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#146289739Thursday, September 18, 2014 3:28 AM GMT

Intro: Horizon and his tribe of light beings crept through the forest, skipping over mounds of vegetation. With no need for torches, they simply held out their glowing hands in front of them, illuminating the dark, damp undergrowth in front of them. Shadows skipped at every corner they turned, startling even the most powerful of the group. The paranoia and despair ate at their hearts, spreading to each individual like the most infectious of diseases. Flicker -the youngest- collapsed in a ball of flashes, making every being jump. We can't go on like this, Horizon thought. But we must, he argued with himself. The whole tribe would be safe when they were finally out of the darkness of their dilemma. But then the bushes beside them rustled, a twig snapped, and the slow thud of many heavy footsteps closed in around the group in a malevolent chorus. They crouded together, but they had no chance..... People ran..... Shadows pursued..... Children screamed..................... And then the lights went out. Become apart of a chilling story as a member of the surrounding species... or one of the antagonists....... or even one of the last members of the near-extinct species in this exciting roleplay! Rules: •No Godmodding. (Feel free to have battles as long as you deliver AND take blows.) •No Ridicule. (Such as a character being a nyancat-walrus-panther-robot.) •Don't Take Challenges Inside The Roleplay Outside Of The Roleplay. •No Characters/Quotes From Books/Other Roleplays, please. •Don't Come To Tell Everyone How Sad You Are That Your Old Cat Just Died. (=P) •Put RR in the "other" section on your character sheet. It stands for Read Rules. CS: Character Name: (Insert) Personality: (Insert) Features: (Insert) Species: (Insert) Weapon(s): (Insert) Other: (Insert) Power Strength: Light Being = Shadow Being > Surrounding Species Well.... that's about it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy this roleplay!
#146290957Thursday, September 18, 2014 3:52 AM GMT

Marked. Most of us are in America (assuming you aren't) so a long wait should be expected.
#146291072Thursday, September 18, 2014 3:54 AM GMT

Ok..... I'm in america though. :P
#146291655Thursday, September 18, 2014 4:07 AM GMT

Character Name: Zefer Downcaster Personality: Quirky,Serious at time,cares about friends Features: burns on my face,markings all over my hands,red eyes (Look at char for clothes) Species: Human Weapon(s): Baton Other: Whistles at times Power Strength:Blood manipulation (I use my own blood)
#146292066Thursday, September 18, 2014 4:17 AM GMT

@jj You didn't read rules. XD. And when I put "Power Strength" I meant that as a subtitle for the section below. It shows how strong each species is in comparance to one another.
#146293787Thursday, September 18, 2014 5:09 AM GMT

#146302344Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:31 PM GMT

#146302564Thursday, September 18, 2014 12:39 PM GMT

(uhhh I hope it's alright if I bring my character from the first RP over here? I know it says I can't use characters from other rps but since this is basically an improved version from the last one, I guess it's ok, right...?) Character Name: Sami Personality: She's a social, excitable, and enthusiastic young woman. She is a happy bird, though is often easily irritated and tends to be a bit antsy as well. Sami is active, and is unable to stay in a confined, small, and in one place for a long time. Sami is also extremely honest, finds it hard to lie, and is a bit gullible as well. She fears of settling down into a single place, to one person, and is nomadic. Abilities: She is able to fly, obviously. Sami also has hollow bones, and therefor, weighs lighter than the average human. Sami is agile, and is able to run, and soar at excessively fast speeds. She is GREAT with a bow, and has amazing aim. Weapons: Bow and arrow, obviously. Clothes: She wears a strapless, sleeveless, white top that fits tightly on her chest, and a long skirt with a slit along her left leg. Her boots reach to near her knees. She has a quiver that rests around her shoulder and torso, that holds all her arrows. Features: The head, wings, feathers, and soul of a budgie, and the 4 feet tall body of a human. Species: Budgie/Human Other: RR
#146309434Thursday, September 18, 2014 4:18 PM GMT

#146316978Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:30 PM GMT

Character Name:Xander Buggeth Gender:Male Appearance:He's tall,at a nice 7'4,and weighs around 250 LB. He has a strong exoskeleton covering his whole body,and it's colored black. 1 long antenna which is around 6 inches,and the other one is short,at 2 inches,and it's obvious that something cut it. He has 2 strong jaws. Surprisingly,he does not have compound eyes,his eyes are instead a solid black color. He has full 20/20 vision,but the solid black eyes act like sunglasses. His legs and arms are basically human,except they have an exoskeleton. He wears long,baggy,grey sweatpants,and he also wears a grey hoodie. He wears black leather boots,as well. Personality:Sly,lazy,very deceptive,truthful,untrustworthy. Features:Eh..nothing very distinguishable,EXCEPT THAT HE'S A COCKROACH HUMAN. And his exoskeleton is black,and he's missing slightly more than half of his left antenna. Species: Cockroach/Human Weapon(s):Strong jaws that could easily crush bone. Switchblade. Other:RR
#146318239Thursday, September 18, 2014 7:53 PM GMT

Character Name: Kheion Whisper Personality: Evil, deceptive, rash, loud. Features: Tall, surrounded by shadow (or a cloak), covering everything, except my face. I wear a white, round mask, with 2 circular eye holes, and a circular hole for a mouth. I have white skeleton hands, that are hidden under my cloak. I can stab people with it. I can also teleport. Species: Shadow Being Weapon(s): A teleporting knife. I also shoot out bones out from under my cloak. Other: PR
#146331829Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

(Hey,atleast you know I whistle at random times) *REVISED* Character Name: Zefer Downcaster Personality: Quirky,Serious at time,cares about friends Features: Look at me senpai)) Species: Human Weapon(s): Baton Other: RR
#146335539Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:56 PM GMT

#146336019Friday, September 19, 2014 12:04 AM GMT

@Picka that's fine. :) I just want to get some original characters in the roleplay instead of characters people have seen and copied or just use over and over again. @Everyone Thank you everyone who joined! Roleplay will be starting soon.
#146336070Friday, September 19, 2014 12:05 AM GMT

#146338352Friday, September 19, 2014 12:38 AM GMT

Character Name: Tsaesci Personality: Cunning, Untrustworthy, Unpredictable, Sly Skills: Tsaesci can walk like a human, but can also slither incredibly fast on his belly like the snake he is. His cunning and deception also helps him, and his black cloak helps him hide in the dark. Features: Teslan is a slender, black scaled, humanoid with black voids for eyes. His underbelly are different from his black back, sides and head. Instead, from neck down, he has grey scales that help him slither if necessary. His head is long, like a mamba, also colored black. Inside his mouth and tongue is also black. Species: Black Mamba/ Human Weapon(s): Two very venomous daggers that come out of his mouth Other: RR
#146344970Friday, September 19, 2014 2:02 AM GMT

Character Name: Nahzt'zrii She'en. (NA-zit-trii Shii-en) Personality: Odd, Sweet in a reserved manner, Generous, Shy/Introverted, Trustworthy. Fun once you get to know her. Species: Metal Being Features: Nahzt'rii (Zirii for short) has a slender human body with silver tinted skin. She has big green-blue eyes which have silver speckles in the iris pointing towards the pupil. She has long flat silver hair which is made of sheets of fine strands of steel that reflect the sunlight beautifully. She wears a pair of gray shorts which are thread-bare at the bottom, and a shirt of about the same style. She has metal stichted into her arm in the shape of a pentacle, which is just under her left shoulder. Weapon(s): Zirii's only weapon is her magical powers. (Which pretty much just revolve around the manipulation of metal.). Perhaps her favorite power is an array of metal spikes that she can shoot out of her finger tips. Other: RR
#146350486Friday, September 19, 2014 3:25 AM GMT

~§tarting Roleplay Now!~ Zirii tiptoed through the forest, quietly following a trail of destruction. Her blue-green gaze landed on a pile of glowing ash.
#146351047Friday, September 19, 2014 3:38 AM GMT

I would like some more plot info, but I'll join anyway since nein of my rps are posting. name: Frank Miller personality: TBR. Features: believe this is my info http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130623000818/callofduty/images/9/93/SEAL_Team_Six_SMG_model_BOII.png species: human dat beotch Weapons: The Fusil Autimatica Lueger, or the FAL, equipped with ACOG scope and a suppressor. Other: Umm, so where exactly are we? And Frank is a part of Seal Team Six, apart of JSOC. RR
#146351277Friday, September 19, 2014 3:45 AM GMT

(Ahh.... that's the thing I forgot. I'll make a list of places.)
#146351366Friday, September 19, 2014 3:47 AM GMT

No, I just want what city we're at and if there are any relevant areas. Also what's the plot/point?
#146352308Friday, September 19, 2014 4:15 AM GMT

~>PLACES<~ Sunshine Meadow: A peaceful place of soft, warm colors. Here roams many animals, especially herbivores, who absolutely adore the sweet grass and honeysuckle. Many come here simply to bask in the beauty of nature. Sunshine Meadow is known for it's abundous amount of sunflowers. Murmuring Forest: In here lives a tangle of undergrowth, where rodents scurry to find food. While not as harmonious as Sunshine Meadow, the Murmuring Forest isn't the most savage place to call home. Some predators live here, gorging themselves on mice, squirrels, voles, and shrews, along with a whole variety of other small animals. The Murmuring Forest gets its name from the constant hum of insects; the mice's source of food. Mountain Crevice: Located beneath many folds of rock is a huge bowl, where many weather-hardy species live. Centipedes, millipedes, and spiders provide just enough food to keep the snakes and lizards quiet, but animals such as mountain lions will prowl in to catch whoever's unlucky enough to be out in the open. A chip in the rock makes a narrow entrance for Mountain Crevice's occupants to squeeze through, but it's a growing problem as a quick escape can be mandatory. Argert Village: Where humans and their pets live normal, comfortable lives. The species that live here are very introverted, and rarely associate with the world of mystical creatures. The Caverns of The Keeping: This place, perhaps the most dangerous of them all, is a dare-devil sight for even the most experienced explorers. Out of fourty-seven, two alone have come out alive. Brother and sister Shadow Beings Shavsta and Marsger Morshir were in a frightening state when found, and were, -and still are- speaking gibberish, pointing to random intervals in the sky, and attacking without mercy against their restrainers. Not many explorers challenge the caverns at present. Cosy Keeps: The dwellings of the light-beings (before they disappeared.). These tiny makeshift villages are set up practically everywhere do to this group's nomadic reputation. They are often littered with lost resources and are a temporary home to needy travelers. The Temple of Shadow: Not much is known about this place. The only common knowledge is that it is the dwelling of the shadow-beings. The magically gifted have report an immensely strong dark-aura around this mysterious sight.
#146352592Friday, September 19, 2014 4:24 AM GMT

The plot is mostly for the role players to decide. The main thing is that there was a war going on between the shadow and light beings which was pretty much affecting the whole kingdom, as there was an unofficial joint leadership idea going on between the two groups. Suddenly, in the night, the light beings' whole population vanishes, leaving the shadow beings basically in charge. This leaves everyone in despair, and so now it it time for the RPers to come in, and decide how th whole story turns out. Hopefully that correctly answers your question!
#146352904Friday, September 19, 2014 4:33 AM GMT

Character Name: Axel Personality: Fierce,Brave Features: Metal gauntlet on one hand (used for better grip and to block attacks)Species: Human Weapon: My power Power: Demon like abilities such as the ability to use make and use fire and to be invicible to fire and can some times only on a special surface can warp through walls.
#146353001Friday, September 19, 2014 4:37 AM GMT

Nice character!

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