#164860034Thursday, June 18, 2015 7:54 PM GMT

@Ace So that's how the Titanic really sunk!
#164865042Thursday, June 18, 2015 8:43 PM GMT

@Lucas If that did happen, that post wouldn't be there. Also the Titanic sunk by the captain who was smoking crashed into the ice burg and the ice made a hole in the storage room. By the time he said S.O.S, it was already sinking. Once it was 90 ° up, it splinted in half resulting bold of the parts to sink down. The captain and maybe the crew died in this accident. More then 1,000 died in this accident and less then 500 survived. This was a tragic moment in history. This wasn't typed by me. My little brother did that.
#164865537Thursday, June 18, 2015 8:49 PM GMT

I'm sorry but >WHO SHE IS Hetalia is an anime... Hetalia isn't the name unless you count "Hetare Italia" (Useless Italy) as the name. I dunno. It'd be a guy anyway. 90% of the characters are, lmao.
#164889567Friday, June 19, 2015 12:59 AM GMT

@Ace Yes, I was making a joke since you said "ship". @England I mainly did something like that because roquinha9 didn't know who Hetalia was. I assume it's an anime goddess (Since Anime has stuff like that).
#164890101Friday, June 19, 2015 1:04 AM GMT

>I assume it's an anime goddess aaaAAAAAAAAH NOO NO NO NO NO Hetalia is a comedic 5-minute anime about the personifications of countries during the time of WWII, but in the more humourous aspect. All the persoifications are actually stereotypical and make them funnier. ITS NOT AN ANIME GODDESS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH
#164917281Friday, June 19, 2015 6:44 AM GMT

Dude, can I make a comeback and then stay with Telamon and crew? I think I could give them info about stuff related to the space and just hang out. Heck, you can even have me as a moving hologram and give me Logs!
#164930082Friday, June 19, 2015 1:23 PM GMT

@Englandish Wow. I was so off. @ISaidBuildsGhost Sure. Heck, if the ship's in danger in the final log, you can help tell them how to operate the ship.
#164931851Friday, June 19, 2015 2:01 PM GMT

Idea for the logs: Telamon: Hottyboy, Psymorphic, lets play tag! Hottyboy and me: Tag? Why? Telamon: Because! *everyone plays tag* Telamon: Aww, fried chicken! I'm it! *Telamon tries to tag Hotty* *Vexeldio and Aage come down, arguing* Hottyboy: Ahh! Vexeldio and Aage: WHAT'S WRONG!!!! *they sprint to Hottyboy* Telamon: We're just playing tag. Vexeldio: Cool. Aage. Can I play? Telamon: Sure! You're it. *aage chases Telamon* Telamon: Aahh! *Telamon knocks over Hottyboy's lunchbox* Hottyboy: No! My lunch!
#164932767Friday, June 19, 2015 2:18 PM GMT

Telamon's Log Day 7 Well, it's official. It's been a week since we took off. To celebrate, ISaidBuildsGhost once more beamed himself into the rocket using a hologram. He said the company had a surprise for use. He then held out a holographic meatloaf. He then told us that they ran out of cake. We all then had a party! In space. It was weird, especially playing Pin the tail on the donkey in Zero Gravity. That donkey always moves _________________________________________________________________________________ Psymorphic's Log Day 7 Boy, I wish the party went better. I guess the zero gravity made me sick, so I accidently threw up in the bobbing for space food flavored apples tank. The main reason we had the party was because we've been in space for a week. Honestly, I'd thought we'd crash by now, but apparently, we're still on coarse. Luckily, about an hour later, I felt better, and I continued partying. My Zero Gravity sickness went away. Either the zero gravity caused me to throw up, or it was the fact that I won the space food eating contest (637 eaten food in less then 2 minutes) a few minutes before the bobbing for space food flavored apples. _________________________________________________________________________________ Roquinha9's Log Day 7 Holograms are cool! I like how ghostly the hologram that Innovation Inc. beamed today. It was so futuristic! Anyway, I took a selfie on my phone (Space Internet Signal), and I was hoping to post this on my blog when I got home. Sadly, though, somehow my phone has a flash, so that ruined the hologram. Oh well. I also made it to second place in the space food eating contest. Psymirphic though, beat me by 600 food. he must've been hungry! When we return to earth, I'm hoping he'll teach me some tricks to work up an appetite like that. _________________________________________________________________________________ Aage56's Log Day 7 It's not easy being the captain, when competing in a shooting contest. _________________________________________________________________________________ Vexeldio's Log Day 7 It's not easy being the captain, when competing in a shooting contest. _________________________________________________________________________________ Acekonnorfan's Log Day 4 I felt bad for shooting the net gun at the co-captains the other day, so I decided to teach them how to use the net gun, but I think they took it to far, because they started competing against each other, launching every net I had at the same target, and let me tell you, not one of those nets hit the target. _________________________________________________________________________________ Englandish's Log Day 4 I decided to take the time to talk to Roquinha9 about what Hetalia is, but I think he was distracted by the hologram, because he seemed to rush me with the conversation. Oh well, as long as he knew what it was. _________________________________________________________________________________ ISaidBuildsGhost's Holographic Email Message Good Luck with your mission. We on earth are proud that you lasted a week already. Good job!
#164933037Friday, June 19, 2015 2:24 PM GMT

Can I be in this by any chance?
#164943784Friday, June 19, 2015 5:13 PM GMT

YOU MESSED UP MY LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#164952286Friday, June 19, 2015 6:56 PM GMT

GREAT STORY TELLING!Add an animation of this xD
#164957280Friday, June 19, 2015 7:55 PM GMT

@officerbuggs15 Oh I wish I could. Unfortunately, I can't manage to do the whole story. I do make stop-motion ROBLOX films, but the longest time they are, are about 4 or 5 minutes long. If I could somehow make a picture for the story, it'd be cool. Sadly, the forums don't allow pictures. (Which is a good thing especially for people who post inappropriate things on the ROBLOX forum). The best option for ROBLOX is to allow pictures for the Role-Playing Sub-Forum.
#164961559Friday, June 19, 2015 8:47 PM GMT

@Lucas So almost like a Manga?
#164967810Friday, June 19, 2015 9:52 PM GMT

@hottyboy5656 Lol, I don't know what Manga is...
#164967965Friday, June 19, 2015 9:54 PM GMT

Oh my! I was just looking at ROBLOX forum simulators on Youtube, and guess what I found on this video? Apparently, Vexeldio is part of the illuminati...
#164973737Friday, June 19, 2015 10:52 PM GMT

It's like a comic book But in japanese
#164973907Friday, June 19, 2015 10:54 PM GMT

#164986707Saturday, June 20, 2015 12:52 AM GMT

How did I NOT realize this earlier?! Vexeldio. Vexeldio has 8 letters. 8 letters. Do you know what else has 8 letters? Thats right, the first 8 letters of Mac' Donalds. 8 plus 8 equals 16. 16 divided by 8 equals 2. Two. Two comes after one. One plus two equals three. The illuminati has three sides. Vexeldio is illuminati confirmed.
#164989893Saturday, June 20, 2015 1:16 AM GMT

Wasn't the Mc. Donald thing a bit off. Hottyboy also has 8 letters. .:.
#165022254Saturday, June 20, 2015 5:17 AM GMT

wait we are all illumanti pass me the tinfoil
#165070649Saturday, June 20, 2015 2:34 PM GMT

@Acekonnorfan But tinfoilbot quit! Wait a minute, Tinfoilbot made a creepypasta about a kid named Melvin. Melvin has 6 letters. We're in the 6th month of the year. The 6th month of the year is June. June is a name of someone from a somewhat forgotten show called "KaBlam!" from the 90s. SpongeBob is from the 90s. SpongeBob is square. The opposite of a square is a circle. A circle has no edges. What has the least amount of edges? A triangle! A triangle represents the illuminati! In my opinion, the illuminati is just an online fandom. But, it's fun to do ridiculous sayings to show that something is confirmed by it.
#165071208Saturday, June 20, 2015 2:44 PM GMT

Is it scary that this thread has more replies then the amount of posts I have?!?! You can thank INFERN for that.
#165072010Saturday, June 20, 2015 2:57 PM GMT

Nope, not at all.
#165073940Saturday, June 20, 2015 3:27 PM GMT

Telamon: Aw, thanks for that awesome E-Mail message! ISaidBuildsGhost: Your welcome. Hey, where're the captains? I want to see them. Telamon: Who knows? They could be anywhere. (Meanwhile) Aage56: No! I said it's my turn! Vexeldio: In your dreams! We all know you couldn't hit a chair even if it was a foot away from you! Aage56: Why you...! =Aage56 tackles Vexeldio= Acekonnorfan: Hey! Take it easy guys! =Acekonnorfan walks towards the fighting brothers= =Vexeldio accidently releases another net from the gun= PWING! =The net hurdles itself at the controls and knocks into the floating bottle Telamon had accidently released, and the water lands onto the controls= ZAP! =Aage56 and Vexeldio stop fighting= Aage56: What was that?! Vexeldio: I don't know! Acekonnorfan: *Gasp* The controls! Water got on the controls! =Roquinha9 walks in= Roquinha9: Hey guys, what's up? Acekonnorfan: Water somehow got on the controls! Roquinha9: What?! Aage, Vex, you have to save the ship! Vexeldio: Why work with him, I'm the captain. Aage56: What?! You fool! I'm the captain! Vexeldio: Sure, then why was I ranked captain? Aage56: You weren't! I was! Roquinha9: Enough! You two have been doing nothing but fighting this whole trip! You both are the captains! Don't you see that?! Aage56 and Vexeldio: Co-captains? Roquinha9: Yes! You might not realize it, but I looked over the logs, and you both wrote the same thing everyday! You both have so much alike! Stop fighting, and help us! Aage56: But I don't remember how to operate the controls! Acekonnorfan: WHAT?! Vexeldio: Me neither. We had the ship set on auto-pilot the whole time! Roquinha9: Well, there has to be someone on the ship who can...I got it! (Meanwhile) Englandish:'s a thing you know? If I enjoy being a forumer, why not? Psymorphic: You just said the best thing a forumer could say! =Acekonnorfan, Roquinha9, Aage56, and Vexeldio barge into the room= Roquinha9: ISaidBuildsGhost! ISaidBuildsGhost: Yeah? Roquinha9: You need to help us! This floating bottle of water splashed onto the controls and now a red light is blinking! ISaidBuildsGhost: A red light?! Oh no! Boss! Beam another hologram up! FLASH =A hologram of Madattak appears= Madattak: Yeah? ISaidBuildsGhost: Code Red! Madattak: CODE RED?! OH NO! AAGE, VEX! YOU NEED TO GET IN THE CONTROLS! EVERYONE ELSE, SIT YOURSELVES IN YOUR LAUNCHING SEAT! =Everyone follows Madattak's instructions= Telamon: Uh, Mr. Madattak, sir? Madattak: Yeah John?! Telamon: I'm sorry. I caused this whole thing. I tried to use a water bottle to clean my clothes which got covered with goo, but it ended up floating with the no-gravity. Madattak: That's okay John. We were planning on landing this thing today anyway. Alright! Everyone buckled in?! Everyone: Yes! Madattak: Alright! Aage! Vex! Pull the lever, and steer towards earth! Aage56 and Vexeldio: But- Madattak: Just do it! Aage56 and Vexeldio: Okay! =Vexeldio pulls on the lever= VVVVVVVVVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! =The ship then hurdles towards earth= Madattak: Too hard! pull on the brakes! =Aage56 pulls the brakes= Madattak: We're coming into the landing place! PULL HARDER! SSCCCCRRRREEEEEEEEAAAAAACCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =The rocket slowly stops and lands on the ground safely= =Everyone cheers= Telamon: Wow. I was expecting something to go wrong. Vexeldio: Uh...Madattak? Madattak: Yeah? Vexeldio: The brakes ripped off. Madattak: Oh no! Everyone get off the ship before it explodes! =Everyone unbuckles and starts running off the ship= Vexeldio: EXPLODES?! Madattak: Yeah! If the ship is tampered, it sets off an explosion! Not only is it highly advanced, it's also highly sensitive! =Everyone escapes the ship= BBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! =The ship explodes=