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#148594863Sunday, October 26, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

Bc players have all the rights of free gaming...When others like me are not Bc.Nbc players should have the right to get atleast 1-5 Robux a day instead of Obc 65 Robux a day...Bc get to make groups and join more.Nbc can't make any groups and can only join 5.I agree this is for money but seriously all you people think about is money not others millions of players worldwide on roblox hate this system.Its time it changed.And bc players can trade their items and robux.nbc can't nbc players should have the right to trade our belongings.99.9 % of gamepasses i see are over 100-5000 robux. Nbc players like me can't afford that in a lifetime.Bc players get everything more active games,the ability to trade,daily robux,ability to join more groups,ability to create groups,No adds,and the fact they tease me lots just cause most games there is like 6 obc players on the server i am on and thats annoying when they tease you cause they act like they are less noobier when you got veteran badge yet its their 3rd day and they bought obc after 3 days of robloxing... THIS MUST CHANGE WE SHALL GO ON STRIKE ON GAMES LIKE PAINTBALL, THE QUARRY, THE CONQUERORS, AND ALL OTHER GAMES WE MUST WIN OUR NBC RIGHTS!!!!!! KEEP COMMENTING ON THIS SO ROBLOX STAFF WILL GIVE US OUR RIGHTS!

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