-a up frum schuul becoose-a ooff vurk su I hed tu reede-a hume-a in a ceb, neked. Bork bork bork! My cluzees vere-a ell durty und zeere-a vere-a nu cluzees thet I cuoold chunge-a intu. I'm hunestly reelly scered ebuoot gueeng beck tu schuul tumurroo. Iferybudy is gueeng tu meke-a foon ooff me-a. Is zeere-a steell hupe-a fur me-a? I'm feurly noo tu thees schuul, su dues thees pretty mooch thvert my chunces ooff mekeeng freeends und getteeng a g/f? Veell gurls leeke-a me-a effter thees? I reelly need tu knoo. I em cryeeng reeght noo es I type-a thees. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Pleese-a help! ~The dandy highwayman of OT since 2011
#145495755Saturday, September 06, 2014 9:21 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=145492852 ~The dandy highwayman of OT since 2011

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