#147701121Friday, October 10, 2014 11:49 PM GMT

(only the large nations from previous eras are at war) Xyrial- Your people begin building a large palace for you, and honoring you weekly. The fortress researches new technology, no standard weapons are improved, the simple but effective scythe is kept, however the soldiers begin making armor, previously undiscovered to all, they manage to arm themselves with slightly heavy armor.
#147701123Friday, October 10, 2014 11:49 PM GMT

Have pity on Mustalia, and recreate him with a single thought in his mind. Kill those that killed me. However, before he is reincarnated, have him trained to be a proffesional killer in the underworld, so he will outmatch his two brothers. Create a new set of triplet demons, however these with personalities... time to experiment. Jiokfur:Exciteable, slightly insane, but sticks with his brother and sister[girl demon] no matter what. Auriall:Female, wise, old, keeps Jiokfur in check. Musta:War lover, sort of the blacksheep. Let's see how this works out.
#147701185Friday, October 10, 2014 11:50 PM GMT

The angels are to rest, and once they are ready hunt down the other.
#147701224Friday, October 10, 2014 11:50 PM GMT

Birm- Mustalia is amazingly weak, it'll take a long time for his soul to return to power. The triplet demons set out, all stickign together as they were born to. They come upon a large black fortress, and begin planning.
#147701277Friday, October 10, 2014 11:51 PM GMT

While we continue construction of the palace, forge, and researching of technology, I begin to experiment with a new type of Geramond. This kind will hopefully be physically stronger than others at the loss of intelligence, relying more on brute strength than brain. However, I make sure they know how to follow orders very well, losses cannot be afforded. (dang i love this rp)
#147701339Friday, October 10, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

Alright. Let Mustalia do his thing for awhile, once he's ready he will be reincarnated to do what he was meant to do. Kill. The three demons are given their own mini armies, as the original brothers were. Let us see if they like their armies more.
#147701348Friday, October 10, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

Bob- The angels sacraficed themselves to destroy Uiosla's soul. You need to make new angels to hunt down Alukother. ALL- The demons have been reported less, huge clashes also reported less. But the large war still wages, and people still go to a new chain of islands recently discovered.
#147701392Friday, October 10, 2014 11:53 PM GMT

[lol ikr xyrial i wonder if the new triplets will be put to an end]
#147701489Friday, October 10, 2014 11:54 PM GMT

Create angels. Lots of them. Each angel is built to oppose a certain demon.
#147701557Friday, October 10, 2014 11:55 PM GMT

Xyrial- You manage to make amazingly strong brutes, they're practically brainless, and their face is a mash of ugly, so you'd have to cover it with masks. However, they're perfectly loyal when following orders. Birm- The three demons don't necessarily like their demon armies, they let them split up and roam the land or whatever they want. Bob- You are slightly weak in power, you've created tons of powerful angels, you only create 4 before you find yourself inable to create more. ALL- The islands are being fleed from, a demon kingdom has arose upon it.
#147701612Friday, October 10, 2014 11:56 PM GMT

Alukother cannot be put to an end. He is the last of the original brothers, the most powerful of them all. Give him what he needs. If he needs an army he's got one. If he needs weapons he's got some. Unless he doesn't want the stuff. Then let him die/live but almost die.
#147701702Friday, October 10, 2014 11:57 PM GMT

Alright. Let the triplets do their thing.
#147701723Friday, October 10, 2014 11:57 PM GMT

Send the angels to kill their opposite.
#147701915Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:00 AM GMT

If others will create their own sons, I will too. The brutes are kept guarded in the fortress, for they may be needed later. The royal palace and forge's completion are the only things needed now to begin an empire. THe question is asked. Those who fled, where will they flee to? I make sure patrol guards are put on watch, monitoring the community closely so that none may sneak out.
#147702173Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:04 AM GMT

Birm- Alukother wants nothing, and you wound him badly. He retreats to his brother's previous dwelling of ancient times, the cave. He is soon attacked by four angels, and killed, his soul destroyed without the angels sacraficing themselves. Bob- Birm's. Xyrial- The brutes go to patrol the fortress, and they get in a battle with three demons. One demon by the name of Joikfur is injured, and they retreat. Four brutes are found dead. ALL- The war is tearing the land apart, one kingdom has already fallen, it's an all out battle now, no allies. The western part of Nulao is on fire, where the wars are. The newly discovered islands are populated by thousands of demons, and they're setting their eyes on destroying the continent.
#147702340Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

Alukother is dead. Aw. Maybe I'll revive him in a couple hundred years. Anyway him and his brother are the devils now. The triplet's go into hiding to allow Joikfur to heal.
#147702400Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

I rest. Making a bunch of angels tire you out, ya' know. Anyway, the angels that currently exist attempt in anyway they can to hault the demons.
#147702931Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

Birm- Both demons soul's were destroyed, they're not even in the underworld, they're gone. The triplets hide in a cave. Bob- You rest as you regain your strength. ALL- The world is shaking, it is enraged for your sins, for your destruction. The demon islands sink, the west has violent quakes, destroying the lands of war. The rest feels the shaking, crumbling walls down, injuring many. Caves collapse, the demon triples die, and go to the underworld. The world is enraged.
#147703049Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

Uh I vote we create another continent Because um This current one is a bit torn up. The triplets are the new devils, to be resserected soon enough.
#147703100Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:18 AM GMT

Good job Zukra, have a cookie. I second that vote, I guess. Angels return to the upper realm.
#147703127Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:19 AM GMT

Negotiating with the fire god would be the best thing at the moment. Perhaps we can come to an agreement to create a new, more peaceful continent. However, doubts form in my mind. I fear the same thing might happen if we speak with the demon god. However, to create a new continent, we may need his help.
#147703147Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:19 AM GMT

ALL- The land is mostly in peace, although most cities are in rubble, there are no wars. There are a few bandits, but none fighting, mostly they just flee and hide.
#147703246Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:21 AM GMT

I appear and watch as few demons remain, having been forced back to the underworld as the world basically let out all of it's stress at the exact same time.
#147703311Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

At least there's peace now... Walk around the place. Angels fly down and help rebuild.
#147703393Saturday, October 11, 2014 12:23 AM GMT

ALL- The angels and demons are all dead, they were in more concentrated areas of earthquakes. The world is angry at them, the world wants no more angels or demons, it wants Geramonds.