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#148403968Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:37 AM GMT

LinkPlayer(URL in a String/Variable , The Player you want to give the link in a String/Variable) GetPlayerProfile(Player whose profile you want to link in a String/Variable, The Variable the URL will be mapped to.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What these functions do is open a webpage in the players default web browser, and gets the URl of the requested Player's profile, respectively. The webpages you can open are approved ROBLOX links only. For example, if you did this: LinkPlayer("www.roblox.com") It'll work. BUT if you did this: LinkPlayer("www.facebook.com") It'll not work. Get it? Heres an example of using both functions in a script. It is inside a TextButton. textButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() game.Players.LocalPlayer = Player GetPlayerProfile(Player, URL) LinkPlayer(URL, Player) end) For the not scripting sauvy: With this you can make a link to a webpage ingame! You can also dynamically link to a player's profile ingame! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It could be used in credits, and other stuff like that. Or perhaps when a player enters the game, you can visit his profile when you click on his Profile Picture? Yay or Nay?
#195616963Monday, August 08, 2016 12:16 AM GMT

Lol, replying 2 years late with a "yay". I've been looking for something like this, I would like to open a Patron page in my game so people can donate.

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