#149975535Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:58 AM GMT

I try moving out of under the chunk of rubble that is covering my legs, and I scream as I feel even more pain from my legs. I am the lord of death, bow down to me peasants. P.S. This is my theme music
#149977066Tuesday, November 18, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

She slowly stood up on her feet. "I'm fine," Jovian muttered with insincerity as she brushed off even more rubble, "I'm just great.
#149977270Tuesday, November 18, 2014 1:19 AM GMT

Asuki groaned in more pain than she was already in, her face staring at the ground. [Guessing that the building fell] Her arm was trapped under a large piece of debris, and she could barely move it. She was weak before she got in a brawl, she was weak during, and she is way too weak now. She was even more helpless.
#149997976Tuesday, November 18, 2014 12:26 PM GMT

"Jovian! Go help Maleficus, I have to get Asuki's arm out of there. I think Alas is stuck somewhere to, but I'm not sure where Grandus is." Kristal placed her hand on the cement that was placed on Asuki's arm. Poison leaked from it and it slowly began to melt. She had to be careful not to put too much so she wouldn't take her arm off too.
#150018270Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:37 PM GMT

"I'm right here... Geez, way to make me feel memorable," I sigh as I stand on a pile of wood in plain sight. "Oh wait! I know! I've suddenly gain invisibility powers! That's why no one can see me!"
#150019594Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:57 PM GMT

"Shut up Grandus." She slowly lifted Asuki up, making sure not to hurt her.
#150019760Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:00 PM GMT

Asuki struggled to her feet, slightly trembling in both fear and pain. She had wet and dry blood from her nose, and red marks across her face and some blood around her mouth from where the red ooze dripped down to her face. She didn't have much feeling in her arm, and it was losing blood as well. It was dislocated or broken, she couldn't really tell.
#150019985Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:04 PM GMT

Kristal rested Asuki on her back. "Jovian, can you heal her before she dies of shock?"
#150021905Tuesday, November 18, 2014 11:34 PM GMT

I go off, lifting bricks and using bricks to move pieces of wood with my mind, scanning for survivors. Our group wasn't the only one in the tavern, there were some drunkards. Besides, if I see an enemy that lived, I must bash their face in!
#150029755Wednesday, November 19, 2014 1:24 AM GMT

(bluh tfw driving school) Jovian, after pushing all the chunks of rock from Malefius and healing all his wounds, rushed to Asuki. "What the hell happened while I was asleep?" she talked with confusion, wanting to know what she's missed, "Why did the inn fall down, did you guys do anything?"
#150030921Wednesday, November 19, 2014 1:38 AM GMT

"No! It was those meanies who shot fire out of their hand! Those bullies were only barely less annoying than Mo!"
#150034592Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:25 AM GMT

(Bluh someone find me)
#150034769Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:28 AM GMT

Asuki continued to bleed from her limp arm, coughing she closed her eyes andopened them quickly once more, before starting to shiver in pain once more.
#150035046Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:32 AM GMT

She coughed out a little outward. Blood. "I'll, I'll fix it, I'll try," Jovian muttered quietly, unheard by really no one. Jovian continued to heal the girl's arm with the power of light, to at least stop all the bleeding. She keeled next to Asuki, still stuck on wondering what the hell even happened. Those men probably did some rough damage, while Jovian was having a nap.
#150077517Thursday, November 20, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

#150083279Thursday, November 20, 2014 2:40 AM GMT

#150097878Thursday, November 20, 2014 1:38 PM GMT

Well alright))
#150116349Thursday, November 20, 2014 11:35 PM GMT

I declare this RP is dead.]
#150122469Friday, November 21, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

#150127024Friday, November 21, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

(BUT NEIN you didnt give the bartender a post i burped and said i am nikolai)
#150127333Friday, November 21, 2014 2:35 AM GMT

No one posts though, lol]
#150127476Friday, November 21, 2014 2:37 AM GMT

ya i was waiting for one lol)
#150127762Friday, November 21, 2014 2:42 AM GMT

Kristal grunted. "And all this time, Aieron didn't show up."
#150128026Friday, November 21, 2014 2:45 AM GMT

"Shame on him," Jovian muttered with a scratchy voice, more on focusing her attention on healing Asuki, "Who were those men, anyways. I know their bounty hunters, but for whom?" Seems those men has caused a whole lot of damage around here. How could the innkeeper would deal with all this?
#150128119Friday, November 21, 2014 2:47 AM GMT

Alas reached his hand out and put more gold coins on the table, making a Cla CLINK!. "More, please." He asked hoaresly.