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#148828134Thursday, October 30, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

This is too resolve any arguments/referee disagreements -OFFSIDES/FALSE-START- - if a defensive player is caught offsides [even on the LOS] it is offsides -5 - if a player from either team is caught in the "Netural Zone" Automatically -5 - if an offensive player reacts and the defensive man moves, the player who was on offence is penalized. - if a player is caught jumping off-sides more than 3 times in a single game they are ejected. -HATRED/DISOBEDIANCE- - if a player is talk smacking another player automatically -15/+15 - if a player is yelling or trash talking the a referee -15/+15 - if a player gets a technical penalty twice in a single game they are ejected. - if a player is over celebrating/being an unsportsmanlike -15/+15 - if a player gets a technical penalty it's an automatic 1st down - no arguing with a referee/official during scrimmages/games -DIVING- - a player cannot dive into the touchdown, if they do it will go from where the ball was originally placed and -10 repeat of down. - a player can dive for a first down. - if a player dove out of bounce it is where the ball 1st passes the out of bounce. -TACKLING- - you cannot dive behind the LOS at the qb. +10 - you can dive at a ball carrier behind the line of scrimmage. - if you hit a person after the play is over or after a touchdown +15 too the kickoff - it is where the ball carrier hits the ground at first. -KICKOFFS- - each team at the opposing 20 - anything that touches the field/touchdown and rolls behind the touchdown will be played at the 20 - anything that goes out of bounce RIGHT/LEFT of the field is at the 40 - if the ball is thrown too high without hitting the field of play, at the 40 - late hitting will be a result of a 15 yard penalty -EXTRA POINTS/FG'S- - there are fakes. - anything held for over 1 second is a dead play - it has to be within the goal posts anything above/below it will be no good - a team can only kick a FG if there in there own 35 yardline -OTHERS- - a delay of game is -5 - there is no such thing as holding/pass interference - there must be ONE blocker blocking for the QB on a pass play - Extra point is placed on the 3 yard line
#150148196Friday, November 21, 2014 4:28 PM GMT

Out of bounce? It's out of bounds. And to kick a field goal they must be inside there own 35 yard line? did you mean inside the opposing 35 yard line? Some rules are good some aren't, like no diving in the endzone. That's dumb and I have a scenario to help my case. It's the 4th quarter, 27 seconds left on the clock, winner goes to the Championship. The ball is on the one yard line it's 4th and goal you're team is down by 6. No field goals it's touchdown or bust. It's a handoff, you run up the middle and dive into the endzone, you win. You're celebrating with you're teammates and coach. But wait, there's a flag, the ref says "Player dove into the endzone replay fourth down. They hand it off to you in the backfield. You take it to the outside you juke left, then right, spin move, it looks good one guy can stop you. (You're five steps from out of bounds and and six steps towards the endone, you take four steps at an angle. You dive you get over the pylon you score and it's a win. But that would be a penalty. So you're forced to take the hit and lose the game.) Game over, you're no hero, but a failure. You're team and coaches are upset at you. Understand my case? I understand if you can't dive in with nobody close to you to showboat. But if it's necessary to win, you have to do it. The rule should be, "The refs decide if a dive is showboat or necessary. Take my advice to make it more realistic. Thanks, -Braveboy
#150300888Sunday, November 23, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

Updated - Onside kicks have too go past the opposing 45 teams side. - Laterals are accepted , must be behind if not -15 from the orginial spot. - [OOB RULE] Updated the player has too have both feet/body parts in too recive a ball. - Any team on the WHITE out of bounce line is on the field. - a player is DOWN when he hits the floor not when touched More too come v.2

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