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#148745267Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:29 PM GMT

Sup guys! Today, I'm answering one of the most common questions in rock. What is the difference between Grunge and Alternative? First, I'll start off with a background of both for all the music newbs/rock newbs out there. Alternative is a rock subgenre that gained popularity in the 80's. R.E.M is a good example of an alternative band. A modern example would be the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Grunge is an alternative subgenre that was popular in the 1990's. A popular example would be Nirvana, who most confuse to be Alternative. Now that the background is over with, let's get into the core of this post. Let's start off with the sound. For those who listen to alternative, you'll notice some of the common ways it starts. The song will start off soft during the intro, and grow louder torwards the pre chorus. An example of this would be Foo Fighters-Everlong. Grunge always keeps a somber tone. An example of this would be Soundgarden-Black Hole Sun. As you can see, the song is set up simply. They'll include a power chord throughout the chorus, but the song isn't really loud. That was a more simple explanation of the difference between Grunge and Alternative. Now let's get into the song part. Alternative has a more straight forward message. An example of this would be Weezer-Beverly Hills. The song is describing how the band wishes to be famous, and live in Beverly Hills. But, that's a little too simple of an example. Let's try R.E.M-Losing My Religion. The song's name is a metaphor for "at wits end". The song is about a person who is paranoid, and loses faith in a person. Grunge's message isn't so straight forward. Many Grunge song's have dual meanings. Their messages are usually hidden in metaphors and synonyms. Let's look at a lyrical comparison. Here's some lyrics from "Losing My Religion": I thought that I heard you laughing/I thought I heard you sing/I think I thought I saw you try/Every whisper/Of every waking hour/I'm, choosing my confessions/Trying to keep an eye on you/Like hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool/Oh no, I've said too much/I've said enough. As you can see, the person is obviously paranoid. Now let's look at some lyrics from "Creep" by the Stone Temple Pilots: Forward yesterday/Makes me wanna stay/What they said was real/Makes me wanna steal/Livin' under house/Guess I'm livin', I'm a mouse/All's I gots is time/Got no meaning, just a rhyme/Take time with a wounded hand/Cause it likes to heal/Take time with a wounded hand/Cause I like to steal/Take time with a wounded hand/Cause it likes to heal, I like to steal/I'm half the man I used to be/This I feel as the dawn/It fades to gray. As you can see, Grunge makes you look for the meaning, while Alternative tells you the meaning. Another good example would be the acoustic guitar. Grunge often times uses the Acoustic guitar during story driven songs. Not to mention, many Grunge songs can be played on the Acoustic guitar. Many examples would be Stone Temple Pilots-Plush, Pearl Jam-Jeremy, Nirvana-Smells Like Teen Spirit and Alice In Chains-Rooster. Alternative uses acoustic guitar in a very uppity kind of manner. Since Alternative doesn't really include somber tones, the Acoustic renditions are usually higher pitched. Now before I end this explanation, I would also like to bring to light some misconceptions on both genres. One important one would be the Post-Grunge genre. Post-Grunge is a genre that started in the late 90's. Many people considered Kurt Cobain's death to be the end of Grunge. As a result, many bands, such as Alice In Chains, left the genre. Soundgarden quit a few years later, while the rest went to the Alternative genre. Then many "wanna be" grunge bands surfaced, and invented the Post-Grunge genre. Popular examples of post grunge would be Nickelback and Creed. Mainly known for their bad publicity, and poor performances, these bands were extremely popular until 2006, when they both explored different genres. Another misconception, on Alternatives part, is the "emo" genre. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking of the goth kind of emo. Well, in this case, emo means emotional rock. An example would be Thirty Seconds to Mars and Radiohead. Although they sound similar, they both include a scream or yelling during the climax of the song. Alternative doesn't really include screaming, unless it is in the Alternative-Metal subgenre. Not to mention, emo songs usually include a deeper meaning, such as being rejected by society, or not feeling good enough to achieve something. It isn't really something a gothic emo kid would listen too. Hope this helps you guys better understand both genres. Did I miss anything? Got any suggestions? Do you want to flame about me returning to MT? Flame my friends, flame!
#148745565Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:39 PM GMT

I feel like I'm watching an episode of WatchMojo on youtube, for the second time on this forum ._.
#148745919Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:51 PM GMT

You try so hard to act like an expert and yet you are wrong on atleast 70% of what youre talking about
#148746100Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:59 PM GMT

At least you tried. lol
#148747408Tuesday, October 28, 2014 3:47 PM GMT

Yes, thank you for giving me credit. I did as much research as possible, without using wikipedia.
#148748868Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:50 PM GMT

ive seen "experts" label genres completely off, youre better off with wiki
#148755952Tuesday, October 28, 2014 8:15 PM GMT

on the next episode of "raymond has no idea about what he's talking about"....
#148757283Tuesday, October 28, 2014 8:36 PM GMT

Thanks Raymond you already proved your ignorance several times before
#148757828Tuesday, October 28, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

>Well, in this case, emo means emotional rock. An example would be Thirty Seconds to Mars and Radiohead. oh my god you have no idea what emo is
#148761965Tuesday, October 28, 2014 9:35 PM GMT

no one ever confuses nirvana as alternative
#148772098Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:46 PM GMT

"Another misconception, on Alternatives part, is the "emo" genre. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking of the goth kind of emo. Well, in this case, emo means emotional rock. An example would be Thirty Seconds to Mars and Radiohead. Although they sound similar, they both include a scream or yelling during the climax of the song. Alternative doesn't really include screaming, unless it is in the Alternative-Metal subgenre. Not to mention, emo songs usually include a deeper meaning, such as being rejected by society, or not feeling good enough to achieve something. It isn't really something a gothic emo kid would listen too." l-o-l
#148772178Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:47 PM GMT

"thinking of the goth kind of emo. " Please die
#148772477Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:51 PM GMT

I am dying
#148772608Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:53 PM GMT

"Another misconception, on Alternatives part, is the "emo" genre. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking of the goth kind of emo. Well, in this case, emo means emotional rock. An example would be Thirty Seconds to Mars and Radiohead. Although they sound similar, they both include a scream or yelling during the climax of the song. Alternative doesn't really include screaming, unless it is in the Alternative-Metal subgenre. Not to mention, emo songs usually include a deeper meaning, such as being rejected by society, or not feeling good enough to achieve something. It isn't really something a gothic emo kid would listen too." you should be banned from every music forum in existence for this srs
#148772714Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:54 PM GMT

why does raymond try to act like a musical expert b/c all he does is make himself look like a grade A moron
#148772724Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:54 PM GMT

ziek, I don't know what to do, I am so upset about this help
#148773062Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:59 PM GMT

WHAT DO YOU MEAN GOTH KIND OF EMO There is no goth emo you uneducated buffoon
#148773145Tuesday, October 28, 2014 11:59 PM GMT

could you not hold that in anymore? it was just bursting to get out?
#148773173Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:00 AM GMT

i don't even know either like is he being serious
#148773255Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:01 AM GMT

Doctor yes... yes it was
#148774054Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:11 AM GMT

">Well, in this case, emo means emotional rock. An example would be Thirty Seconds to Mars and Radiohead." this is were i stopped reading
#148774441Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:16 AM GMT

He didn't say anything about goth music
#148774486Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

once i saw who made the thread i didnt even click it i just went back to the sports forum page The name of the game is we don't like Brodie. - Koopakungfu 2014
#148776703Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:47 AM GMT

"Emo means emotional rock. An example would be Thirty Seconds to Mars and Radiohead. Although they sound similar, they both include a scream or yelling during the climax of the song." Just because it has screaming or yelling its emo? Emo music is music that gives off a strong emotion. But a song that has screaming or yelling is usually not going be labeled "emo".
#148778489Wednesday, October 29, 2014 1:13 AM GMT

RHCP is Funk Rock. Also Radiohead is Alt and they dont have a very uppity sound.

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