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#148313526Monday, October 20, 2014 8:15 PM GMT

[/History\] It's the year 2354, after an event known as the "Great Mistake", humanity decided to reach for the stars and colonize other planets in the hopes of a better and brighter future. They succeeded greatly and colonized many planets in the system, creating entire cities on Mars, Venus and that. Then, they wanted to extend to the entire galaxy, possibly the whole universe. Thus, they sent out scout ships with supplies to last for years and equipment to colonize planets if needed. A month later, a distress signal was received, saying that they had made first contact with an alien race, but they were not friendly. They were attaking the colonies that the scout ships had made. They were described as six foot tall robots with a vast array of weaponry in stock. Reinforcements arrived too late. They found dead people everywhere, yet not one alien body. The First Encounter War was intiated, which put humanity against this unknown race of robotic aliens. After a long, bloody, seven-year war, humanity managed to beat back the robots, which had kindly been named 'The Nyulis' by the human science team and brought peace between both races, a sign that there could be hope. A few hundred years pass, and humanity is a rising power in the Milky Way galaxy. It's made fast friends, as well as enemies with the new alien races that humans have met, always expanding, always growing. Only now, greater conflicts have arisen, minerals and resorces have started to run out, and the more powerful races have decided to hoard most, if not all of, what's left. This has caused weaker races, including humanity, to rise up against these powers. The greatest war in universe begins now: 'The Galactic Civil War', where every star and planet shall be changed forever. During this war, piracy decreased quite a bit, since supplies are vital and due to martial law; any stealing of supplies is punishable by death. Despite this, Captain Jeremiah throws caution to the wind and plunders away. He has quite the bounty on his head, and his face is plastered all over the place in most worlds. The military from both sides, along with bounty hunters, have been hunting him since the Galatic war started over three years ago. Yet, the Galactic war has not been going well for the poorer races, and they seem on the verge of defeat... [/Plot\] You are part of a ship, the SSV Telardo. It is lead by Captain Jeremiah Grace, a notrious pirate and scavenger. He has help from his first mate, Laing Randall, an escaped Earth prisoner who has no problem with slicing a few people out of the way for her captain. Together they're almost unstoppable. The Telardo, a large ship indeed is manned with a crew number of at least one hundred below deck, and fourty above. As a rebel ship, they're not on anyone's side, and have quite a few run-ins with any other living lifeform who isn't thier crew. You are one of the new members of the crew and you are about to plunder your first ship. Though, it does seem a bit under-protected, doesn't it? Species Humans: Do I even have to explain this? Argonians A race of lizard people, the Argonians are probably the most aggresive of the lesser races, using hit and run tactics to annoy the 'superior' races. They are also crack shots with rifles, making them ideal bounty hunters and hit men, but this means that their military is particularly potent and should NOT be messed with. Argonians look a lot like raptors, but with thinner features and a less muscular body. Speaking of less muscular, Argonians are rather weak in close-quarters and can be quite cowardly. The Argonians live on the planet of Isan, a dried up desert planet with some of the harshest sandstorms in existence. However, Argonians are not phased by this. Due to their reptilian origins, they are resistant to the heat and need less water to survive. Though, they do have domes around their villages, to keep the more vicious sandstorms out. Franonians The Franonians have suffered greatly during these past many years. The war has been harsh on them, but they are still surprisingly plentiful. They have squid-like tentacles as legs and purple hair, making them look like what humans might percieve as octopus-merpeople. The Franonians usually reside in watery areas, in fact their planet, Franon, is entirely made up of water. The Franonians are part of the lesser races. Martians A creative and peaceful race, the Martians are humannoid figures with white pale skin, but thier arms seem too be more like raw mucle covering bright red bone. Most of them look the same, with dark red eyes and usually all bald. They were happy to share thier planet with Earth in the process of becoming allies with them. Martians hid from humans for years, as they were terrified of them but soon they built up thier courage and thier weapons to make contact. The Martians are part of the lesser races. The Nyulis Although considered violent at first, the Nyulis are actually very intelligent. The Nyulis were at civil war back in their own universe and had beaten themselves into a bloody stalemate. One side was known as the loyalists, the others known as the heretics, but no one knows much about the civil war, as the Nyulis kept it hush hush. Unfortunately the loyalists had created a super weapon, 1,000,000 times more deadly than any weapon any race in our universe could ever make. it backfired; when they launched it, the bomb exploded just as it left and opened a blackhole, sucking the entire planet of Necron into it. They ended up here, and, to survive, they had to kill the organisms that were attacking them with spears and swords. This led to the great Unknown War with the Old Ones, which is known as this due to the lack of information on it, and neither race will share details. The Nyulis are on th side of the 'superior' races. The Featheren The Featheren are a race of bird-like people, who make up the most of the 'superior' races' infantry. They come in many different varieties and look some what similar to the birds of our world. Featheren are usually very violent and have out-bursts constantly, put that together with the fact that they have some of the most advanced weaponry in the universe? It's not a good combination. In the past there have been many civil wars between Featheren tribes on their planet of Istvan, which is a jungle planet, with many different vicious beasts and plants. The Featheren live on top of tree tops but are not afraid to go down and beat up some vicious beast for the hell of it. Featherens are part of the 'superior' races. The Broken Alien consciousness stored inside life support suits, these warriors are no little more than bone and weapon, mindless drones who take orders from the Earth armies who have promised them new bodies. Outside of thier suits, The Broken are no more then broken husks outside of thier provision suits but are still able to only weakly move. They were ressurected using dangerous psychic energies which was discovered by the Old ones, it is generally frowned upon to bring these skeletons back, as the skeletons feel excrutiating amounts of pain all of the time. The broken can work for either side. Axons Axons appear as golden humanoids with white bodies covered in gold blotches. They can transform into large creatures that appeared as a mass of tentacles, lash out with their tentacles to either shock or disintegrate enemies and they can also instantly absorb victims. Allied with the Nyulis. The Axons are with the 'superior' races. The Old Ones The Old Ones were the first race to appear in the Milky Way galaxy. They have powerful psychic abilities and tend to use lesser races to fight for them, though when they do fight, they fight with respect and honour. Using masterfully-crafted swords and halberds to fight, they look very like humans. In fact, humans were the first race they created, only are more similar to an Elf, with paler skin and stranger eye colours. However, they are great enemies with the Nylius as the Nylius appeared seemingly out of the blue and attacked the less civilised races. Which led to the great Unknown War, as barely anything is know about it. The Old Ones are neutral. Worlds Reach The first world the Earth colonized out of this solar system before the civil war started up the volcanic but inhabitable was called the reach as it was the first reach into a better new life. This is the second strongest human base after earth with over two billion people living on it's surface. nearly all of these people are now helping with the exstension of Earth's artillery. Mars Mars, a peaceful neighbouring world next to our very own. The inhabitants here living underground in diverse cave stystems which strech for miles under the red rocky surface and conceal all sorts of rockets and space ships. Giant human cities every here and there but that's really it. Allied with earth, Martians also played quite a large part in the First encounter war, supply some advanced energy-based weapons for the human side. Naguta This planet is covered in wrecked spaceships and and other means of transport. The surface is basically one intergalactic graveyard for the war- the place of sunken hopes dreams. If you ever need spare parts this is the best place to go but be careful; you may not come out alive. Orson A planet that is rich in oil and other fuels, Orson maybe be one of the most fought over planets in the war. One fabled rumor is that not one side of the war can keep Orson in it's grasp more than a week before they are overcome by the opposition. Anyone who is netural tries to keep away from this planet in general as battle rages across its sandy surface. Home of the Axons this marsh world is home to hundreds of poisonous plants and creatures that can do any thing from burning your skin to making your body shut down in a few seconds. Humans try to aviod this planet as they are most vulnerable here, but squads are sometimes sent here for hit mission if needed. Martians are stronger here, but this doesn't mean they can survive. Franon This is a planet made almost entirely of water. Surrounding this sphere of water is a thin layer of various gases, much like Earth's atmosphere. The water's radius is roughly 500 miles wide, with its outer layer of air being about 100 meters. The only life forms on Franon besides the Franonians are a large plant at the center, small insects living at the water's surface, and fish. The plant at Franon's center is leafy and green, sprawling outward across the entire inner world. Its branches stop at roughly two-thirds of the way through. Its branches carry fruits that supply Franonians with essential nutrients. Sadly, some time during the war, the "tree" was damaged. Half of its branches have gone dry; dead. Isan This planet is very hot, and hardly has any water on it. Isan is close to their sun, evaporating any water that might still be there instantly. Sandstorms are a regular occurance, and are the most severe sandstorms known in existence. The Argonians, who live on Isan, have domed homes to shelter them from the worst of the storms. It rains once a year, when the planet's orbit is the farthest away from its sun and the small, swelling clouds are given a chance to empty the water. When it rains, it lasts for a mere twenty to fourty-five minutes. During that time span, Isanic plants grow. Isanic plants grow very quickly, and produce much food, weighing down their branches heavily. Argonians quickly rush to the plants when they are finished growing, devouring them as quickly as they can before having to resort to the rations they bring in from off world. Istvan This place is a jungle planet, large and mostly unexplored. Only the Featheren have any idea of what monsters lurk in the shadows of the tall tropical trees. The monsters include both plants and animals. Legend tells that there are man-eating plants in there, and that the jungle animals are ten feet tall, but, as we all know, word of mouth can be a bit unreliable at times. CS Name: Earth age: Inventory: Occupation: Species: Appearance: Personality: Illnesses (if any): Bio: Other: Rules 1. Admins' word is law; please respect them or get banned. 2. We expect you to have respect also for the other RPers whatever ever happens off this thread. 3. Have a complaint or a problem? PM me, Katt, or other admins. Also, try solving it yourself before you come to us (we don't want your problems frankly, unless they are important to the RP or if you need to go inactive for a while.) 4. Romance at your own risk, we're not your mother but we expect maturity. 6. No Mary Sues. 7. Kattnisskid dislikes the number five. 8. We know that you might need to brighten up by ruining someone's life but flames are mocked. 9. Wanna get creative? If unsure if you're breaking the rules first use that wonderful brain of yours then consult the admins. 10. Put 'Sammich' in other. Admins Captain Tailsdahfox, leader of this ship! First mate: Kattnisskid O nine tails! Pawzkat, ship's ally and mate! PurringThunder: Swabber of the deck and honourary chef. "Be a good girl and make me a sammich? *Turns into sammich*"
#148313607Monday, October 20, 2014 8:16 PM GMT

Tracked. I did absolutely nothing for this when I said I'd help.
#148313861Monday, October 20, 2014 8:20 PM GMT

What do you people rate this RP? "Be a good girl and make me a sammich? *Turns into sammich*"
#148313912Monday, October 20, 2014 8:21 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#148314403Monday, October 20, 2014 8:29 PM GMT

Anyone want to join? "Be a good girl and make me a sammich? *Turns into sammich*"
#148316398Monday, October 20, 2014 9:02 PM GMT

I want to join! Can i be one of the broken :3
#148316716Monday, October 20, 2014 9:07 PM GMT

Alright, btw, Broken can have personalities, but appearance is just a skeleton and the only thing that signifies your gender is your voice. "Be a good girl and make me a sammich? *Turns into sammich*"
#148323887Monday, October 20, 2014 10:59 PM GMT

tl;dr First Siggy gonna be the Last Siggy
#148324380Monday, October 20, 2014 11:07 PM GMT

Marked. Say, did you. Mean reach as in Halo?
#148326340Monday, October 20, 2014 11:36 PM GMT

(Marked. I think I helped proofread this, or another similar RP to this, a few weeks ago.)
#148326705Monday, October 20, 2014 11:42 PM GMT

#148345571Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:15 AM GMT

@rockman Kattniss made that planet. "Be a good girl and make me a sammich? *Turns into sammich*"
#148345671Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:19 AM GMT

possibly will make cs tonight but marked for sure
#148358857Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:05 PM GMT

#148359004Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:08 PM GMT

CS Name: Laing Randall Earth age: 26 Inventory: her trusted pistol, everything else is on board ship right now in her private storage space. Occupation: Fist mate to her Captain on The Telrano, ruthless murder. Species: Human Appearance: Long curly cinnamon coloured hair that fades into a light chocolate brown at the bottom, which reaches her waist. Her hair is normal pulled into a messy pony tail, almost like stylish for when she's fighting which is practically all the time. Normally she has a gold circlet round her head, framing her eyes, the only piece of jewelry that she wears because necklaces actually irritate the skin around her neck and she finds bracelets annoying. Her body is athletic from fighting and doing other training/work and her skin is tanned a light golden colour from her Greek ancestry. If she’s been up late you can normally see the shadows under her eyes. Laing's eyes are her best feature personally, stormy grey orbs flecked with green emerald, which pierce your soul and demand answers or death if you threaten her crew . She wears a simple maroon body suit that is fitted for combat and work along with extra features for her trusted pistol which has been adapted so many times that hardly anything of it is from the original weapon. Personality: Ruthless and lawless Miss Randall is hardly the nicest lady in town, with a moral code short than the lifespan of a Illnesses (if any): None, so far so good. Bio: During her adolescent years, Laing's personality was a product of her unusual upbringing in a Greek slum town. In the kill-or-be-killed culture in which her parents raised her, Laing had to constantly fight for her life, resulting in her considerably aggressive nature and willingness to solve problems with force which ended up in her killing many of her competitors in life. When she was twenty two Randall was thrown into jail for assassinating a important political figure and spent a year in a highly advanced prison before breaking out where she met Captain Jeremiah Grace and joined his crew. Other:i'mprettysureSAMMICHiputehamehere
#148359204Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:15 PM GMT

#148361385Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:10 PM GMT

i just realized something "The Great Mistake" wow Civ Beyond Earth much?
#148408107Wednesday, October 22, 2014 1:21 PM GMT

Name: Lefteneant Jeremy Hawkins Earth age: 47 Inventory: 1911 Handgun, Pressurization suit (space suit), Tape recorder and ear phones. Occupation: Preparing/cleaning Weapons and ships out, scientist. Species: Human. Appearance: may I use picture Personality: Tbr pls Illnesses (if any): Was brainwashes, will constantly see red numbers when encountering a certain someone. Bio: Jeremy was a lieutenant in the marines, he was captured while on a patrol mission and brainwashed to kill a high ranking member of a group of space pirates. Other: Sammich.
#148409840Wednesday, October 22, 2014 2:42 PM GMT

(Listen rockman, I'm sorry but I have to decline, there is barely any story and you bio is basically black ops storyline, you also said you were a scientist and you were in the marines? That doesn't really make a whole ton of sense, does it? Can you please improve it?)
#148414959Wednesday, October 22, 2014 5:46 PM GMT

Name: Natalie Grover (Not her real name, but the one she uses most often) Earth age: 27 Inventory: Natalie carries a modified, futuristic version of the Five-Seven handgun which she keeps in her hip holster. It has a burst fire function and multiple different modes such as armour piercing and incendiary. She also has with her a black recording device in the shape of a knife handle, which has a small red button on it which, when pressed, flips out a jagged knife. Occupation: Hit-man and con-artist (in reality), however on the ship she is one of the medics and goes by the pseudonym 'Talia', a Spanish nurse. Species: Human Appearance: Natalie has medium length brown hair which falls just below her shoulders. However, when she is adopting different pseudonyms she often wears wigs and disguises to mask herself. The one thing she doesn't change about her appearance often is her piercing emerald eyes, and her natural good looks. She wears a black leather jacket which she usually has open, revealing a fashionable red tank-top. Matching with this is a pair of black leather trousers, which has a black belt that contains her weapons and various gadgets. Personality: Natalie's personality completely depends on who she is pretending to be. She is a master of linguistics and can mimic accents absolutely spotlessly and is able to change her personality into someone completely different. However, her most common character is Natalie Grover, who is essentially who she really is just with a different name. Natalie is a hot-headed and intelligent woman, who (although compassionate at times) will do anything to survive. She has a soft-spot for young children because of an event in her past. Illnesses (if any): A type of split-personality disorder; occasionally Natalie will be stuck between two different 'characters' and will take a while to go back to her normal self. Bio: Natalie's previous life is completely unknown. However, Talia - the ship's nurse - trained as a medic in the army, which is where she learnt her multitude of skills. Because Natalie is also adept in her knowledge of medicine, it is likely she also had training similar to Talia's. Other: Sammich
#148415357Wednesday, October 22, 2014 5:58 PM GMT

(Rose, accepted, good CS.)
#148416110Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:23 PM GMT

(Can I be like two different specie? Like half human, half Nyulis?)
#148417188Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:54 PM GMT

(Hm... Wait... A Nyulis can have emotion, but they're confused about what emotions are and can have mental breakdowns or short-circuit about it, but they have a ton of weaponry, humans are the opposite but can be afraid of killing. Sorry, but no, first reason, Nyulis are very meticulous about secrets and their tech has never fallen into human hands, second, they hate humans. Third; wouldn't that be kind of over-powered?)
#148417474Wednesday, October 22, 2014 7:00 PM GMT

Ima join. B-but I'm a rank below Kattniss? :c
#148417634Wednesday, October 22, 2014 7:04 PM GMT

(All who're on the admin list a equals :D)

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