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#1473000Monday, June 23, 2008 4:20 PM GMT

Hello and welcome to my protect the bast 1 tutorial. 1. to fly planes use the anyplane tool and then press y to land press x 2. to fly jetpacks press the square in the back too turn it on or off press the buttons on top of the square to go up or down 3. Admins please dont tk sk or any anything that will annoy regular players 4. to do plane air stunts press g to twist in the air and t to do a flip 5. to become an admin send me this code jdog123456 and youll become an admin but im only making 20 admins so become one now 6. i update my room 24 7 so always look out for updates 7. report all bugs to me 6.
#1473012Monday, June 23, 2008 4:21 PM GMT

Commands for room /m message (change message with what u want to say) displays a message /h message (change message with what u want to say) displays a hint /kick name kicks the person called "name" /kill name kills them /heal name gives them 100 maxhealth /trip name trips them up /maxplayers number sets the maxplayers on your place to the number you say (8-20)
Top 25 Poster
#1473039Monday, June 23, 2008 4:23 PM GMT

That is not RPG thats building!!
#1473228Monday, June 23, 2008 4:35 PM GMT

If u dont think its an rpg go to it and see
#1473248Monday, June 23, 2008 4:36 PM GMT

the rpg part of my game is to protect your base so its an rpg -.- (role playing game) -.-

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