#149366326Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:04 AM GMT

[all the bad in his life basically just hit him all at once like a freight train]
#149366838Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:12 AM GMT

Dang it I missed everything Anyways I'll probably reread everything that's happened since I left and post but Wow I don't think I comprehend anything Also posting this for reference: [Jovian] You remember you have the power of light, which includes sun and healing. You remember that Kristal is your best friend. You remember everything. ))
#149367674Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:27 AM GMT

Also can someone also put a recap here in like a short sentence because my reading comprehension is really bad but I also want to start thinking of my next post I think I'm putting this too late though Damn 3 hour movies ))
#149368401Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:39 AM GMT

(You remember your weapons and you get them, it could be anything you want, like a gun. Tikobes being chewed out by rans char.)
#149377965Saturday, November 08, 2014 11:32 AM GMT

Tarlach was fired for reviving your memories without letting the old man know. Grandus and Kristal are talking.
#149384350Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:04 PM GMT

"Well, that got Alas to go away. And look, there's no strangle lines!" I say in a happy, used car salesman's (Or horse for this time period) voice. "However, I shall repeat my previous question, where are we going?"
#149384728Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:13 PM GMT

Well I just missed everything. //sighs// I guess I'll go read it and try to make a post before I leave for the entire day.
#149385490Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:31 PM GMT

Never mind, it looks like I have to leave now. I'll be back in like eight hours. ]
#149386834Saturday, November 08, 2014 3:56 PM GMT

(bluh) Jovian remembered everything. The power of light, which includes the sun, and even healing. She was a dragonir, apparently as well, seeing her strange powers of light and healing. Healing sounded alright, but she wasn't what else the power of light would hold for her. She also remembered that Kristal, the person who saved them, was her best friend... huh. How odd, she also remembered herself as being skilled with a bow, an arrow, and a large, sharp knife, something she doesn't have with her right now. She used to be a huntress, someone who killed to survive, and was a decent cook. The information doesn't really bother her, in fact, she was far relieved to remember, that none of this was just a huge lie. Except, she doesn't seem to remember the old man that fired the butler. So, it simply confirmed that he was not to be trusted at all. She slowly got off the floor, and dusted off her clothes with her hands, wondering what else to do. Wasn't there the breakfast that Tarlarch made, setting off to cool, that she never got to even taste?
#149400573Saturday, November 08, 2014 7:41 PM GMT

Kristal went downstairs and opened the door to the massive guest bedroom(s). She sighed and looked at Grandus with teary eyes. She hugged him and nothing else. You slowly begin to remember that Kristal doesn't like to show too much empathy or feeling in public. She sniffed then pulled back. "I'm sorry about that, I just thought we would never find you guys. Anyways, 'it' is starting Tarlach said? I guess we can't stay here for long. We knew that he would fire Tarlach for starting the prophecy-" She looked at Grandeur with wide eyes. "That means he's probably sending some people to come kidnap us again. We can't stay here for long then." She paced back and forth, wondering what they would do.
#149400765Saturday, November 08, 2014 7:44 PM GMT

"Uh... Kristal. May I ask a question. What is this 'prophecy'? I'm afraid that I wasn't one of the guys who got all of their memories back. And why did he had us kidnapped in the first place?"
#149401814Saturday, November 08, 2014 8:01 PM GMT

His mind felt like a dark cloud, he could feel gaps and holes in his memory. Where were the good memories? Why did he only get the bad ones? Forcing himself to his feet, Darius ran a hand through his hair. There was so little good in his mind, yet so much bad. It hurts, hurts so bad. A flash of anger crosses the mind of Darius and he bitterly let out a mass of curses as he hit the wall. The resulting pain was enough to draw his mind away from his rage for that moment, and Darius stalked out of the room he had hidden himself in. Frowning, he headed for the nearest exit. He needed fresh air.. Needed to get out.
#149403572Saturday, November 08, 2014 8:30 PM GMT

"Not completely sure either. Tarlach has a scroll about it. It's just something about us saving the world from three massacres, which would be three Dragonir. I know one is Black Lightning, the next is an Armageddon Dragonir then.. I'm not quite sure about the last one. The old man signed some alliance with them so he could have a place in the world if they destroy it. Uh.. something else about 'shadows taking over'." Kristal looked at him again with her light brown eyes. "Did you say you didn't retrieve all your memories?"
#149403815Saturday, November 08, 2014 8:34 PM GMT

Not any that really relevant. It's just towards some people. I don't remember everything about you, or anything about the old man. The others, yes. But not you, the old man, and there's a couple of blurry moments. Most likely I forgot those as I grew older however." (I hope you don't mind. I just don't really know what I'm suppose to remember. Not only that, but you only gave two people the "Remember everything" thing, so I presumed the others don't remember it all.)
#149404048Saturday, November 08, 2014 8:38 PM GMT

Well, you can choose what to remember. The roleplay is for you] Kristal was somewhat speechless. She wanted to open her mouth but she couldn't. "I-I'm going to, uh, take a walk." She ran out of the room as fast as she could with tears strolling down her face.
#149404095Saturday, November 08, 2014 8:39 PM GMT

Darius hurried silently towards the front doors, intent on leaving the building. He cast a glance behind him, hesitant of someone watching him.
#149404188Saturday, November 08, 2014 8:41 PM GMT

"Well... Uh... Ok? Wait a minute, am I really that scary?" I ask myself, with my eyebrow being curved upwards. If I recall right, Jovian should know what's going on. I leave the room to go and find Jovian.
#149406086Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:14 PM GMT

Jovian leaned against the wall, taking a sip of the strawberry smoothie(from what i could remember) the butler made earlier. She was slightly mad at how the old man fired Tarlarch, and it was another reason not to trust him. She waved at Grandus when she saw him walk into the room where she was.
#149406415Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:19 PM GMT

"There you are. And with the breakfast too! I was getting hungry," I said, as I grabbed a piece of toast and bit into happily, forgetting my original purpose for being here.
#149406704Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:23 PM GMT

"Yeah," Jovian sighed. She stood still, sipping on her drink, and after that, had something to eat as well. She picked up a golden piece of toast, and bit into it's crusty exterior.
#149406890Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:25 PM GMT

I continue to munch on my toast, until I remember... "Hey, Jovian, I need you help here. So, I was talking to Kristal, and apparently realized I remember little of her. I told her this, and then she goes out on the verge of crying. I was wondering if you could fill me in here," I say, taking about bite of toast as I grabbed a drink.
#149407110Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:28 PM GMT

"Huh, I see," Jovian muttered, now realizing that the ritual probably didn't work as well as it did for her for everyone. She swallowed the chewed up piece of toast, clearing her mouth. "Well, what do you want to know?" she asked.
#149407235Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:30 PM GMT

"I just wanna know why she did that. I didn't know I was so scary to leave old catty Kris like that," I say, leaning back.
#149407404Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:33 PM GMT

(Just for reference, how long were we drugged and kidnapped?) Maleficus decides to walk out of the house with his cross-bow and gets some paint and paints a target on a tree, and starts to practice his accuracy as it has been a long time since he fired his cross-bow. I am the lord of death, bow down to me peasants. P.S. This is my theme music
#149407930Saturday, November 08, 2014 9:40 PM GMT

She took a few more sips of her smoothie. "Well, I think it's obvious," Jovian said, "She's upset about you remembering so little of her."