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#148245131Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:17 PM GMT

There's a TL;DR version at the bottom for you lazy people. Basically, I think free models should have a new rule. They must only be used to help people build/script. But how would we make it so that's as far as they're used? Simple: Roblox can limit the models that are out there. Roblox could lock just about every free model in the catalog. Make about 98% of them unavailable to take. However, before doing this, Roblox would find a couple good models that are useful purely for learning how to make something, and keep them purchasable when they lock everything. If someone was to put these models in their game without changing it, it wouldn't look appealing and it would probably not work how they want it to. For example, these models: http://www.roblox.com/item.aspx?setItemId=14257830&avID=349641669 http://www.roblox.com/item.aspx?setItemId=14257836&avID=268301224 http://www.roblox.com/item.aspx?setItemId=14257834&avID=345191793 http://www.roblox.com/item.aspx?setItemId=14257828&avID=351025485 By themselves, they look kind of lame. But if someone was to look in the scripts, learn how they worked, and implemented that into their creation, then it would be awesome. This would also be a way for people to get that Roblox-Approved Model-Making badge they just made; Roblox could ask certain users to make some tutorial models, and after Roblox approves them and makes sure they work, those models would be available for others to take. Now, since there would be a bunch of confusion and rage if Roblox just deleted everything, what they could do instead is just make all of the models they're "scrapping" unavailable to take. However, if you already own the model (as in, if you look at the "Models" section of your inventory, and it's there) then you can keep it. That way, nobody loses something they already had. Now would also be a good time to mention that things such as meshes, hats, and Roblox-created weapons would be some of the models that are available off the bat. Since it's not easy to put things like that in Studio without using the Free Models catalog, those would still be available. Opinions? TL;DR: Only models that would help teach building/scripting would be available in the Catalog.
#148245182Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:18 PM GMT

No just no
#148245226Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:18 PM GMT

My opinion is if you are trying to get the moderators attention on this post, don't provide YOUR models.
#148245261Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:19 PM GMT

I rather stick to what it is now.
#148245429Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:22 PM GMT

@caleb Yeah, I didn't want to, but I was too lazy to find other ones. Here's a good one that's not mine, though: http://www.roblox.com/Enemy-item?id=126830134 It's very useful to learn how to create your own Enemy AI. You can change the walkspeed, damage, jump time, respawn rate, etc. And since it's just a basic Robloxian with no clothes, hats, packages, etc, it would be perfect for editing.
#148245637Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:24 PM GMT

No. Free models are there for us to use and make making games easier. Let's say I don't understand how to make a teleportation script. I look in a free model to try and figure out how it works, but I don't understand it at all. Fortunately, I can just look at another model to see a different way of making a teleportation script. Here's another scenario: let's say I'm a really good programmer and am trying to make a game. It would be waste of time to try and make your own, as you could be programming much more complex things. Luckily, I could simply pick one up from free models. The thing is, free models aren't just for learning, but for actually using, too. It's also cool to be able to search up just about anything and have it available to use.
#148246566Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:38 PM GMT

@amiracle In regards to your first example, Roblox could approve several different teleportation models. There doesn't have to be just one. In regards to your second example, I have to disagree with you. Free models are there for us to use, but they're not there to use for the entire game. If Roblox wanted us to just take free models and make games out of them, they wouldn't keep trying to get us to make advanced games. DevEx, GCC's, and even Roblox University were all created to get us to make our own creations; not just take a bunch of stuff from someone else and hope that it works. Plus, games made strictly from free models are pretty lame. I mean, look at all the "Cart Ride to ____" or "Fall Down a Hole to ____" or "Protect the _____ in _____ while runing from ____" games. They're basically all the same. Nothing unique, nothing advanced, and all free-modelled. Free models really should be used for learning. Not just to put down whenever you don't want to make something yourself.
#148247119Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:46 PM GMT

I don't think you understand what I mean. If you're an advanced programmer and trying to make a game, you shouldn't have to waste time making a door. You could be making more advanced things for the game, e.g a GUI. I'm not saying 100% free modeled games are a good thing. Free models are there to make building on ROBLOX easier and learning at the same time.
#148249794Sunday, October 19, 2014 7:23 PM GMT

@amiracle Ok, I understand what you mean now. Well, then there would be models of basic things, such as doors, in the Model Catalog. However, there wouldn't be models of complex things, such as houses or large buildings, because those things should be made by users. Does that address your concerns?
#148250885Sunday, October 19, 2014 7:38 PM GMT

Why your idea is not good: 1. They are called Free Models because they are for players to use in their game. 2. Do you not see the word "Free"? 3. Players wouldn't be able to let other players use their model, instead your forced to make it 1. A model for people to see how its made 2. you keep it only for yourself.
#148253556Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:14 PM GMT

@gentle 1. Players can still use it in their game. It would just have to be modified in order for it to fit what their game is about. Which is what free models actually are supposed to be used for. 2. It's still free. 3. While this is a downside, it's definitely worth it in order to prevent free-modelled games from spamming the front page. Which is, by the way, the reason I suggested this whole idea; to cut down on free-modelled front page games like "Fall Down the Hole to ____" or "Cart Ride to _____"
#148253854Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:18 PM GMT

No support. I understand what you are getting at but lets no punish everyone for what some cronies are doing at the front page. BBOX
#148253924Sunday, October 19, 2014 8:19 PM GMT

"2. its still free" "Roblox would find a couple good models that are useful purely for learning how to make something, and keep them purchasable when they lock everything."
#148264957Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

@buffalo I shouldn't have said purchasable. I meant "takable". As in, they're free to take.
#148265089Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

Free models are made so ROBLOX doesn't have to make all of them. I only have a problem when people take credit for free models.
#148266669Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:26 PM GMT

BS idea, I USE FREE MODLES. This is like a damn command economy like in the USSR where they had that nut stalin running all the crap and ruining everything.
#148267110Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:33 PM GMT


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