#147462288Monday, October 06, 2014 10:29 PM GMT

@CHEEZE2011 (sigh) You didn't even listen to anything I said. Yet again. YOU'RE STILL ARGUING WHY IT'S WNTS WHEN I SAID IT WAS.. @Lucario I guess it takes a big man to admit when they're wrong. I was wrong. This thread can be pretty WNTS. But I'm glad you got what we were really saying. That in this specific thread, bringing it up doesn't make a difference. I'll stop, but I wouldn't be surprised if CHEEZE doesn't.
#147462807Monday, October 06, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

@Lucario Dude you just shat on everyone. I actually feel bad now. I guess I was wrong, too. If CHEEZE comes up in here still arguing about the WNTS I will be pretty ticked off, though.
#147465517Monday, October 06, 2014 11:13 PM GMT

It took me FOREVER to catch up. To the recent stuff: I agree with SuperHero, rage's first post, some of CHEEZE's posts, and I agree with Lucario entirely. Bump! Waiting for goldfish's next recap.
#147466194Monday, October 06, 2014 11:23 PM GMT

He said it contained wnt elements, not necessarily wnts. WE HAVE REGAINED CONTACT WITH GOLDFISH RE: go on the thread you made, we are getting worried. goldfishmemories wrote at 10/6/2014 5:34:37 PM: Report Abuse Don't worry spikeman. I'll be back in the near future. I just lost my internet for a bit so I wasn't able to check on it. I just noticed that we're now on page 15, so I have at least 8 pages to catch up on. Tell everyone they can expect a post from me soon. Thank you.
#147466683Monday, October 06, 2014 11:29 PM GMT

@spikeman That's great news! But when he says near future does he mean today or next week?
#147469876Tuesday, October 07, 2014 12:10 AM GMT

He didn't say, i copied and pasted what the email said.
#147472932Tuesday, October 07, 2014 12:49 AM GMT

He writes a lot so I'd assume near future means he doesn't know but it'll probably be a while. He came back, though. It's a start. Haven't heard from him in like 3 weeks. The time will go by quicker if you don't spend it waiting for him.
#147475448Tuesday, October 07, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

I hate how fast life goes, I think I'm going to make it long by waiting ;_;. Hes also going to catch up on every page. WATHC OUT CHEESE TEH MASTA IS COMIN FOR YOU
#147475948Tuesday, October 07, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

I still support the OP. Also, you might want to read my post. (Psst! Remember to look for the post that has the time posted on "6:15PM".)
#147476521Tuesday, October 07, 2014 1:34 AM GMT

This isn't a suggestion or idea.
#147478723Tuesday, October 07, 2014 2:03 AM GMT

it's an idea for a roblox make over
#147478812Tuesday, October 07, 2014 2:04 AM GMT

#147479874Tuesday, October 07, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

This isn't a suggestion.... or an idea... Ok. I'll give you a moment to explain yourself.
#147495583Tuesday, October 07, 2014 12:30 PM GMT

I sent him a message explaining the definitions. I also told him that if he prefers to argue more go here and explain himself. Yeah I'm going on the message level. Again, I probably would be butt hurt knowing the admins discarded this idea ;_;
#147498236Tuesday, October 07, 2014 2:33 PM GMT

"If CHEEZE comes up in here still arguing about the WNTS I will be pretty ticked off, though" Then stop trying to argue with me, if you aren't even getting anywhere. "He said it contained wnt elements, not necessarily wnts. "WE HAVE REGAINED CONTACT WITH GOLDFISH RE: go on the thread you made, we are getting worried." Getting worried about what? . "goldfishmemories wrote at 10/6/2014 5:34:37 PM: Report Abuse Don't worry spikeman. I'll be back in the near future. I just lost my internet for a bit so I wasn't able to check on it. I just noticed that we're now on page 15, so I have at least 8 pages to catch up on. Tell everyone they can expect a post from me soon. Thank you." AT LEAST you know how to send private messages. As if the creator of the thread will be able to change my mind, or whatever you're getting at. I don't like this idea, it won't help inflation at all because the prices will instantly go up again, Dev+ is a bad replacement for BC, IT IS WNTS, GOLDFISH EVEN ADMITTED IT WAS WNTS, "he said some elements would be WNTS!" it doesn't matter. You can't argue that it isn't WNTS, when OP said that it was, proving all your counter-arguments wrong, and I have yet to see somebody change my mind. Lucario, I really don't need help writing out my argument, but thanks. I am also aware that this isn't a new Builders club, but it replaces bc, which requires removing it, which is WNTS. Roblox stated somewhere that there won't be anymore memberships, and it doesn't necessarily need to be on this forum. Why would you even want more memberships?
#147499522Tuesday, October 07, 2014 3:19 PM GMT

@cheese These are his exact quotes "his thread does have WNTS elements in it. They are more of technicalities though and don't blatantly disobey the WNTS. But if you rep to WNTS, this idea will make you rage, flame, and curse at me and everyone who agrees, and I don't want to see you that worked up partly because it just causes and a scene and just because it isn't healthy to get that worked up. So if anything WNTS really upsets you, then my suggestion to you is to pay no attention to this thread ever again and just leave. Thank you." He says WNTS elements. This means there will be some little WNTS in this idea. This means it's not a WNT necessarily but it has elements of it. Please try to continue to say hes saying it is, hes not saying that as all, hes saying it has elements of it. Just so where clear, and I'm not the idiot here, does WNTS mean wants?
#147501943Tuesday, October 07, 2014 4:28 PM GMT

"He says WNTS elements. This means there will be some little WNTS in this idea. This means it's not a WNT necessarily but it has elements of it. Please try to continue to say hes saying it is, hes not saying that as all, hes saying it has elements of it." He is saying it is WNTS. Most of this thread can be considered WNTS. "Just so where clear, and I'm not the idiot here, does WNTS mean wants?" *sigh* You are arguing that something isn't WNTS, but you don't even know what WNTS means? I seriously hope that was a joke.
#147506386Tuesday, October 07, 2014 6:54 PM GMT

In case you misunderstood what I said, I'm making sure I'm correct. Because a day or so ago before this argument, I asked my parents what does it mean. They said it means wants. I'm making sure that's correct. Also if that means it's not necessarily a WNT thread, then why are people saying that you are saying that it's a WNT thread?
#147513227Tuesday, October 07, 2014 9:01 PM GMT

WNTS means What Not To Suggest. It's a pinned post made by the moderator who patrols S&I about what you shouldn't suggest because they hear it too often or they already said no. And goldfish suggested a SERIES of ideas. Only a few are WNTS so only some of the thread is WNTS. But it's still WNTS.
#147513819Tuesday, October 07, 2014 9:10 PM GMT

And when they said that they probably were talking about added-on paid memberships, not replacements CHEEZE. This memberships were necessary to the suggestion, and if they are necessary replacements then I'm sure they would at least look at this. You can say it's WNTS, because it is, but you CAN NOT speak for the admins or mods. You are not a moderator and you don't get to represent them. End of the conversation. That's it. If you're not going to say something new then don't say it.
#147514319Tuesday, October 07, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

@CHEEZE "CHEEZE is right." was not the point of Lucario's post. What do you only hear what you want to hear? The only response you can say about his post is that "I know I'm right?" when he had four paragraphs about an entirely different topic. I love how you only reply to posts that you think you could win against, but when someone else with an alpha post comes a lot you barely acknowledge it. And I just freaking said I was wrong. What else do you want? I definitely wasn't wrong about everything.
#147517452Tuesday, October 07, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

My S&I post is also an idea/suggestion.
#147526356Wednesday, October 08, 2014 12:12 AM GMT

"You can say it's WNTS, because it is, but you CAN NOT speak for the admins or mods. You are not a moderator and you don't get to represent them. End of the conversation. That's it. If you're not going to say something new then don't say it." Nowhere am I trying to represent a moderator or admin. What I am saying is that I heard somewhere outside of S&I that there wouldn't be anymore memberships.
#147530132Wednesday, October 08, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

Just like I did once before, I support this to the max. I'd defend it if I could.
#147530142Wednesday, October 08, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

Just got a great idea: Agree to disagree.