#176528604Monday, October 19, 2015 5:07 PM GMT

SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE HACKERS oh no the livestream is ruined okay it's not someone new is added btw i didn't notice you used icekiller ah so sad you didn't make icekiller say "i based my game off of this, it's not a copy though"
#176539068Monday, October 19, 2015 9:07 PM GMT

@AceKonnorFan Lol, I did not know that he based his game off "The Normal Elevator", lol. Also, I might want to point out that all the suggestions everyone of you give me, that adds onto the story, technically makes you a co-writer of this story. :D But, remember, I don't always take on the suggestions. Once in a while I may turn it down, use the suggestion later, or turn it into something similar. _________________________________________________________________________________ (Meanwhile) =Telamon sits down at his office= Telamon: Good. Now I have to time to work on my game! =Matt Dusek runs into Telamon's office= Matt Dusek: JOSH! Telamon: My name is John! Matt Dusek: Oh yeah. Anyway, we have an issue. Telamon: What? Matt Dusek: There's a disturbance in the force. Telamon: Huh?! Matt Dusek: Just kidding! But the real issue is, David has found out what you did, and boy is he mad! Telamon: Oh no! He found out I left the live stream! Matt Dusek: What? I thought he found out what you did to his car's tires when you built that... Telamon: Let's not talk about that! Look, the real problem is, I need help. Matt Dusek: You can say that again. Telamon: ON THIS GAME! Matt Dusek: Oh. Forget that last thing I just said. Telamon: Anyway, I already know what I'm going to do with the game, but the real problem is, I don't have time! Matt Dusek: Sure you do! Telamon: Matt. Wake up. It's Wednesday. How on Earth am I able to finish this by Friday?! Matt Dusek: I don't know how on Earth, but I do know how on Mars! Telamon: What?! What does that have to do with anything?! Matt Dusek: You asked "How on Earth". I didn't know how on Earth, but I do know "How on Mars"! Telamon: Ugh! =Telamon puts his head down on the desk= Matt Dusek: Now, don't get confused. It's very simple. All you have to do is go to Mars! The days are probably longer there, so you have more time. Telamon: There's just one problem. NO ONE HAS BEEN TO MARS YET! Matt Dusek: Until you go! Then everyone will get there! Oh wait. David might be one of those people. Forget that whole thing I say. Telamon: Ugh. I don't have time to turn this whole, newly rescripted Haunted Mansion, into Nerf themed. Matt Dusek: Well, how about this: You go do you're live stream, while I work on your game! Telamon: Hey! That's not a bad idea! See you Matt! =Telamon runs out of the room= (Meanwhile) AceKonnorFan: WE ARE IN THE BEAM, SO LET'S SET THE WORLD ON FIRE, WE CAN BURN BRIGHTER, THAN THE SUNUNUNUNUNUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =The other live streamers stare at AceKonnorFan= AceKonnorFan: What? Jacksepticeye: You just screamed that at the top of your lungs... PopularMMOs *Whispering*: ...while dancing on some guy's house in the game. Markiplier: Why did I where headphones in the broadcast?! R.I.P, my left ear. AceKonnorFan: Don't worry, I'll just constantly spam that in game. Tim: You know how to spam? AceKonnorFan: Pewdiepie: Noob... ThatBlazingPony: But you're spamming to subscribe to your channel on the chat system! Pewdiepie: SHHHH! =Telamon joins the server, and the live stream= ThatBlazingPony: OH CRAP! IT'S JOHN! AceKonnorFan: SHHH! Telamon: What's going on here?! Markiplier: Nothing! PopularMMOs *Whispering*: Yeah. Telamon: What? PopularMMOs: *Whispering*: Yeah! Telamon: What? PopularMMOs: YEAH! =Everyone stares at him, except his Grandma, who is still asleep= Telamon: Oh okay. Tim?! Tim: Hey Dad. Telamon: What're you doing with Ace?! Tim: My lab partner dragged me. =ThatBlazingPony leans into the camera= ThatBlazingPony: Hello! =AceKonnorFan whispers to ThatBlazingPony= AceKonnorFan *Whispering*: Look, I'll just continue the chant in-game. =AceKonnorFan chants the chant on Telamon's roof in the game= Telamon: Oh! Hold on a second guys, there's someone on the roof of my house. I'm going to swat him with my ban-hammer. AceKonnorFan: OH NO!
#176571661Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:45 AM GMT

suddenly BEAMS why not I didn't get a plane so I can have a beam instead the beam takes telamon onto an island and puts his ban-hammer in the volcano or i knock out telamon with a baseball and say "THE ENEMY IS IN THE BEAM SO THEY'LL SET THE WORLD ON FIRE THEY CAN BURN BRIGHTER THEN THE SUNUNUNUNUN" and he goes in a beam and he gets out a flamethrower and he sets the world on fire and I just say "WE ARE IN THE BEAM" and get in the beam and market garden telamon no copyright intended
#176574909Tuesday, October 20, 2015 11:19 AM GMT

or did it ace.. or did it... Įt šëęš üś åñd dēçįēvęš üš åłł. - Møçhį Śįñš
#176585689Tuesday, October 20, 2015 6:31 PM GMT

yeah so what i go to the market garden alot i plant telamon in a plant pot of course
#176647611Wednesday, October 21, 2015 8:48 PM GMT

=Ace jumps off of the house= Telamon: Oh no you don't! =Telamon chases Ace with the ban hammer= (Meanwhile at the Pizza Place) =Pewdiepie constantly throws the pizzas off the edge of the map= User: STOP! Pewdiepie: Heh, heh. What can you do, ban me? =The manager in the server puts up the "Do you have a problem with this user message?"= Pewdiepie: JACK! Jacksepticeye: Lol! Jacksepticeye was the manager =Pewdiepie gets banned from the server= Pewdiepie: That's it! I quit! =Pewdiepie leaves the live stream= =ISaidBuildsGhost runs into AceKonnorFan's room= ISaidBuildsGhost: Okay I'm here! I got your text about you being in a livestream with Pewdiepie! AceKonnorFan: Oh! Sorry, you just missed him. ISaidBuildsGhost: What? But I ran for 3 miles to get here! AceKonnorFan: Sorry dude. Telamon: Anyway, Ace, I need you to leave this live stream. ThatBlazingPony: What?! Can I at least stay? Telamon: NO! =Telamon kicks them both from the live stream= Telamon: There, now David won't be mad at me anymore. PopularMMOs *Whispering*: Actually, I got to go now, the train is entering a 6 mile long tunnel, and I won't have any signals, so bye. Telamon: WAIT! =PopularMMOs leaves the live stream= Telamon: Well, at least you guys will stay. Jacksepticeye: Actually, I have to meet with another friend across town, to do a "Let's Play". Markiplier: And I'm going back to sleep, bye. =Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye leave the live stream, and Telamon looses connection to the game= Telamon: *Sigh* Well, so much for a live stream. =Telamon checks his phone= Telamon: Oh look, I received a text from David 10 minutes ago. Text: "Hey John, look, I decided that the live stream was a mistake, so instead of your live stream, I decided to have "The Next Level" do another episode with Keith. So, STOP THE LIVE STREAM NOW! (P.S, if you haven't noticed, I pulled your connection, so the live stream was worthless anyway) I need some donuts now..." =Telamon slaps his face= =Telamon enters his office= Telamon: Okay Matt, you can stop-MATT!!! Matt Dusek: What? Telamon: WHAT'RE YOU DOING?! Matt Dusek: Doing what you told me to do, redo "The Haunted Mansion" into Nerf theme. Telamon: ALL YOU DID WAS PULL UP A FREE MODEL OF MY ORIGINAL HAUNTED MANSION, AND PUT FREE "NERF DECALS ALL OVER THE MAP! Matt Dusek: Well, that's your fault for deleting the original map. =Telamon slaps his face= Telamon: Look, I'll just take over this, and see if I can redo it. Matt Dusek: Okay. =Matt Dusek leaves the room= =Matt Dusek leans into the room= Matt Dusek: By the way, I want to suggest to you if you want more time, just spend the whole night on the project! That's all! =Matt Dusek walks away= Telamon: Hey! That's not a bad idea!
#176651785Wednesday, October 21, 2015 9:48 PM GMT

Oh yeah! We're having two parts in one day! _________________________________________________________________________________ (Later that night at 11PM) Brighteyes: *Yawn* I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Telamon: Okay dear! =Telamon was on his couch with his laptop on his lap, a bag of cheese curls next to him, and a large Diet Coke= Brighteyes: Aren't you coming to bed? Telamon: Nope. I'm staying up all night! =Brighteyes laughs= Telamon: What's so funny? Brighteyes: I'm sorry dear, but it's just the fact that you're trying to stay up all night! Telamon: So? Brighteyes: Dear, you can't even make it past 9:30. In fact, you had to keep yourself awake the past few hours, by watching television! Telamon: Hey, be glad it wasn't CNN. Those politics really confuse me. If the one team is called "Demo cat", then why are they represented as donkeys? And to make things worse, "Republo-cans" doesn't even sound like an animal! It sounds like some can opener, or a library! =Brighteyes rolls her eyes, and walks up stairs= Brighteyes: Goodnight. Telamon: Goodnight. Also, can you turn off the light down here? Brighteyes: Why? Telamon: I'm going to be video chatting, and I don't want my friends to think I'm in my boring old living room, and that I'm in my awesome "Man Cave". Brighteyes: I won't ask, I'll just do. =Brighteyes turns off the light= Telamon: Alright! Time to get me, some video chat time! (An hour later, Telamon finally succeeds at getting people who he knows to video chat with him) Telamon: Hey guys! Clockwork, MrDoomBrigner, and Stoeker: Hey, John! Telamon: Hey! Um...guys. Clockwork: Seriously? MrDoomBringer: We used to work at ROBLOX for quite a while! Stoeker: And yet, you don't remember out names?! Telamon: Um, I'll just call you by your usernames. Clockwork, MrDoomBrigner, and PilotLuke: Ugh. Clockwork: So, what're you up to? Telamon: I'm trying to redo the Haunted Mansion for the Halloween event. Stoeker: Ooh! MrDoomBringer: Now don't get excited, this an event we're talking about. Let me guess, the sponsor is "Disney XD"? Telamon: No, Nerf. =The 3 former admins laugh hysterically= Clockwork: Nerf?! Telamon: Yep. And I have to redo the Haunted Mansion, by Friday! MrDoomBringer (Sarcastically): Won't that be fun for you. Telamon: But don't worry, I'm going to stay up all night working on it. Stoeker: Good for you, Telamon! Telamon: My name is John. Stoeker: Hey, you call me Stoeker, I call you Telamon. Telamon: Anyway, I have a great method to help me through the night. MrDoomBringer: What? Telamon: To have you guys help me! Clockwork, Stoeker, MrDoomBringer: *Groan* Clockwork: But I want to get to bed. Telamon: Don't worry, this'll only take me, 5 hours? (1 hour later) Telamon: Okay, so I got the scripting finally done, and-HEY! WAKE UP! =MrDoomBringer wakes up= MrDoomBringer: Gah! Oh, sorry. It's just I was up for a while now. Stoeker: *Yawn* Me too. Telamon: Sorry guys, but... *CLANG* Stoeker: What was that? Telamon: I don't know. Sounds like it came from the kitchen. Clockwork: Maybe Christine got up for a midnight snack. =The former 3 admins chuckle= Telamon: No guys, I'm serious, it sounds like there's something in the kitchen. MrDoomBringer: Then go check it out! Telamon: I can't! I'm afraid to go. Stoeker: You've got to be kidding me. MrDoomBringer: The guy who had the guts to run around Roblxo HQ in his underwear, referring himself as "Sparta" doesn't have the guts to go into the kitchen of his own home in the dark. Telamon: I'm serious! I don't feel comfortable going back there! Clockwork: Then how about this, you go back there, with your laptop. Telamon: Okay. =Telamon picks up his laptop= Stoeker: AUGH!!! Telamon: What?! Stoeker: You need to shave your arms! Telamon; Forget that! C'mon! Clockwork: As if we got a choice... Telamon: Oh hush! =Telamon slowly walks backwards holding the laptop to his face= =Telamon falls to the ground= Stoeker: What happened?! Telamon: I tripped over a laundry basket! =Telamon slowly walks into the kitchen= MrDoomBringer: Turn on the lights. Telamon: I don't know where the switch is! Clockwork: Oh great, I don't like horror movies. =Telamon slowly walks towards the trash can which is making the clanging noise= =Telamon inches slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly (ALL RIGHT ALREADY), slowly, slowly, towards the lid= =Telamon opens the lid= Clockwork: AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! MrDoomBringer: You're afraid of trash? Clockwork: Sorry! The suspense got to me. Telamon: I don't see anything except for, oh no! =A giant leftover chicken jumps out of the trash, and onto Telamon= Telamon: AHHHHHHH! Chicken: HOW COULD YOU?!?! Telamon: Devour all your relatives? Chicken: NO! HOW COULD YOU NOT DEVOUR ME!?! Telamon: What?! Chicken: YOU USED TO LOVE MY KIND! TO US DEAD CHICKENS, YOU ARE CONSIDERED AN HONOR TO BE EATEN BY. Telamon: Really? Why thank you. Chicken: I WAS ALREADY TO BE EATEN BACK ON MONDAY, BUT YOU DIDN'T EAT ME THEN, NEITHER ON TUESDAY, OR TODAY! I WAS ROTTEN BY TODAY, AND NOW IT'S TIME TO HAUNT YOU! Telamon: Wait! Chicken: WHAT?! Telamon: I'll eat you. Chicken: YOU WILL?! Telamon: Yes. Chicken: OH BOY! Telamon: Now hold still! =Telamon puts down his laptop which died from battery power once the chicken came out= (1 gross meal later) Telamon: *Burp* There! You happy? Chicken's bones: Oh yes! Thank you, oh, so much! Telamon: Can I go now? Chicken's bones: Unfortunately enough, I am a chicken that makes people fall asleep easily. Telamon: Of course! (The following morning) =Telamon wakes up on his couch= Telamon: Huh? OH NO! THE GAME! IT'S NOT FIN- =Telamon turns to his computer to see his game fully done, advanced, and Nerf themed= Telamon: -ISHED. The game! How'd this happen! =Telamon picks up a note on the side of the lap top= Note: Dear Johnn Shedletsky, thank you for eating me. Here is your reward. =Telamon smiles=
#176656760Wednesday, October 21, 2015 11:02 PM GMT

That's what she said.
#176697489Thursday, October 22, 2015 7:56 PM GMT

@killer So original..........(Sarcasm alert)
#176758284Friday, October 23, 2015 9:47 PM GMT

I want to be the first player of his gae=me, and I am just so on while he is! Ps: Usually when I meet a famous person on roblox, I am like "Oh, cool, hi."
#176758739Friday, October 23, 2015 9:55 PM GMT

met perhapz, Tylermcbrig, loleris, Pyroleak and Nikilis
#176957763Monday, October 26, 2015 8:00 PM GMT

And so, Telamon felt great. After eating refreshing fried chicken, having a great nap, and having his game finished, he was so relieved. Even when Builderman told him that they decided to have Quenty, and Davidii to make the new Halloween game, and that Telamon's game wouldn't be in the event, Telamon still didn't care, he was happy. Later that night, he was hosting a private server, with his friends, and other ROBLOX celebrities. Loleris: Ugh...I can script better then this! =Loleris leaves the server= hottyboy5656: Wow, nice to be invited to such a calm server. =A hoard of zombies attack hottyboy5656= hottyboy5656: AUGH!!!!! ISaidBuildsGhost: Nicely redone John! Telamon: Thanks ISaid! roquinha9: Yo Tyler! Fetch me a Nerf gun! =TylerMcBride throws a Nerf gun at roquinha9= roquinha9: Thanks! TylerMcBride: No problem. AceKonnorFan: Hey, John. Are you sure some of these people know how to play the game? Nikilis: Hey! Do, you know who I am?! AceKonnorFan: A ROBLOX user. Nikilis: Well, yes...but I'm also the creator of "Murder Mystery"! AceKonnorFan: Oh, cool, hi. *DING DONG* Telamon: Afk. =Telamon gets off his couch, and opens the door= ethanhuebner: Trick or treat! Telamon: *Sigh* Halloween, isn't until...! You know what kid, since I'm in such a good move, I'll let you slide. C'mon in, I've got chicken bones in the trash.
#176958935Monday, October 26, 2015 8:19 PM GMT

Please include me please! Suddenly.. Apples sigginess
#176960495Monday, October 26, 2015 8:42 PM GMT

Is it ironic that my story is about the Halloween event, and "Ripull's Minigames" is in the event, and my first story of "A Day of Telamon" was made the same day "Ripull's minigames" were made.
#176963965Monday, October 26, 2015 9:37 PM GMT

lucas I'm not foreveraflame oh right no-one cares it's not like the pinecone i wanted
#176964040Monday, October 26, 2015 9:38 PM GMT

"North123" how dare you >:( Mah moneyz: R$ 0 TIX 0 II II hOI! im temmie!
#176964536Monday, October 26, 2015 9:44 PM GMT

what im not a zombie running person i rather kill them with my legs by tripping em then stomping on their face
#177017670Tuesday, October 27, 2015 9:01 PM GMT

Oops! I goofed up on that one! Lol, it's ironic how pathetic my mistakes are on these stories...
#177075201Wednesday, October 28, 2015 8:42 PM GMT

@hottyboy5656 Wait a second, does Roblox even have a tripping zombies animation? Lol... THE END (Ha, Ha! Just kidding, fooled you didn't I?) (The Next Night) Group of kids: Trick or Treat! Telamon: My! Who do we have here? Seriously, who do we have here. I don't know who you kids are dressed as. =Telamon points at a kid= Telamon: Are you a Christmas elf? Kid: What?! I'm "Link" from "The Legends of Zelda"! Telamon: The legends of who? Kid: Ugh! Just give me my candy! =The kid yanks a "Crunch" bar out of Telamon's hand= Telamon: Hey! Oh well. =Telamon points at a kid= Telamon: Oh! Oh! I know who you are! You're um..."Fat Albert"! Kid: What?! I'm "Snoop Dog"! =The kid walks away embarrassed= Telamon: Wait! Don't you want candy? Oh never mind. =Telamon points at a kid= Telamon: Hey, look at that, it's "The Hamburglar". Kid: What? I'm just an ordinary prisoner. =The kid grabs some "M&M's"= Telamon: What about you, are you "Cinerella"? Kid: I'm Taylor Swift! Telamon: Who? Kid: Augh! Just forget it! =The kid walks away= Telamon: Oh well. =Several teenagers run by= Teenagers: Hah, Hah! =The teenagers throw eggs at Telamon's house= =The eggs miss and land on the neighbor's house, which just so happens to be home of a state trooper= State Trooper: HEY YOU KIDS! Teenager: AUGH! THE FUZZ! =The state trooper chases the teenagers down the street= Telamon: At least no eggs landed on my propery. =The kid in the Snoop Dog costume, and the kid in the Taylor Swift costume throws a rock at Telamon= Telamon: GAH! Kid: That's what you get for messing up our costumes. Telamon: If they don't get a treat, you get tricked. Happy Halloween. THE (Real) END! (FOOLED YOU!) (FOOLED YOU THAT I FOOLED YOU! LOL, MAN I AM ON A ROLL TODAY!)
#177080913Wednesday, October 28, 2015 10:09 PM GMT

When suddenly, Shrek bursts in in his Final Form. All-Star plays in the background. "What are yeh doin in mah SWAMP?"
#177180779Friday, October 30, 2015 7:19 PM GMT

Hi, it's me Vexeldio/Aage56. Just checking on how this post is going.
#177293592Sunday, November 01, 2015 2:11 PM GMT

@Daniel Whoa! You've been around since 2008! Cool! Thanks for checking in! Also, I'm not going to be doing a Thanksgiving story this year. I may do one next year, but not this year. But, luckily though, around the time November ends, stay tuned for a Christmas story to begin!
#177294008Sunday, November 01, 2015 2:19 PM GMT

#177294855Sunday, November 01, 2015 2:36 PM GMT

i didnt read any of this after my last post trillions of pages ago so y bother reading it now. cri cri
#177594294Saturday, November 07, 2015 12:27 AM GMT