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#148323731Monday, October 20, 2014 10:56 PM GMT

What i mean is - when you play games like 'Draw it' people draw inappropriate things all the time - Like the male or female 'no no's Roblox should have an option to report abuse or save to pc when taking a shot. When the 'report' button is clicked, the screenshot is immediately saved to a 'screenshot' storage only Roblox staff and admins can get into. Of course an explanation may be needed, so the reporter can explain why they think it's inappropriate. Admins and staff can take action from there. The same should be done for video - I was playing a sandbox game, and this guy with a naked avatar made it look like his ava was doing something nasty to mine. I couldn't report him, because admins only look at the chat log - gameplay is not recorded.
#148323770Monday, October 20, 2014 10:57 PM GMT

No, thats stupid and your stupid. Photoshop
#148323818Monday, October 20, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

The freshly-taken SCREENSHOT is stored, not an uploaded picture. And don't you call me stupid.
#148323838Monday, October 20, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

people could be framed
#148323895Monday, October 20, 2014 10:59 PM GMT

Dumb idea and your mom not ab0rting you was a dumb one. *in draw it its easy to frame someone*
#148323938Monday, October 20, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

How can you edit a FRESHLY TAKEN screenshot? - It would NOT allow people to upload old shots, but only the NEW one. Please read thoroughly.
#148324131Monday, October 20, 2014 11:03 PM GMT

@Shawn You're so rude! How dare you insult my mother and I! I will have you know my mother is a very intelligent woman who is a NURSE MANAGER. She manages a doctors office - and I am no idiot either.
#148326090Monday, October 20, 2014 11:33 PM GMT

allow me to explain for those who call me 'stupid' and 'should have been ab0rted' - When you take a FRESH screenshot (Meaning you just pressed the screenshot button) there should be an option to report something or save it to your pc -and this only happens when you take an in-game screenshot. SO PEOPLE CAN'T EDIT IT AND UPLOAD IT. An explanation of why you thinks it's inappropriate should be provided. The screenshot then goes to a storage only admins and staff can access. They take action from there.
#148326129Monday, October 20, 2014 11:33 PM GMT

I like the prospect of having a Screenshot/Video report option. It would take some more time out of the already stressed-out schedule from the admins though.
#148342565Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:15 AM GMT

#148342611Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:16 AM GMT

#148342702Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:19 AM GMT

@Rave, don't cause a fight on your dumb suggestion. If you don't like the content users draw on the game, don't play it, simple as that. Screw siggies, and screw you!
#148342812Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:23 AM GMT

They draw inappropriate things on there sometimes - My suggestion is not stupid.
#148342875Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:25 AM GMT

I say yes... because the screenshots on the computers are sometime very confusing
#148345605Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:17 AM GMT

just take a screenshot and send it to [email protected] also its easy to change a screenshot! paint.net, gimp, photoshop and there are others too "Everybody has a chance to do something in their life, at least once."
#148345612Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:17 AM GMT

I'll go improve your idea. --- When the screenshot or video is taken, it should be sent directly to ROBLOX's servers and not saved on the user's computer, whether in Temp files, the Library, or the AppData, so they will not be able to edit it or frame anyone in any way. The screenshot / video will also work as a duplicate of the in-game Report Abuse system; not only it will send the screenshot or video, but it should also send the chat log to the moderator as well.
#148345807Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:25 AM GMT

^ That is exactly what I meant.
#148345865Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:28 AM GMT

Not fully though, you mentioned the option to save it to your computer; which i said that there shouldn't be an option for that.
#148346236Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:21 AM GMT

Exactly like above ^
#148346256Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:23 AM GMT

support this is not a siggy
#148346593Tuesday, October 21, 2014 8:01 AM GMT

I still think you should have an option to save a screenshot to your pc, or report it. I save screenshots all the time - especially of my favorite game moments.
#148346622Tuesday, October 21, 2014 8:05 AM GMT

The Report Screenshots and Report Videos will be seperate from the normal Screenshot and normal in-game record.
#148361128Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:05 PM GMT

#148361327Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:09 PM GMT

I support as long as long as these videos and screenshots can not be saved onto your computer and edited to frame somebody.
#148361638Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:15 PM GMT

We someone hits 'report' the screenshot/video would immediately be taken to a storage only admins and staff can access.

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