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#146507285Sunday, September 21, 2014 3:43 PM GMT

Me and my friend Nick1482 are looking for building help on are game. We have been working on it for awhile and making good progress, we are good builders. However, the game is very large and we realized we will never finish it at this rate. Any help is appreciated. We are using building tools by F3X. The Concept for the game is in the year 2176, all human life in the solar system disappears. You were sent in deep sleep deep into space, returning in 2266 to find everything is gone. It is a scy-fi mystery adventure game, taking you through massive detailed areas of planets trying to discover what happened. If you are interested head here: http://www.roblox.com/The-Ruins-of-the-Past-2257AD-place?id=177612742 Please do not touch anything when you first join, its a pain to go into old versions. Tl;dr Looking for building help head here: http://www.roblox.com/The-Ruins-of-the-Past-2257AD-place?id=177612742 Yea yea yea I realize wrong forum. Calm yourselves.
#146507356Sunday, September 21, 2014 3:44 PM GMT

Ok in a few minutes i'll come in and touch everything

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