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#147846188Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

⦅⦆ VEȠAUƦA ⦅⦆ (read the very bottom after CS before deciding to join) // Ɵ⧔ Chapters ⧕Ɵ l Backstory ll Plot lll Magic in Mera - Spell Casting - Summoning IV Trades V Rules VI CS l ⦂ Backstory ⦂ “Venaura. Everyone knows of the large, once grand city. Twilight seems to be the only time of day in the disfigured city. Storm clouds remain above it every day and night. The skyscrapers and buildings are gradually disintegrating; wild plants seem to be stationary guardians over the crumbling sidewalks. It wasn’t always like this. It could of been a beautiful and flourishing place if not for our worthless monarchy! The only people that roam the streets of Venaura are supposedly fabled beasts and witches. Nobody has ever entered the city and came out alive. The place seems to be a giant maze of destroyed and nearly demolished constructions. I am here to tell you that it isn’t all true. If one dared to go into this place they would find out that something was amiss about the city. Of course it takes someone well prepared and equipped to enter the broken place and come out alive. That’s where you come in!” The bearded man exclaimed to the farming town of Azmai, a half-hearted smile settling across his face. The town knew that the man speaking was probably sent by the anti-monarch. They were always looking for ways to wreak havoc through the towns and cities of Mera, a large and civilized land, except for the northern mountains and eastern jungles. It is ruled by a monarchy, the queen named Venetia. Most of Mera had fallen into chaos, and Venetia didn’t do anything to restore it. The most famous city was Venaura, which used to be famous and glorious. Outsiders came to Venaura to admire it’s beautiful architecture and craftsmanship. Somehow this city declined and many of the people living there left and went to other places. To show that you are a reading this right now add the words khi khi to the other section in your cs. Nobody except the monarch knew what had happened there, and groups like one the man was probably from tried to get peasants to explore the city. They were too scared to do it themselves. Fear of being caught by Venetia’s guards or herself scared the people who dared to walk the demolished city’s streets. Rumors about fantastical creatures and demons were everywhere in Mera. Slowly a growing hate had developed for letting the land’s only pride fade away. Rebellions against the monarchy had broken out everywhere, but nobody dared to challenge Venetia. She was known to be a powerful sorceress. ll ⦂ Plot ⦂ The anti-monarchy men who entered your town have 'selected' you as a member for an expedition into Vanaura. The rebels have taken you from your home in the night, and locked you in their prison until the expedition was ready to begin. Only the most useful warriors and scholars were hand-picked from their hometowns. However, this does not make you a trained soldier or master of magic. You are more likely a common working man or woman with above average weapon skills, or magical knowledge. You will begin your journey within the anti-monarchy prison while the rebels make the final preparations. lll ⦂ Magic in Mera ⦂ At the age of fifteen, a person has the choice to sacrifice a fair amount of their strength for the ability of magic. With this sacrifice, the person would have a limit to their ability to do things that require strength. To become proficient at magic, you would have to either have the natural-born gift for it (which is rare), or study the art of magic for a good chunk of your life. Most skilled magicians have devoted their life to magic. Basically, there are two types of magic in Mera: Spell casting and summoning. ⧔ Spell Casting ⧕ A type of magic where the user says the spell and the desired result happens. Casting spells require energy. Larger spells require more energy. Once the user casts a spell, he/she cannot stop the effect from happening. If you cast a spell that uses more energy than you have, you will die. If you cast a spell that uses a large amount of energy that you have, you will feel a significant ebb in your energy level, and possibly faint. Small spells, however, take less energy and can be cast with only a small drop in energy. To cast a spell, you must be focused on what you want to do. If your thoughts wander, the spell cast may come out warped or you may die as a result. Just simply focus and say the spell out loud for the desired result. Saying a spell in your head requires much skill in the spell casting field. Examples of some spells are: "Karge Tulena!" - 'Light On', casts a glowing yellow orb above you to provide light. "Tuevada Kius Zelv!"- 'Strengthen/Speed/Weapon', allows your weapon strikes to be faster and more powerful. "Ralik Avkne Pagen!" - 'Calm/Peaceful/Flee', causes small animal opponents to stop attacking and flee for a limited time. ⧔ Summoning ⧕ A dangerous form of magic that allows the user to summon spirits to do their will. Spirits can be unpredictable though, and if the caster is not aware of this, they can easily die. If a caster summons spirits too powerful for their skill level in summoning, the spirits will take the person over. To summon a spirit, you must perform this chant: "Je te convoque [Name of the spirit you wish to summon], viens-je dire viens, je besoin de votre aide et de sagesse Ex: Jen said: "Je te convoque 'hamster', viens-je dire viens, je besoin de votre aide et de sagesse." She would then summon the spirit version of a hamster to do her bidding. Summoning can also be done with weapons, which allows the user to summon the 'spirit form' of a weapon. The spirit form of a weapon is a transparent form of it, but if you touch it, it is solid and can hurt somebody. To someone a weapon you must say: "Je te convoque, [Weapon you wish to summon] puissance, venez à moi." Ex: Vladimir said: "Je te convoque, 'hand-and-a-half sword' puissance, venez à moi." A transparent version of a hand-and-a-half sword would appear in his hands. When you are done summoning a weapon or spirit, simply say: "Merci pour votre aide. Maintenant, laissez-moi." IV ⦂ Trades ⦂ Examples are: Spell Caster Sorceress Shopkeeper Merchant Mercenary Swordsman/Swordswoman Archer Alchemist Or any other trade fit to be in medieval-ish times. V ⦂ Rules ⦂ 1. No metagaming, godmodding, or power-playing 2. It is highly suggested you read the backstory and rules of magic before making a CS 4. Ignore trolls and people of that nature 5. If you choose to be a spell caster or sorceress, you will start at a mediocre level, meaning that you are somewhat skilled but not great. The result of your spell or sorcery attempt will be decided by moi. 6. Admins are TheRealKhiione for now 7. Obey me and any admins I may choose 8. This is set in a past time, no guns or jeans or anything like that 9. No Mary/Gary Sues 10. Only minor romance is allowed 11. We start when I say so VI ⦂ CS ⦂ Name// Age// Gender// Trade// Appearance// Clothes// Items// Personality (optional)// Biography (optional)// Other// Due to school and all, this role-play will probably begin next Thursday or Friday. sorry.
#147846390Sunday, October 12, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

#147849098Monday, October 13, 2014 12:16 AM GMT


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