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#149431163Sunday, November 09, 2014 3:40 AM GMT

Looking up, he saw his father. After the death of his mother, he was forced to love that man. He took care of him, fed him, taught him how to treat bit-- people with respect. He went to school alike all the other children... going through the same that all High School'ers go through. Bullies, anxiety, homework, and other sorts of responsibilities. He went through heartache and humiliation. Walking home everyday he's seen a lot - abusive boyfriends, abusive girlfriends, thugs, street racing, robbery, you name it. One time, a bullet wizzed aside his head even. Of course, he lived in Detroit. Typical stuff, all that. What sparked interest in him was things that were not at all normal. The supernatural; things like "aliens", unidentified flying objects, things alike that. At school he was on the school's football team... Percival J. Trenton's Jack Rabbits! He loved being the reason the touchdowns never occurred. He loved sticking defensive. However, one day after school he was walking home... balling. He tried to make friends once more, though in trying all he did was embarrassed himself. He dropped lasagna all over his new sweater. The tragedy was indeed authentic. By then he wished to shoot himself - for what was there worth in living? No friends, no mother, he was barely getting enough good grades to stay on the football team. It was Detroit, it was the perfect opportunity to get a gun and execute his plan, to be-rid of himself. It was the last day of school. Inside, he was excited. He was excited because he didn't have to feel a thing anymore. He looked to his right about half a mile into the walk home, and saw these two drug dealers in an alley way. Either way, he's going to die, so why not just walk in on it, right? As he crosses the road, the two dealers notice him. They pull out their hand guns on him. He slows down his strolling, and then they notice each other's weapons. One of them had a 4-inch revolver and the other had a desert eagle with an extended barrel. The one with the Desert Eagle grinned. They then returned their attention to me. "What are you doing here, kid? Get out of here before we have to shoot you." An evil smirk arose the child's face. "I'm looking to do it myself. Where can I get a gun?" He said. The man with the revolver tossed him a pen. He wrote down a number, and I wrote it down on my arm. "That damn freak will get you an AK for 20 bucks if you really want a gun." The kid walked away, continued on his way home. All that he has seen has turned him into nothing but a depressed psycho. It has never been a simpler description of a person. At home, he looked at his father sitting at the couch. Sadness arose inside of him, as he walked up to his room and break down mentally and emotionally. It was 3 in the morning when he was SURE that his time has come. That he was SURE it was his destiny to die that night. He looked on his arm, grabbed his iPhone72 version 1.205 with the 3rd generation lighting system and installed plant generator 2.0. What? It's 2015. It's the FUTURE. Anyways, he heard a man's sleepy, deep voice as he explained that he wanted a small hand gun. The teenager heard the words, "Bring $200, I'll get you the gun." Then the man hung up, so the kid was confused. He walked downstairs to his dad sleeping on the couch. $200 was stolen from his wallet now. He walked outside, and wondered... perhaps the man with the revolver told the seller where they met? Perhaps that is where he must go? Suddenly, he heard a faint "vroom" in the distance. He looked down the street. Late night street racers, perhaps? He backed up, afraid his head might be taken off. No, he was going to be the one to kill. He looked down the road. It looked like an SUV or truck, not any sports cars used for racing.... Then, a white van pulled up. It was occupied by two men in leather and bandana's. He stood and stared as they ran to the back, opened it up, and pulled out a small briefcase. One man took ahold of it, whilst the other ran up to the kid and took the money out of his hand. He went through it, counting it. He nodded his head and told his buddy, "Let's go!" They drove off. Running up to his room, he opens up his briefcase. He notices the weapon has a loaded clip inside it as well as another one beside the gun. Shakily, he picked up the gun. Tears ran down his face, as he held it up to his skull, up above his right ear. Sobbingly, he whispered to himself, "Please..." Before he had the chance to pull the trigger, along with his weak grip due to his mental state he heard a loud explosion. He looked outside and noticed a car was on fire- the van. The white van up the street was burning. No, it exploded into flames! He closed his eyes, fear overrunning his nerves as he shivered in the corner of his room. Outside the window, bright red laser-like beams were falling out of the sky onto buildings, cars, the road, everything! Destruction, screaming, crying everywhere! The horrible things he saw... the horrific sounds he heard... they were overwhelming! But no. Nothing was more paralyzing than the sight of these figures... these black and red figures without mercy murdering these innocent people... invading their safety. Oh no... oh god no... DAD! He went outside! One of them is walking towards him. It grabbed him and held him up by the collar of his shirt. Using its rifle, they shot him. An unnecessary amount of times. A group of them infiltrated his home. He held the pistol in his hand, this time with a strong grip. Slowly, creepily, he heard footsteps on the stairs. The door was kicked open. The leg that kicked it was muscular, mainly jet black with a bright... vein-looking network upon it.... His eyelids are closed, he wishes not to observe the beings that murdered the only family that he had left along with the destruction of his home. A couple came in. All of a sudden, he felt the collar of his shirt being tugged on hard. The pistol was dropped, and he was then and there a foot off the ground, looking down at the robotic, alien-like creature looking up at him as he held at his clothing. The same rifle was pulled out that was used to murder his father, and pointed at him. The being's head turned, and grinned. "HALT!" Was heard, originating from downstairs. Shock filled the kid's spine as he witnessed what appears to be a stronger form of the type of being that is holding him against gravity, the ones who are staring and crowding around him. "Put him down. He has VAC potential." One of them pulls out a hand gun-looking weapon and clicks something on it. Soon, the teenager is staring into the barrel of a gun and then whoosh! - He is out cold.... Drowsily, the young eyes open, on a bed, his arms and legs bonded onto a bed of some sort. One of... them... holds a syringe next to his neck, and then he attempts to free himself of his restrictions. "Let me go!" He yells. "Just kill me, do whatever you want, just make it quick!" The creature looked down at him. "You're aboard a Vaktovian vessel. You have been chosen to be a part of the Vaktovian Ascension Core. You will fight for the Empire. And you will understand why you are doing such things in about... 24 hours." The 'Vaktovian' said. "WAI--" He tried to get answers, but before he could the Vaktovian laboratory worker injected the vaccine inside of the boy's main artery. Again, he woke up drowsily. Although, then, he looked down towards his body. It was as if he'd been dead for almost... 24 hours. Fishy would be the right word however he's in a god damn space ship being injected with a syringe the size of a cucumber with which turned his skin blue and-- "Argh!" The kid screamed, his figure is changing. His muscles are expanding, his strength raising, his attitude aggressive yet sophisticated, his heart racing, his mind going insane, his voice box clearly getting larger as his voice becomes deeper and then - silence. All throughout the laboratory was silence. The VACCINE awoke. In came the same Vaktovian that recruited him for the VAC. "Him? Are you sure?" The tall, strong Vaktovian nodded. The new VACCINE looked toward his recruiter. "Who are you?" He asked curiously, feeling strong, powerful, and knowledgeable. The Vaktovian Captain's chin lifted. "I am one of the Captains known to the Vaktovian Empire. Welcome, you will now be known as 'Vluchari.' Welcome young one, to the Empire."

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