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#146702443Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

I think our hats should move when we walk/jump. Why do I think they should move? Because it's realistic. For example: When we jump our hair would move, not just be stiff! Also, maybe when we jump our hats can go up and down. Sorry I can't make this forum longer, but I'm just trying to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Agree? Post this on a forum and add your name to the list! If you need another line, add one! (Originally by PopokiAndLua) -PopokiAndLua - - - - - - - - - -
#146702883Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:34 PM GMT

This would cause so much lag, it's unbelivable. and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea
#146702937Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:35 PM GMT

I disagree, it is not needed at all and could potentially lag up some people. It's a whole new feature that could lag places up when it does not need to be there.
#146703079Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

But you could turn the Hat Movement On/Off
#146703589Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:44 PM GMT

But all the Oders would have it on to look cool, and lord knows how many Oders there are in places, So therefor, still laggy. and our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea
#146705373Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:07 PM GMT

But if you turned it on everyone's hats would move (only to that person) and if you hve it off no one's hats move even if some people have it on.
#146705830Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

I so agree! that would be like.... SO AWESOME! "Never judge something until you consider it." ~Icecreamisyummy111 and Icecreamcakeisyummy
#146706511Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:24 PM GMT

Hm, I like it if it was an on/off thing, but I don't know if ROBLOX could do that.
#146706716Wednesday, September 24, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

#146709276Thursday, September 25, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

I TOTALLY agree! AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE idea! I'm your biggest fan, PopokiAndLua! And so is my sister, Icecreamisyummy111! "Never judge something until you consider it" ~Icecreamisyummy111 and Icecreamcakeisyummy

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