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#146510534Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:24 PM GMT

It's a beautiful day out on the White House garden. The first family would absolutely adore walking along the garden... well... if they were even there. The first family was out of the house for today, and the day after, and the day after... they were just too "busy" to stay at the White House. Since the weather was so excellent today, plenty of tourists took selfies out in front of the gate to the White House. One man, in particular, stared off at the building from the fence, tangling his fingers in the bars. "Do you think I could run in if I tried, Lawrence?" the man asked curiously. "I wouldn't," the other man next to him replied, snapping another picture of the president's house. "They'll get you so fast your head will spin 'round." "I'm going to do it." the man said. "Maybe I can talk to the president." "Don't do it, man."
#146511011Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:31 PM GMT

Within an instant, the man was halfway up the fence, and he leaped right over, landing on his stomach. His friend yelled at him furiously to stop, but the man had already began sprinting towards the White House entrance. Secret Service members snapped to immediate attention and started charging at the man, without a second thought. He started to run faster; the Secret Service and other guards were gaining on him. He began to sweat, and he saw the doors of the building. Almost unwillingly, he started grinning; seeing his destination right in front of him. The adrenaline was flowing through his veins rapidly; he couldn't stop. He wouldn't allow it. He needed to get to the president. D.C. police started pushing tourists and onlookers away from the White House fence, and spectators watched in utter bewilderment. How could they let a man get away with this, especially in these times? One onlooker took out a phone and started to record to scene; the crazed man sprinting across the lawn of the property, with the many other men trying so desperately to catch him. The man threw himself through the White House doors, and suddenly he blacked out, feeling the weight of dozens of people on top of him.
#146511041Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:32 PM GMT

yfw obongo was playing golf while iraq was gettin blown tf up
#146511051Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:32 PM GMT

copy paste
#146511225Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:34 PM GMT

The news was shocking to the American people. Immediately various television stations began reporting the evacuation of the White House, and most Americans thought to themselves; "Well... this is it.". Within the first five minutes of the breaking in of the story, however, the situation had been contained, and the man was arrested and detained. But how could such a situation take place, in the current situation the world was in? Thousands of people all over the world, and even in the United States itself, wanted the president dead. They hated America, they hated what they had done, and they wanted blood. Everybody knew this, everybody was on high alert. Even the country itself was still in a state of emergency since September 11th. So how was it possible that a lone man could get away with running right into the White House without being stopped?
#146511455Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:37 PM GMT

Within a span of 48 hours, another security incident took place, rather minor compared to the one prior. A man had driven his car towards the White House gates, refusing to stop, and was detained. A simple incident, not really all that exciting. But to the American people, this did not matter. It was another breach in security and the defense of the most powerful man in the country.
#146511718Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:41 PM GMT

Meanwhile, IS continues to feed the flames of fear in the American people. They post videos online, mocking typical Hollywood movie trailers, depicting the deaths of the American soldiers. They slaughter and kill Americans, Britons and anybody they could possibly get their hands on to instill fear and rage into the country. The country itself is divided; the president refuses to put boots on the ground in Iraq to stop the terror, and the other side of the government is vouching for another war. What is really the right decision?
#146511963Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:44 PM GMT

Why don't we just leave
#146512096Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:46 PM GMT

#146512504Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:51 PM GMT

IS continues to instill terror on the Americans, releasing more and more gruesome videos depicting the deaths of American and British journalists, not one really different from the other, but still disturbing nonetheless. More threats pour in, more Americans are detained for siding with the terrorist organization. On November 1st, 2014, a new video is released and uploaded to the IS website. This time it is not a beheading, but a new kind of threat. _________________________________ __A MESSAGE TO THE US PRESIDENT__ _____________FROM IS_____________ _________________________________
#146512862Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:55 PM GMT

uhhhhhhhhhhhh okay
#146512880Sunday, September 21, 2014 4:55 PM GMT

The same masked man from the films prior is revealed; this time lacking a hostage. He looked into the camera, and held up his hands. "President Obama, today I am unarmed." he said. "I do not carry a knife or gun, however we are still very much armed and ready to bring destruction to the American people." "This time, we will be striking from inside the capitol." he says. "This attack will be coming from your own citizens, on your own soil."
#146513380Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:01 PM GMT

The video didn't have an outro, nor did it have any other special effects added to it as it usually did. The video just ended. The president was informed, and viewed the video. After it was over, he pressed his hands onto his chin and dug his elbows into the table, silent. DEFCON levels were raised to 3, and personnel everywhere were on high alert for anything suspicious. The U.S capitol was closed to tourists for one week, before being opened again. The White House property still remained closed.
#146514161Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:10 PM GMT

Things were not quiet after the video was released. IS did not deny the release of the warning, but rather ignored it. They returned to their usual antics of fearmongering and threats. Finally, the DEFCON level was lowered to 4. On February 7th, 2015, Washington D.C. is once again bustling with tourists. More presence of security are found at the White House, however. It was an usually warm day that day, so more people, especially children, were out admiring the weather.
#146514619Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:15 PM GMT

>DEFCON 3 Yeah like we are going to get bombers ready for a nuclear strike
#146515370Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:25 PM GMT

Dr. Johnathan Newman walked over to the front of the capitol building, adjusting his suit and brushing off any dust that might have clung to him. He smiled positively, and began shuffling up the steps. He was still recovering from his recent knee replacement, so he took his time. Sipping his coffee, halfway up the steps he checked his watch, which read 10:29 AM. He clutched his briefcase tighter, and quickly made his way up the rest of the steps, and pressed his hand against the door. Over 5,000 people suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth.
#146515483Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:26 PM GMT

is this isis conquering the world or something?
#146515908Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:32 PM GMT

At 10:30:15 AM, over 30,000 people are dead or injured. The Capitol building, the supreme court, the Library of Congress, the National Air and Space museum -- all within a half mile -- are gone. The White House sits 1.39 miles from Ground Zero. Made from reinforced concrete and shielded by other structures, the damage is heavy, but less severe.
#146516128Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:34 PM GMT

wut is this
#146516147Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:35 PM GMT

Miles away from the blast zone, chaos erupts in the streets and highways. Many stare at the thermal flash. 2400 experience temporary flash blindness, another thousand are permanently blinded; their retinas seared. The 10-kiloton blast emits a deadly electromagnetic pulse that spans 3 miles. Planes crash, cars die, cellphone towers turn utterly useless.
#146516401Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:38 PM GMT

source? for edgy teens/10
#146516489Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:39 PM GMT

I'm pretty sure the man would have been shot about 30 times right after he got up from his stomach
#146516550Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:39 PM GMT

gg murica -is clearly seen wearing a brown lunch bag on his head-
#146516655Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:41 PM GMT

Doomsday was delivered in the form of a briefcase, smuggled with enough enriched uranium that it became a gun-type nuclear device. 5 million Americans around the area erupt into sheer terror and panic, attempting to escape the area. The amount of chaos is unimaginable. At 3 minutes after the detonation, the nation has three major goals. One: Rescue the president, or his successor. Two: Save any survivors near Ground Zero. Three: Determine if there is another device, and locate it immediately.
#146516739Sunday, September 21, 2014 5:42 PM GMT

Two. OR Three. -is clearly seen wearing a brown lunch bag on his head-

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