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#146214691Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:35 AM GMT

Haven't you always wanted to be in a movie? I mean, come on, man! We ALL saw Star Wars in the theater (well, at least the kids that matter), we all understand what it could mean! Acting is AWESOME! and you've got the chops to do it! You've heard around school; It was in the mailbox of every kid in school. It's been the best topic at lunch: Why? How did this company know what families had children? Why was it only targeted at our town? The parents, of course, just want to ruin the fun, calling the police and 'setting cufew', but that hasn't stopped anyone before! The night on the sheet came, and you finally took your chance. You had already dug the pamphlet out of the trash... Er, well, you can't exactly call it a pamphlet, it's more of just a single sheet of paper in what looks like a type-writer font. Whoever made this sure is old! Well, tonight is the night! Wait until the parents clock out, listen to them talk about how you need to just 'forget it all happened'... And, like a... Like a Jedi, you sneak out! Wow, you can already feel the excitement! It says on the paper that you need to meet at the old grain barn outside town... Huh, isn't that the place where everyone goes to smoke... Nah. Never mind. This has got to be real. You arrive in only a few minutes of walking, and take the crumpled paper from your pocket. First six to arrive gets the part... You look up, and see a decently sized crowd of people... Awesome! I can shine, I can show 'em! You sit outside the faded barn, waiting for the doors to open, like the paper said. Nothing happens for a while... Was it a prank? You jump when you hear an old, crackly voice from some loudspeaker inside. One of the girls screams, and leaves. Wimp. "Hello... Er, Children. I'll be out in... But a moment! Say, er... Could you write some things about yourself... On the paper, that I told you to bring? I'll introduce in... But a", and then the sound cuts out. It's silent for a moment, but the murmering of confused contestants, before someone yells out, "Hey, Oldie, What do you want us to write?", causing a few giggles from the freshmen. Show-Off. "Oh, er, I'm sorry!" The voice returns, catching you off guard. "Well, er... Make a list, see... Give me a moment... Ok, Number one! Er... Names! Number two... Uh... Male... or, uh, Female! Number three... Um... What scares you... The most!" The voice booms, and then shuts off. Confusion spreads like fire. The first two questions make sense... But... What we fear? You don't care. You write your things down, and wait patiently. When the voice comes on again, this time in much worse quality, it asks everyone to stack their papers and push them under the barn door. The tallest (and obviously most-mature) boy in the group collects everything and tosses them through the door, trying to peek into the darkness all the time. It's another ten minutes before you hear. "Oh, er... What a group! Uh... Well, let's read off the winners! All of you guys... And gals, I guess... That won, you uh, you better get ready! I'll... Unlatch the door, you know... Hold on..." The last word was distant, like the person was moving away while shutting off the speaker. All of the sudden, a loud thud from inside, and the door was cracked open. "D... Don't you go in there! Heh... I'll read off the names in... Let me see..." The man (it's obvious it was a dude.) says. You wait, clenching your fists... Someone... Someone... Oh, hey, she's cute! Another... And finally, you hear your name. You jump for joy. You freak out. you do whatever you do when you are excited. You start to walk in, pushing past the angry kids, making sure nobody who doesn't deserve this spot gets in... You walk in, and wait for everyone else... Man, aren't there lights in here? "Shut... Shut that door, please." Another voice over the speaker. Man, where is that coming from..? The door slowly creaks shut, and for a moment, it's completely dark. A light flickers on above you... A man who is obviously a cripple slowly approaches from the shadows. He has a twisted branch as a cane, and taps it around in such a way that you can tell he has trouble seeing. He still stares right at your group. "Such nice... Actors. I've been waiting for... quite some time. Here, here, come into the camera room. I've made us all some tea and crackers, let's get started on the... script." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAVE YOU SEEN THESE CHILDREN? SIX CHILDREN, NAMED PAGE 23, MISSING SINCE PRANK TAGETED TOWARDS MOVIE BUFFS; MORE ON 23, 24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW The reason I put 'Survival Horror' in the title is because I don't want people posting and saying "Acting RP is really cool, how will you do it?" without reading anything at all. Survival Horror is a term that I like to associate with the Silent Hill series, especially. A lot of people think that Survival Horror means you are completely defenseless against the monster at hand. I like to think of it as the monster being stronger than you, not immortal, or not being unfair. Horror games are all about jumpscares while you're defenseless and terrified. I would much rather you be gripping a bloody pipe, looking around a dark room as the beast laughs at your attempts to fight back than hide under a table. Consider that you are High-school aged students in the 70's. Try to keep their lingo. Don't reference anything in today's time. I also understand that a mainstake of horror is the hot lady being a 'damsel in distress'. Considering my previous point about fighting the opponent, you could actually be the one saving people. The Phobia question is very, very important! It will, no doubt, make this experience for you! Use your imagination! It's fun to be scared, and if you are interested in this, you obviously want to be scared! Please, do abide by normal RP rules. Romantic encounters are to be kept to a mature and understandable level. Death will be a touchy topic that I can't really talk about because I want to keep the plot ambiguous. But if you do 'die', then you CAN come back. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (prompt for a character sheet, put answers after the tick, STAY IN CHARACTER) "Oh, er, I'm sorry. The tea might be cold... It's been sitting for a while, I messed up... My clock. Real shame, real shame... Now, er, don't worry, It... It's real good. Herbal. Supposed to calm the nerves. I imagine you... Er, Young Stars... Are real nervous!" "Now, now then... I have a few more questions for you... You can just tell me your answers, but take turns... I've got to type 'em... Yes, it's a type-writer, and it's old. Kids these..." Now then... What was your name? I need to know it by... By voice!(Name) ~ Oh, good... Good... Now, I can't see, and you can't... Uh... What is your... Status? (Gender) ~ There, There... Now then, Give a quick description, so I can, uh, write a character up for you!(Appearance) ~ All right, we're finishing up here! You've been real... Co-operative. Say, do you have a lot of friends? (Sort of... A bio.) ~ Ok, let's hope they enjoy seeing you on... Er, the... movie! Heh... Now then, uh, how's about... How's about we go over any health problems you might... Might happen to have? (Semi-Important) ~ Now then, we're finishing. Last one, I promise... Can you repeat that... That 'Fear' question? I know it's... Strange. It's to make sure you are... As comfortable as possible, er... During the movie!(Doesn't actually need to be a phobia, but it needs to be something that is an ACTUAL fear.) ~ All right, that's about it, boys and... Boys and Girls! Say, say... You seem real, real tired... You know, it's rude to yawn! Can one of you, perhaps... Go shut the door? (special tea) ~
#146214848Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:37 AM GMT

If this is the 70s, I'll be the hippie. Don't be such a narc, duuuuude.
#146214910Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:38 AM GMT

I would be perfectly fine with it, as long as you are the right age.
#146215011Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

oh my god i love this already joining right now eheh))
#146215105Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:40 AM GMT

#146216495Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

So ees this like, ingame or text? Idgaf im joining
#146216497Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

(Name) - Christopher Hugen (Gender) - Male (Appearance) - A skinny white male averaging to a 5'7 height. He has short brown hair, and brown eyes which are covered by a pair of glasses. (Bio) - A person with a decent amount of friends. Doesn't go outside much. (Health Problems) - Allergic to sugar (Fears) - Cyrophobia, scared of being cold/interacting with cold weather/freezing objects.
Top 100 Poster
#146216564Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:54 AM GMT

How did this company know what families had children? ...Basic research? Bah, no matter. This plot makes no sense. No kid is so stupid as to actually go to something like this. "Stranger danger" and all that. It's drilled into kids heads, they aren't a bunch of slobbering morons.
#146216838Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:57 AM GMT

Wow, good job, Gyro! And hey, this is the 70's. These kids don't care!
Top 100 Poster
#146216979Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

And hey, this is the 70's. These kids don't care! That's a lazy excuse. It still makes little sense. A simple kidnapping would be much more believable.
#146217147Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:00 AM GMT

And would a kidnapping give you nearly as much of a backstory? This is a literary device. I understand it doesn't work, but honestly, if I would have explained EVERYTHING, it would have been boring. Maybe the kids are rebellious. It's also the 70's, man. This writer don't care!
Top 100 Poster
#146217351Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

It's also the 70's, man. This writer don't care! The writer should care if he wants his work to be any good. I can write a story about how the Kingdom of Luxembourg conquered the entire world on the backs of their Fire Breathing Dragon Elephant Tigers. That'd make no sense, but "it's a literary device! It doesn't need to make sense! Explaining stuff is hard! I don't care if my story makes no sense!!!" Rule #1 of making a story. It needs to make sense.
#146217397Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

tl;dr First Siggy gonna be the Last Siggy
#146217612Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:06 AM GMT

"Oh, er, I'm sorry. The tea might be cold... It's been sitting for a while, I messed up... My clock. Real shame, real shame... Now, er, don't worry, It... It's real good. Herbal. Supposed to calm the nerves. I imagine you... Er, Young Stars... Are real nervous!" "Now, now then... I have a few more questions for you... You can just tell me your answers, but take turns... I've got to type 'em... Yes, it's a type-writer, and it's old. Kids these..." Now then... What was your name? I need to know it by... By voice!(Name) "Uhm. It's er..Ian. Ian macintyre. Oh, good... Good... Now, I can't see, and you can't... Uh... What is your... Status? (Gender) "I'm er. A boy..er..guy..er..male." There, There... Now then, Give a quick description, so I can, uh, write a character up for you!(Appearance) "I'm pretty tall,at 6 feet tall. I weigh a good 150 pounds. I have medium length unkept dirty blonde hair. I've got some nice bluish grey eyes. I'm white. I've got some muscle,but I'm more like that nerd who reads comics and books most of the time." All right, we're finishing up here! You've been real... Co-operative. Say, do you have a lot of friends? (Sort of... A bio.) "Well..no. I don't have many friends.. My parents are pretty nice though,and my mom hangs out with me a lot! My dad isn't really..around much,but he's still nice. I just turned 17 recently,and since they know I like comics so much,they bought me a bunch of them! I love my parents!" Ok, let's hope they enjoy seeing you on... Er, the... movie! Heh... Now then, uh, how's about... How's about we go over any health problems you might... Might happen to have? (Semi-Important) "I'm not very social-able,my parents think there's something wrong with me,but the doctors just think I'm not very good at socializing."(Aspergers) Now then, we're finishing. Last one, I promise... Can you repeat that... That 'Fear' question? I know it's... Strange. It's to make sure you are... As comfortable as possible, er... During the movie!(Doesn't actually need to be a phobia, but it needs to be something that is an ACTUAL fear.) "Um...I'm scared of zombies..um..aliens..getting eaten..I don't like spiders,either." All right, that's about it, boys and... Boys and Girls! Say, say... You seem real, real tired... You know, it's rude to yawn! Can one of you, perhaps... Go shut the door? (special tea) "Um..Sure!" I shut the door.
#146217679Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:06 AM GMT

Name) Bratcher Rigond Gender) Male Appearance) Shaggy black hair reaching neck, with green eyes and freckles dotting his face. His body is lean and lithe, like a distance runner, but is noticeably quite pale. Bratcher is usually donned in a dark gray t-shirt with the words "Imagine Dragons" printed onto it in blue, with black gym shorts and Nike shoes. Earphones are often shoved into his ears, with said Imagine Dragons blaring into his eardrums. His iPhone rests in his pocket. Bio) Bratcher is a 'shady character', to say the least. He never really had many friends, and the amount of liking he had taken to his parents wasn't very high (but there wasn't much time for buildup, anyway; they were mostly away for their jobs). Semi-Important) Bratcher is asthmatic, with minor dyslexia. Phobia) He is extremely afraid of arachnids and occasionally darkness. Special Tea) u wot m8 If humans are 72 percent water, would that mean that if I walked on you, I'd be Jesus?
#146217802Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

o yeah and bratcher is 12 yrs old If humans are 72 percent water, would that mean that if I walked on you, I'd be Jesus?
#146217886Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

brigond i don't think you read it it's in the 1970s
#146219039Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

Ok, fine, I won't be funny. Think of it as a sort of a forbidden fruit. This is a tight-knit neighborhood where likely nothing happens. These children are all high-school age, rebellious, and, to be honest, this is something to do. I never said that EVERY child went; there were obviously ones that understood an obvious risk and they decided to not take such a risk for a possible reward of a good time. Let us consider the works of John Milton (or, moreso, a collection of works into one, large work, known as 'Paradise Lost') and his interpretation of the character Satan. In all honesty, the character Satan is almost considered as a Hero, or at least an Anti-hero, in the course of the poetry. He does not appreciate the 'justice' given by god to those who he considers 'sinners', and he even attempts to bring a civil war unto heaven, eventually causing his downfall. Does it, in fact, explain why Satan does the things he does in the first book of the poem? Does it give a complete answer as to why he does what he does? No. I doesn't need to. Later on in the work (I will admit, I have not finished the entirety of Paradise lost.), it likely explains most of his motives. But it doesn't need to at the beginning. Milton knew he could later on. I'm not trying to throw things at you to sound cool. You are an educated and respectable man; I imagine you have at least heard of Milton's work, and you may understand the literary value better than I. I'm saying that the literary device used is one of many epic stories; it begins within the thick of things, it does not explain the morals or eventual goals of characters, it lets them tell said stories themselves. In a role-play environment, the role-player creates their story. The role-player can create their reasons, and the role-player can use such a device to better make a story. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Only source used was a Spark Notes page that I used to find a quote, I can link if you'd like.
Top 100 Poster
#146219613Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

These children are all high-school age, rebellious, and, to be honest, this is something to do. Sports, clubs, reading? If you were bored would you go take a trip down to the shooting range and play dodgeball with the incoming bullets? --- I never said that EVERY child went; there were obviously ones that understood an obvious risk and they decided to not take such a risk for a possible reward of a good time. "You look up and see a decently sized crowd of people" That's still a lot. It's still quite unreasonable. --- Paragraph 3/4/5: Yes. But the difference between that work, and yours is that your example eventually provides an explanation. Unless you come around and tell me halfway into the story that all the kids were brainwashed (Which is probably a worse crime then the original idea) there is no way you can eventually wave away the lunacy of the plot with a simple explanation. Besides, we're concentrating solely on your work. I'm still questioning that tangent. --- I imagine you have at least heard of Milton's work, and you may understand the literary value better than I. Don't think I don't recognize your passive aggressive insults, mate. I'm onto you.
#146219670Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

Also, as for the actual Role-Play, Sgt is the only one to make a decent character sheet. But I think the rest are trolls, so I guess he's the only one to try. Accepted.
#146219793Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:29 AM GMT

Yay. I make a decent character sheet. I am decent. Yay.
Top 100 Poster
#146219871Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:30 AM GMT

But I think the rest are trolls Oh, and turn away subpar character sheets and accuse them of being trolls. That always helps.
#146220195Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:34 AM GMT

Are you going to continue lurking here? I can fix it. One hundred percent, I'll write up a whole new story, I'll fix everything, if you are that incredibly passionate about it. I'm serious, here, I think that you deserve it, if you want me to. You are, in fact, the Mage of Power. Also, it's not just subpar, it is that they obviously didn't even read to the end of the OP.
Top 100 Poster
#146220338Wednesday, September 17, 2014 1:35 AM GMT

I can fix it. One hundred percent, I'll write up a whole new story, I'll fix everything, if you are that incredibly passionate about it. I'm serious, here, I think that you deserve it, if you want me to. You are, in fact, the Mage of Power. Bah. I can sense your sarcasm. But no matter. I shall sit and wait. Have fun editing your story!
#146279039Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:53 AM GMT

(excuse me and my lack of the 70s i am very birdlike and has only been living for a few months) "Oh, er, I'm sorry. The tea might be cold... It's been sitting for a while, I messed up... My clock. Real shame, real shame... Now, er, don't worry, It... It's real good. Herbal. Supposed to calm the nerves. I imagine you... Er, Young Stars... Are real nervous!" "Now, now then... I have a few more questions for you... You can just tell me your answers, but take turns... I've got to type 'em... Yes, it's a type-writer, and it's old. Kids these..." Now then... What was your name? I need to know it by... By voice!(Name) ~"Allie, um, yeah, that's my name." Oh, good... Good... Now, I can't see, and you can't... Uh... What is your... Status? (Gender) ~ "My status, uh," she took a small pause, trying to think about what that even means, "I guess... I'm middle class? About lower than that? Uh, sorry, I just, I don't know what you mean..." There, There... Now then, Give a quick description, so I can, uh, write a character up for you!(Appearance) ~ "I'm a bit of... I'm kind of short, being around, hm, 5 feet. My hair is kind of wavy, curly, mess, and uh, it's brown. Annd... I have the same color with my eyes, too. I'm a bit skinny, and I'm white, too." All right, we're finishing up here! You've been real... Co-operative. Say, do you have a lot of friends? (Sort of... A bio.) ~ "Well, not really. I have a few, but I'm not all that popular, really... uh, is that it?" Ok, let's hope they enjoy seeing you on... Er, the... movie! Heh... Now then, uh, how's about... How's about we go over any health problems you might... Might happen to have? (Semi-Important) ~"Uh... well, um, I got, uh, um... Yeah, uh..." Allie paused for a moment, quite disappointed in herself for filling most of her sentences with nonsense, but getting to the point, she says, "I've gotta leg brace, y'know, on my right one, uh, yeah, I-I fell down the stairs... it's really embarrassing." Now then, we're finishing. Last one, I promise... Can you repeat that... That 'Fear' question? I know it's... Strange. It's to make sure you are... As comfortable as possible, er... During the movie!(Doesn't actually need to be a phobia, but it needs to be something that is an ACTUAL fear.) ~"Eh... well... I think I'm most scared of, uh, b-birds. It's uh, a really, long story, and yeah... weird, saying it in front of a couple of strangers, but if you really need it..." All right, that's about it, boys and... Boys and Girls! Say, say... You seem real, real tired... You know, it's rude to yawn! Can one of you, perhaps... Go shut the door? (special tea) ~Premium black? Herbal? Hm. Allie drinks the tea, bleching at it's extremely bitter taste.

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