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#149212396Wednesday, November 05, 2014 3:48 AM GMT

@MrPhelps, Yep. I know I've studied it a load of times before in school. I just keep forgetting. :/
#149215340Wednesday, November 05, 2014 4:55 AM GMT

@marshmallow8 "Nobody is making you look through this." That's true. I chose to look through this thread. Does that automatically make what I said irrelevant. Not really, this is just you dodging the point. ""because there is no way this thread will ever get back on topic" But then at the end of your post, you say: "Just get back to OP discussion topic and stop the flame war, please." That would be contradictory." Ok. It's contradictory. Congratulations on finding it. Was that my point? No. My point was that you're a big reason why this thread is off-topic to begin with. From the start of the thread, instead of just sticking to responding to opinions on the idea you decided to get into a flame war just because someone started throwing around the term "ODer." This was the cause, and the change is with you. Everyone else is entirely reactive to you at this point. "And for the record, marsh, everything you're arguing for is WRONG." In your opinion, maybe. Which isn't saying all that much." Oh don't worry, I was only getting started. I have over 30 pages of examples to drawn from, but do you really want me to go into a long rant pointing out all the flaws in you, the people who support you, and the idea? No. That's why I'm giving you a chance to stop it. All I want from you is to stop arguing about it. I don't need a confession, or any apology. I just want you to stop arguing about it, because you're not right, and neither is anyone else in the argument. "Also, in any post where someone calls another person a giraffe, it's bound to be a joke. Do you seriously think I was, what? Yelling at my computer? You say that you shouldn't take what people say online too seriously, (It was you or iEva, I don't remember.) but then you get all mad when I call him a giraffe? If you honestly get offended that easily by a joke, than you're going to get crushed later on in life." It doesn't matter what the real you was doing. Calling someone a giraffe can't really be taken as a joke on a ROBLOX Forum. That's called a personal attack, and it's a reportable offense. And to be honest, I'm more annoyed than angry. All iEvaporated ever did was call kara and Emma ODers; she never even called YOU an ODer, and never directly said it to them either. But what do you do? You PA her character 3 times, and then go into a 30 page rant about how you weren't butthurt, when it's pretty obvious that you were. If you were offended enough just by someone calling someone an ODer, how is it that you think someone else wouldn't be offended if you blatantly ridiculed their avatar over and over. A joke? That's your sense of humor? I wouldn't even care if you didn't try to deny that that wasn't you being butthurt. If you realize the mistake then what else is there to say, but you went ahead and based a massive flame war saying that you weren't butthurt about being called an ODer, when on the 1st page of this thread (the page that every reader sees the most), there are 2 obvious examples of you being butthurt because someone was called an ODer. Want to throw it back at me, well then if YOU honestly can get offended by someone calling someone else (not even you) an ODer and someone that was only trying to reason with you (*cough* Vuva), then you're going to get crushed later on in life. "Also, in any post where someone calls another person a giraffe, it's bound to be a joke. Do you seriously think I was, what? Yelling at my computer? You say that you shouldn't take what people say online too seriously, (It was you or iEva, I don't remember.) but then you get all mad when I call him a giraffe? If you honestly get offended that easily by a joke, than you're going to get crushed later on in life. Also, the other one was a joke as well. The only times I'm really not joking is when I say you guys are illiterate, or ungrammatical, or anything like that. You're probably going to say, "well then you're mad that people can't spell properly.", no I'm just stating a fact. Why does everyone on here get facts confused with insults? Maybe it is insulting, but it's still a fact. I'm not great at spelling. But at least I can use the right kind of 'your', and 'you're'. I'm not "mad" that you guys are illiterate, I'm just stating a fact." The only reason I even brought that up in my post was because you have can fuel a overly long flame war on the fact that someone you don't like made a grammatical error, but when someone you do like (Emma) makes that same error it goes over your head. And denying or running away from your mistakes destroys your reputation instead of helping it. I didn't even bring up any of the other grammatical arguments, so I don't really see why you need to bring them up yet, but OK. "Also, it's hilarious how you just go back to certain posts only for your little advantage. I love it how you say nothing about the person who told the OP that he/she hopes she dies, and all the other rubbish. If you're pathetic enough to just go back to some of my certain posts that were jokes, and try to take it all ever so seriously, and act like I'm the one who has the problem, then you have more problems than I thought." My "advantage" is this entire thread. Are you asking me to write more? I told you I can write a lot more than I did. I told you I could go off on this entire thread. There are pages and pages of examples of every fighter in this flame war making a fool of themselves, and I wasn't gonna point it all out because I thought that be overly cruel, but if you think I'm bluffing, I mean, I could. Do you want me to? Or do you want to realize that most of the things you said you weren't, you are. You were butthurt (in the beginning, which is what iEvap was saying. You think after a month of arguing she would think you're still butthurt? She was talking about in the beginning), you are extremely hypocritical and it's worse because you deny it (you think it's OK to do what someone else is doing, but you do it on an extreme), and you are very insulting to people (I don't know what you're idea of a joke is, but calling people "twits" and "idiots" and "twats" when they aren't really even in the flame war isn't funny) and even if you want to pass it off as a joke, you can't really expect us to find it OK that you suddenly find it uncool when someone calls someone an ODer, when ODer isn't even an insult -- it's a stereotype, and people get offended because they don't want to be associated with it, but it's a stereotype, and if you look or act under that stereotype you're going to get profiled for it, and it's not a big deal. If the other side lashed out as much as you guys did, then this would probably have been locked by the mods. They could've said a lot worse, and nobody would've blamed them. I don't need any sort of confession or recognition from you, what I really want is you to stop arguing about it, and a better thought out version of this thread to be posted so we can start fresh. You don't want to be remembered by a flame war. It ruins your reputation.
#149221907Wednesday, November 05, 2014 12:32 PM GMT

@Marsh When I said I was done arguing (at the time) you had insulted me twice. The beiner thing, I think it was, and the "can't be racist to animals" thing The Americans stole the language thing was something people told me. I don't even know much about America myself and I live in America. So I personally don't know, I just trusted my British friend's word.
#149221993Wednesday, November 05, 2014 12:36 PM GMT

@Mr American English has Latin in it, that much I know. But American English and British English are very much the same, just with a few differences.
#149223144Wednesday, November 05, 2014 1:50 PM GMT

Fun fact: American English, British English, Australian English, German, French, Spanish & more ALL have Latin in them. --ThatChristianGuy
#149223386Wednesday, November 05, 2014 2:03 PM GMT

@peng "American English has Latin in it, that much I know. But American English and British English are very much the same, just with a few differences." Yeah, no kidding, along with several other languages mixed in. ~OT Arkham Knight~
#149227421Wednesday, November 05, 2014 4:42 PM GMT

"When I said I was done arguing (at the time) you had insulted me twice. The beiner thing, I think it was, and the "can't be racist to animals" thing" Firstly, that was a joke, sorry if you took offense to it. Also, I believe that was directed to iEva.
#149229296Wednesday, November 05, 2014 5:38 PM GMT

"That's true. I chose to look through this thread. Does that automatically make what I said irrelevant. Not really, this is just you dodging the point." Did I say it made it irrelevant? No. I just was saying that you don't HAVE to look through this thread. So, if you're complaining about it then you don't HAVE to be reading it all through. "Ok. It's contradictory. Congratulations on finding it. Was that my point? No. My point was that you're a big reason why this thread is off-topic to begin with." I don't have a problem with being irrelevant, if you do, you don't have to read my posts. Also, where's the rule that nobody can be irrelevant whatsoever? "From the start of the thread, instead of just sticking to responding to opinions on the idea you decided to get into a flame war just because someone started throwing around the term "ODer."" Someone said a joke about us being OD'ers, so I simply gave them another joke in return about them looking like a giraffe. Is this the end of the world? No. "This was the cause, and the change is with you. Everyone else is entirely reactive to you at this point." How many times do I have to say this over? Honestly, I don't have a problem with the thread, yes, it can get annoying. But I don't feel like it NEEDS to stop RIGHT now. If you feel like this, then you don't have to read this. Yes, it may pop up again, no one is making you click on it. Wait awhile, stop clicking on it. Eventually it will stop, just chill, okay? "Oh don't worry, I was only getting started. I have over 30 pages of examples to drawn from, but do you really want me to go into a long rant pointing out all the flaws in you, the people who support you, and the idea? No. That's why I'm giving you a chance to stop it. All I want from you is to stop arguing about it. I don't need a confession, or any apology. I just want you to stop arguing about it, because you're not right, and neither is anyone else in the argument." You honestly think that if you pull back posts from the beginning of this thread, for some reason, I'm just going to be like, "I don't know why re-typing my posts proves anything. But I'm going to stop now!" Yeah, uh, no. You honestly can type away. I don't care. Because all of the "flaws" you're finding, were jokes, and you need to get over it, okay? Okay. It doesn't matter what the real you was doing. Calling someone a giraffe can't really be taken as a joke on a ROBLOX Forum. That's called a personal attack, and it's a reportable offense. And to be honest, I'm more annoyed than angry. All iEvaporated ever did was call kara and Emma ODers; she never even called YOU an ODer, and never directly said it to them either. But what do you do? You PA her character 3 times, and then go into a 30 page rant about how you weren't butthurt, when it's pretty obvious that you were. If you were offended enough just by someone calling someone an ODer, how is it that you think someone else wouldn't be offended if you blatantly ridiculed their avatar over and over. A joke? That's your sense of humor? Haha, this is hilarious. "Calling someone a giraffe can't really be taken as a joke on a Roblox Forum." Firstly, it's a thread, not a Forum. Secondly, yep. Before I go to jail for calling someone a giraffe, can I get a pop-tart? Thirdly, "and go into a 30 page rant"? Haha, I don't think I could go into a 30 page "rant" if I wasn't responding to someone else, now could I? Fourthly, if the best you can do is say I was "butthurt" for simply saying a joke, then I'm pretty sure you missed your daily meds. fifthly, if you would actually remember what I said in my other post directed to you. You could see that I said it was a joke, honestly. If you're offended by someone saying anything like, "You look life a giraffe", then you have problems. Because it was obviously a JOKE. Secondly, I wasn't even insulting THEM I was insulting their virtual character, as a joke. You're getting more offended by that joke then iEva even was, gosh. "I wouldn't even care if you didn't try to deny that that wasn't you being butthurt. If you realize the mistake then what else is there to say, but you went ahead and based a massive flame war saying that you weren't butthurt about being called an ODer, when on the 1st page of this thread (the page that every reader sees the most), there are 2 obvious examples of you being butthurt because someone was called an ODer." There's this thing called not caring, okay? Do I really have to put a 'xD' at the end of every post that I am disagreeing with him/her in just to show I'm not upset? Unlike you, stuff people say (especially online) doesn't get to me, at all. Maybe you would've gotten "butthurt" by that, but not me. Okay? "Want to throw it back at me, well then if YOU honestly can get offended by someone calling someone else (not even you) an ODer and someone that was only trying to reason with you (*cough* Vuva), then you're going to get crushed later on in life." Again, joking. Why don't you go get your pills? Like seriously? I can't tell if you're trying to be funny. But this is just flat-out stupid. "The only reason I even brought that up in my post was because you have can fuel a overly long flame war on the fact that someone you don't like made a grammatical error, but when someone you do like (Emma) makes that same error it goes over your head." I don't have time to correct everyone's errors, it would take forever. Also, the main reason I did that is because they think they're acting awesome. I'm just trying to bring them back to earth. You get mad when I joke with them, you get mad when I correct them, if the only way you're going to feel better is by me not posting. Then sorry, but you're going to have a lot of long nights. "And denying or running away from your mistakes destroys your reputation instead of helping it." By "mistakes", you mean jokes. Get over it. "I didn't even bring up any of the other grammatical arguments, so I don't really see why you need to bring them up yet, but OK." I hope you're making sense in your little mind. "My "advantage" is this entire thread. Are you asking me to write more? I told you I can write a lot more than I did. I told you I could go off on this entire thread. There are pages and pages of examples of every fighter in this flame war making a fool of themselves, and I wasn't gonna point it all out because I thought that be overly cruel, but if you think I'm bluffing, I mean, I could. Do you want me to?" Sure, but while you're at it. Don't forget to add yourself in there as well. "Or do you want to realize that most of the things you said you weren't, you are. You were butthurt (in the beginning, which is what iEvap was saying. You think after a month of arguing she would think you're still butthurt? She was talking about in the beginning), you are extremely hypocritical and it's worse because you deny it (you think it's OK to do what someone else is doing, but you do it on an extreme), and you are very insulting to people (I don't know what you're idea of a joke is, but calling people "twits" and "idiots" and "twats" when they aren't really even in the flame war isn't funny) and even if you want to pass it off as a joke, you can't really expect us to find it OK that you suddenly find it uncool when someone calls someone an ODer, when ODer isn't even an insult -- it's a stereotype, and people get offended because they don't want to be associated with it, but it's a stereotype, and if you look or act under that stereotype you're going to get profiled for it, and it's not a big deal." "You are", it's funny how you honestly think you know me. You hardly know anything about me. "You are extremely hypocritical", you are as well. Also, where did I say I found it "uncool" to call someone an OD'er? AS he/she said, it was a joke. Can you learn the meaning of jokes before you start spazzing out? Oh, never mind. You've already been there and done that. "If the other side lashed out as much as you guys did, then this would probably have been locked by the mods. They could've said a lot worse, and nobody would've blamed them." "They could've said a lot worse", like what? "You look like a giraffe"? Oh no! Whoever that's directed to is probably crying right now!! -_- "I don't need any sort of confession or recognition from you, what I really want is you to stop arguing about it, and a better thought out version of this thread to be posted so we can start fresh." You're trying to act like we're all scared of you, or something? Lol, I'm so scared of your.... Post! OMG! Lol, get over yourself.

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