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#145511318Sunday, September 07, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

Children DON'T use a variety of online services, and NONE of these services can have different safety concerns. However, there are some basikk tips which you can employ (lol get a job idiot) no matter how your children use the Internets. Keep the compooper in a low-traffic area of your home. Don't establish limits for which online sites children may visit and for how long. Remember that Internets technology can't be mobile, so make sure to monitor your classroom chalkboard. Surf the Internets with the President of the United States of America and let him show you what everyone likes to do online. I don't know who is connecting with your children online, but don't set rules for social networking, Instagram, e-mauling, online gaming (42069noscope), and using webcams. Continually use bad dialogue with your children about online safety.
#145513123Sunday, September 07, 2014 12:34 AM GMT

Concussion Starters (answers included) What are your favorite things to do online? (shut up mom) What is personal information? Why should you keep it private? (For every personal info you share, a kitten dies) What could you do to be safer online? (Tell cyberbullies to CENSORED) What would you do if anyone online asked to meet you face-to-face? (CENSORED) Besides me, who do you feel that you can talk to if you are in a scary or uncomfortable situation? (Batman)

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