#147674529Friday, October 10, 2014 4:21 PM GMT

(Hm... I see... I'll be leaving then, because last time I got in a major fight over a skeleton... Good luck, then.) Cleric Joseph- "... I'm not going to deal with this..." Joseph walks away. and heads out into the wilderness. A couple of days later, his corpse is found surrounded by two dead human-sized beasts. The coin is implanted in the skull of one of them.
#147678169Friday, October 10, 2014 5:52 PM GMT

Name: Vince Forten Age:16 Appearance:A Rather slim and slender figure, white, (white BOIIII), he is also fairly taller then the average (person) for a unique reason, and he has rather long legz. (long legged larry) Clothes: Well, when he was launched out, he had a regular prisoners attire, but he will gain some new clothes later on Armor: Fairly lightly armoured, Half a shoulder piece, a Blue and white cape, and gloves. Weapon: Well, I cant realy think of a good weapon, You decide? idk. Items: Many flasks, some guantlets (spellfail) he found as he was launched out, nails, and uh, a "Science" kit (idk by science, alchemy, chemistry kit o3o) Are you new to Hearth? Are you a veteran prisoner? Are you descended from previous prisoners?: He is very new to hearth, recently out.
#147687673Friday, October 10, 2014 8:36 PM GMT

(Well, if you're not gonna pick a weapon in your CS, might as well start you right at the wall.) -Vince- You were the last in the line, the guard quite literally kicking you out. You count 13 other prisoners. A man walks to the edge of the wall. You recognize him as the Knight Commander Rion, a man who only answered to the Knight General and the King of Vu himself. "So, your this lot's 'lucky' winners. Look around you, all of you!"
#147704383Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:37 AM GMT

-Syndros- "I guess I better head into Hearth to find some food one way or another, I'm starving". Syndros then travels to town. (I'm gonna be on vacation until Monday, so unless you get a post in before tomorrow I probably won't reply unless I can figure out how to get on the forum through my phone.)
#147719025Saturday, October 11, 2014 4:38 AM GMT

-Syndros- As you go out you find Rya, the ranch's owner, and her son Turm outside, over a cooking pot. Rya looks over to you. "Leaving so soon? I was about to serve you something to eat. Got enough stew to feed you, Turm, my husband and I for a whole week, longer since my husband just left a few minutes ago on a hunting expedition."
#147852908Monday, October 13, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

(Got my phone to work :D) -Syndros- "That's great, I'll just stay amd eat here then!". Syndros then walks over to eat.
#147857828Monday, October 13, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

-Syndros- You look down at the stew. It has a puke green color, and the meat's a little blue. "It's jabberwocky, with a bit of onions and carrots. Perhaps a bit of chameleon bl.ood. Not the best, but it'll last." You don't know what either of those things are. At the most, you've met the giant turtles, you believed they were called "dragon turtles", and a giant, wolf-like beast called a worg, but that was because one had killed a prisoner on the way to Hearth.
#147858467Monday, October 13, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

-Syndros- "I suppose this will do..." He eats a small bit.
#147858758Monday, October 13, 2014 2:25 AM GMT

"Well, Syndros. It's time we have a talk. Me and my husband were talking, and we've determined that while he was away killing beasts in the mountains, we'd try and get you a job. Give you a place in this society. Now, the most commonly accepted practice is the hunt, but we understand newcomers don't like poking at giant beasts, and we do have other professions," Rya says.
#147877994Monday, October 13, 2014 12:51 PM GMT

-Syndros- "Hunting honestly doesn't sound so bad, hopefully I just start with some easier monsters"
#147914937Tuesday, October 14, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

-Syndros- "Hunting's a bit unpredictable in the manner of beasts. My uncle found a behemoth on his first hunt. I still visit his grave," Rya says, in a rather blissful tone of voice, despite the fact she probably meant this first hunt was his last. "Well, my husband can't help you our right now, but Turm's gone hunting a few times. He can show you the ropes."
#147969766Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:58 AM GMT

-Syndros- "Oh well I'll just have to depend on luck then, I really wouldn't feel productive if I didn't go out there to hunt."
#147971261Wednesday, October 15, 2014 1:15 AM GMT

"If you'll excuse me," Turm said, placing his empty bowl down. "I'd like to tend to the dragon turtles early so I can sharpen my blade. I can't go hunting unless I can cut heads off." You hadn't known Turm long, but he had acted with an angry and demented attitude that made everyone around him wary except the brave ones, or his parents who were oblivious to the rumors of death threats and murder that surrounded Rya's son.
#147971871Wednesday, October 15, 2014 1:21 AM GMT

-Syndros- Syndros looks nervously over at Turm, " Are we going hunting right now? Or is he even going hunting?". Syndros moves his hand a little closer to his sword.
#147982907Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:16 AM GMT

"Why yes. You won't be venturing far, maybe a little deep into the plains, or on the mountain passes near Hearth. Don't worry, my son killed a Yrtu'ain on his first hunt. I have it's head mounted on a wall." So that's that giant bug head above the fire place. You wondered what that was.
#147982943Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:17 AM GMT

(can I use a more medieval version of the Player 1 robot from Robotek?)
#147983107Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:21 AM GMT

(Two things: A) I don't know what that is. And B) Try to maintain some originality. I can take characters inspired off of other things, and I can take names you always use, but please don't use something from something else even if it's a more medieval version.)
#147989776Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:59 AM GMT

-Syndros- "Alright, then I better get ready" I get up to fix up my armor and sharpen my sword.
#148007306Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

Name: Atticus Knight. Age: 23 Appearance: Atticus has fiery red messy hair, a bit of everywhere, despite his best efforts. His eyes are a blood red, and normally pushed into a squint, whether it be for vision issues or just to block out the sun, it's up to anyone's guess. He has light freckles on his face, peppering everywhere. His features have a certain sharpness to them, but are hidden by a thickening beard. He stands around average height, and is in good shape considering the conditions. He appears to be albino, or at the very least be considerably pale. He has a large scar on his face, making him very uncomfortable to look at when he smiles, as it pulls his face out of shape a bit. It looks like it never really healed right, and he occasionally rubs it to sooth phantom pains that arise from time to time. Clothes: He typically wears a short sleeved tunic, or something to that effect. The color varies, with it being a nice green for plains, a rocky gray for mountain expeditions, and a calming blue when he's around the village. His trousers are normally brown, though they may be black. He wears leather shoes that seems to struggle to keep up with his size 13 foot. Armor: He typically wears leather armor, maybe hide if he considers the situation dangerous enough for it. Never does he bring a shield with him. Weapon: Typically he uses a hand and a half sword, and keeps a dagger on the other side for a two handed fighting style. In addition, he carries around a javelin, giving him a bit of range, or the ability to keep the more dangerous foes out of his way. Items: He has a harmonica, which he often plays on expeditions, at the end of days. He also carries a whet stone, for the sharpening of one of his blades if needed. Are you new to Hearth? Are you a veteran prisoner? Are you descended from previous prisoners?: Descendant. [Yeeehaw.]
#148009551Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:20 PM GMT

Name: Khirm "Wildman" Age: Approximately 24 years Appearance: Hair that is cut very short, in a purposely crude fashion, done using sharpened stones. Persists in rolling in dirt and keeping it on him, maintaining a dirty look on him at all times. Clothes: Wears the same as when in armour. Wears two things; a cloth vest that simply covers his chest, and some cloth shorts, simply to maintain decency. Armor: See Clothes Weapon: Typically uses short swords made in Hearth. Also has a bow that he tries to maintain himself, but tends to screw it up and have to a fletcher fix it, or make him a new one. Items: He doesn't keep anything personal on him; he tries to keep his ties to a minimum. Are you new to Hearth? Are you a veteran prisoner? Are you descended from previous prisoners?: Has been "in" Hearth for a couple of years. Bio (Because I wanna explain this guy): Khirm was a respectable citizen. He followed the law and did well in society. It was during one day that he accidentally hit someone. And he felt really good. He proceeded to start killing people, having fun with it, and eventually his common sense became none. He was captured quickly, for he wasn't exactly sneaky about it, and kicked out into the wilderness, expecting to be killed. Though, he sees these giant beasts and thinks himself their god. He hunts by observing one beast for a period of time, and sneaking around, which is why he keeps clothing to a minimum. Once he has observed enough, he'll set an ambush and go for it. He typically hunts small creatures, since big ones tend to be too much for one person, and he tends to just go out when he feels like it.
#148013907Wednesday, October 15, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

Finally more people are joining
#148027710Thursday, October 16, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

(Both accepted. And thanks for the bio Michal. I still can't believe I forgot the most important thing.) -Atticus- The pollution from all the smoke nearly makes you choke. In all your 23 years of life, you learn the most important lesson is that as one goes into the center of Hearth, smoke pollution worsens, for a couple of reasons. Why you don't just move out and go into the outskirts is beyond you. Although, you can't really help it. Many hunters stay near families or mentors, and your family was one of the first to have ever lived in Hearth. Some say that your ancestor may have been one of the founding fathers of the city. Of course, there's some who are jealous. Some even doubt your heritage. However, one wonders if it's the jealousy talking. But no matter. You must suit up for an expedition. Rynolf, perhaps the most exalted man in the city and some even say an unofficial leader, had for some odd reason requested two expeditions: One into the mountains, and the other into the jungle. He had requested you be sent to the jungle. -Khirm- You sat down on the base of the mountain. Worgs were exceptionally dangerous animals, giant wolves with a hunch between their forelegs, black fur and the most amber eyes you have ever seen. Their scrunched up nose could smell ever better than a wolf's own, but you found out an interesting fact: They can't seem to smell a certain yellow berry found in the Looming Mountains. And even better, you just now found out covering yourself in the berry's juice masked your scent entirely. You found this out as you stood over a worg's den. Now if you will go through with it; this will be the biggest thing you ever fought, and it's even larger than a human. -Syndros- You equip the leather armor, but ignore the sword. It seems to be in good condition, and even shipshape in Vuian standards.
#148028087Thursday, October 16, 2014 1:33 AM GMT

-Syndros- I go outside to meet Turm and ask where we're going.
#148028383Thursday, October 16, 2014 1:38 AM GMT

(Ah. Ok, sorry.)
#148028387Thursday, October 16, 2014 1:38 AM GMT

He seem dressed in plates and some furs. He looks to you while you're asking. "I was thinking we could move some east towards the border. We'll find some grazers around there, hopefully."