#147012178Monday, September 29, 2014 12:44 PM GMT

^ So, what you're saying is, you honestly care about fake money and popularity on a stupid game? Yeah, OBC can make real profit, but I don't see why you people care so bad. It's very childish to honestly care about how popular or how much money you have on a game. People like Pasquinade are alright, but no one on this game is a "designer". Most of the clothing makers get their images from other websites, so you can call them "copy and past-ers". The ones who draw their clothing, they're designers. My god, you call copying and pasting hard work?
#147012495Monday, September 29, 2014 1:02 PM GMT

I come on this forum to see that nearly everyone on the front page are acting like braindead children who've tripped down the stairs too many times, it's sad really. That being said, yes, the copying of shirts and other clothes is a big issue and needs to be fixed. If I get a reply saying it does not, then there's a 90% chance that said person is a big fat liar who's just saying that so roblox would take the time to think twice about copylocking shirts, meanwhile him and all his shirt copying friends cheer happily after another day of shirt copying. If you're one of the 10% who legitimately think that shirt copying is fair and the original owner has no right to his own creation, then your wrong. I'm sorry, what was that? It's your opinion? Well guess what, your opinion was wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself for ever thinking it was right. Welcome to the world, kiddies.
#147015293Monday, September 29, 2014 3:06 PM GMT

"I come on this forum to see that nearly everyone on the front page are acting like braindead children who've tripped down the stairs too many times, it's sad really. That being said, yes, the copying of shirts and other clothes is a big issue and needs to be fixed." i bet most of the clothes OP makes are just from Paint DAWT net or photoshop. "If I get a reply saying it does not, then there's a 90% chance that said person is a big fat liar who's just saying that so roblox would take the time to think twice about copylocking shirts, meanwhile him and all his shirt copying friends cheer happily after another day of shirt copying." Welcome to S&I where we dont give a phuck about pixels being stolen "If you're one of the 10% who legitimately think that shirt copying is fair and the original owner has no right to his own creation, then your wrong." *You're "I'm sorry, what was that? It's your opinion? Well guess what, your opinion was wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself for ever thinking it was right. Welcome to the world, kiddies." take your ODer self back to the complex While your reading my boring siggy i stole your cake
#147028476Monday, September 29, 2014 8:54 PM GMT

"i bet most of the clothes OP makes are just from Paint DAWT net or photoshop." Does it matter? As humans we should take a bit of pride in our work, if we didn't, why do it? "Welcome to S&I where we dont give a phuck about pixels being stolen" Congratulations, you restated the issue the post was addressing in the first place. The entire reason we're asking for a copylock system for clothes is because no one would really look into or care whether what they're buying is copied or not, which is a problem for clothes makers. "*You're" I can count about 5 typos in your post not including any grammar errors, correct yourself before correcting anyone. "take your ODer self back to the complex" Can you even prove I OD? FYI: I really hate the complex, too many immature brats flailing around making fools of themselves, it's disheartening, really. In summary: You have done nothing to prove me wrong and everything to make yourself look like a copier supporting hypocrite who believes that the graphic designers of the world don't deserve the rights to their own creations, good job, I applaud thee.
#147030885Monday, September 29, 2014 9:31 PM GMT

"Ever heard of graphic design? Wow, you are very close minded, aren't you. I'm not arguing with you, you're not worth anybody's time." >graphic design so you're gonna sell cheap t-shirts at a dollar store that nobody is likely to pay for? gr8 reputation maam apparently im worth your time because you responded to my last 2 posts
#147031352Monday, September 29, 2014 9:38 PM GMT

clothing makers use google images and are hypocritical
#147031912Monday, September 29, 2014 9:46 PM GMT

Not every clothing designer uses google images. Some actually bother to draw the designs like me, mxth, Shaddic, Jalki and many more. Plus we are not all hypocritical.
#147033534Monday, September 29, 2014 10:10 PM GMT

i didn't say all did
#147044497Tuesday, September 30, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

@EpicKnightBuilder >Implying online drawing and photoshop are easily mastered things @For all of you who think this is about pixels This is not only about pixels. This is also about RESPECT, and EXPERIENCE. While you may think that creating these clothings are dead-easy (even copy-pasting), it isn't. Images needs to be resized, canvas' needs to be stroked, and elements of the design needs to be arranged. When your work is stolen, and someone gets credit for it, your work isn't only not making you money, but you also are not getting renown for your effort and skill. That, plus if you seek a career in graphic design and your employer want's to see some past work, it is less impressive if it is ALL OVER the internet, under half a million different publishing names.
#147044544Tuesday, September 30, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

kjasadsbkhajhdjshjsadjsadodskla STOP BUMPING! ~Ness is love, Ness is Life~
#147045422Tuesday, September 30, 2014 12:50 AM GMT

lets all make a big deal over pixelated clothing (Sarcasm) While your reading my boring siggy i stole your cake
#147136594Wednesday, October 01, 2014 8:09 PM GMT

@EpicKnight Somebody has trouble reading. To save you the mental strain, let me bring up the points you must have missed from my last post, SPECIFICALLY about how it is not only about pixels. This is not only about pixels. This is also about RESPECT, and EXPERIENCE. While you may think that creating these clothings are dead-easy (even copy-pasting), it isn't. Images needs to be resized, canvas' needs to be stroked, and elements of the design needs to be arranged. When your work is stolen, and someone gets credit for it, your work isn't only not making you money, but you also are not getting renown for your effort and skill. That, plus if you seek a career in graphic design and your employer want's to see some past work, it is less impressive if it is ALL OVER the internet, under half a million different publishing names.
#147137610Wednesday, October 01, 2014 8:27 PM GMT

I guess your right making clothes is hard care.exe crashed Sarcasm.exe has successfully opened While your reading my boring siggy i stole your halloween candy
#147138602Wednesday, October 01, 2014 8:43 PM GMT

There is no guessing to it. Only facts; sarcasm is the recourse of the defeated. There is more to it than effort though. Once again, to avoid straining your limited observation, allow me to restate what you have missed. "This is not only about pixels. This is also about RESPECT, and EXPERIENCE." You seem to have at least understood my third sentence, at least. Let's hope the rest sinks in, like so. "When your work is stolen, and someone gets credit for it, your work isn't only not making you money, but you also are not getting renown for your effort and skill. That, plus if you seek a career in graphic design and your employer want's to see some past work, it is less impressive if it is ALL OVER the internet, under half a million different publishing names."
#147138836Wednesday, October 01, 2014 8:47 PM GMT

because the last part you mentioned made no sense While your reading my boring siggy i stole your halloween candy
#147139131Wednesday, October 01, 2014 8:51 PM GMT

Why is this thread still going? Nte already ended this. If it's on the internet, then it's going to be copied. Suck it up.
#147139494Wednesday, October 01, 2014 8:57 PM GMT

Alright. I'll break it down for you, because I am feeling particularly patient today. When someone copies your work for their own, they are not telling people that it is yours. So the people who take this work from copiers do not know this is yours. That means that your work is not recognized as your own. And all of that boils down to one point: nobody knows you did it, and your accomplishment means nothing, because nobody is complimenting your skill or creativity. You are still a nobody. Also, it is hard to reference an extensive background of graphic design when someone else appears to be the owner. @FLC You're funny, but not that good at debating. BC users is an EXTREMELY closed environment. It is NOT the internet, and being removed from BC is a costly affair. Copying=dead if there are harsh punishments.
#147139718Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:01 PM GMT

1dev2's game (WTTTOR) got copied by many people because he was hacked and his game was uncopylocked so what did he do? he didnt give a single sht and made a new account along with a new popular RP game While your reading my boring siggy i stole your halloween candy
#147139822Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:03 PM GMT

@EpicKnight Cool story, now get back on topic or leave.
#147142695Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:50 PM GMT

@El you're really trying to defend the copying of virtual pixels on a kid's game? let me start you off by saying that that is unintelligent to do if you really care so much about a virtual shirt in a kid's game getting copied, then you are the most incomprehensible, incoherent and illiterate fool i have ever seen on the forums before you try and say "LOL ROBLOX ISN'T A KID'S GAME, IT DOES MATTER!11", the target demographic is KIDS, not teenagers nowhere in your posts are you making a valid point, you rather restate the same thing over and over "CREATING CLOTHES IS AN A ART AND COPYING IS A SERIOUS CRIME!11" if you're so worried about your shirt getting copied, then DON'T SELL ONE ON ROBLOX, it's the internet, your work is bound to get copied i will also state that often, clothing makers use google images, which is copying, which makes them all hypocrites "LET'S STOP OTHERS FROM COPYING, EVEN THOUGH WE USE GOOGLE IMAGES!11" that sounds extremely hypocritical also, many copiers will use someone's work, and they modify it a lot, and sell it, and make a lot of sales using someone else's work as inspiration for your own is not a bad thing; it can spark many ideas off of one thing now please, stop trying to defend yourself with a stupid argument
#147142986Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:54 PM GMT

Roblox does not allow copied clothing on purpose, they are aware of it and are trying to find a fix, to those that are saying virtual currency does not matter, it does. It has it's own economy against real world money, not a good one, but it does, so that means you can earn real money off of it. So for those of you insulting this:
#147143250Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:58 PM GMT

>is using a forum weapon hahahahaha no While your reading my boring siggy i stole your halloween candy
#147143299Wednesday, October 01, 2014 9:58 PM GMT

@Cilo making a post with no evidence to back yourself and no elaboration makes you look illiterate, and it rather insults you by itself moreover, trying to be edgy with a "GET OUT" link only lowers your intellect even more
#147144133Wednesday, October 01, 2014 10:11 PM GMT

Your strawman arguments would be entertaining if they had any weight to them. However, I am not your strawman, and I can speak in my own posts, thank you. I am trying to defend the rights of content creators. The pixels are only the infringement, but there is a great deal more than pixels that is lost when ROBLOX content is copied without permission of the original uploader. There is respect as a content creator, and recognition that is lost. Copying is a disrespectful, tasteless thing. By your ludicrous definition of an "incomprehensible, incoherent and illiterate fool", then I suppose I am. Your habeas corpus is pretty weak though, and isn't doing much to support your side of the debate. I am aware that this site is targeted towards children. Even if I hadn't known until now, it would have been made apparent by how you try to argue. I would like you to point out a single instance of me providing no evidence to support ANY claim I make in this ENTIRE SITE, much less this thread. I'll save you the time: there is none. Everything I say is backed up with facts. If you would like to attack the quality of my arguments again, I suggest you actually identify what arguments (preferably directly quoted) you are bashing. Your argument of "If you don't want to be copied, don't sell it." is nonsensical. A major point of avoiding copiers is to secure sales for your original design. Now tell me, do google images come in ROBLOX clothing templates, adjusted and resized to best suit a virtual re-use? No? Then stop complaining about shirt makers using resources found on the internet. If copiers put as much effort into altering a design as a "Google-images designer", they wouldn't be copiers, they would be designers. Modified re-selling is not the problem. Only near-exact or exact copies are what I intend to be punishable. I am not trying to attack people who take inspiration from others, just people who take clothes.
#147144735Wednesday, October 01, 2014 10:20 PM GMT

"strawman arguments" resorting to insulting only makes you loom desperate for an argument "I am trying to defend the rights of content creators. The pixels are only the infringement, but there is a great deal more than pixels that is lost when ROBLOX content is copied without permission of the original uploader. There is respect as a content creator, and recognition that is lost. Copying is a disrespectful, tasteless thing." the only thing lost is virtual currency also, no one has "rights" on this site, it's not america inb4ineversaiditwas "By your ludicrous definition of an "incomprehensible, incoherent and illiterate fool", then I suppose I am. Your habeas corpus is pretty weak though, and isn't doing much to support your side of the debate." "habeas corpus" using nonsensical law terms in a forum argument is silly "ludicrous definition" i didn't define them, now did i? "I am aware that this site is targeted towards children. Even if I hadn't known until now, it would have been made apparent by how you try to argue." clearly, you can't see that clothes getting copied on a kid's site doesn't matter as much as if it was an adult site "I would like you to point out a single instance of me providing no evidence to support ANY claim I make in this ENTIRE SITE, much less this thread. I'll save you the time: there is none. Everything I say is backed up with facts. If you would like to attack the quality of my arguments again, I suggest you actually identify what arguments (preferably directly quoted) you are bashing." "directly quoted" "Your habeas corpus is pretty weak though, and isn't doing much to support your side of the debate." you stated a point that my "habeas corpus is pretty weak" and gave no evidence to back yourself up "Your argument of "If you don't want to be copied, don't sell it." is nonsensical. A major point of avoiding copiers is to secure sales for your original design." it's not nonsensical sell a shirt somewhere else, where copying doesn't take place it does on roblox lrn2quote "Now tell me, do google images come in ROBLOX clothing templates, adjusted and resized to best suit a virtual re-use? No? Then stop complaining about shirt makers using resources found on the internet. If copiers put as much effort into altering a design as a "Google-images designer", they wouldn't be copiers, they would be designers." LOL i can easily complain, and here's why it's extremely easy to take a design off of the internet and crop it for roblox plus, people can easily just take the concept of images and copy them almost exactly, which is still copying my point still stands that clothing copiers are often hypocrites