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#149487590Sunday, November 09, 2014 11:46 PM GMT

Been spending eh about 5 weeks to 2 months on this game i have created. Reason why it took me so long was because of the modeling, the modeling was easy the hard part was the scripting, The scripting is sort of like my "Kestrel Fans Homestore/Mall place but without 2 MAIN scripts. The scripts include a lag Meter to spot any particular lag and to stop it from spreading to make it well my worst game i'v created yet. And another script reduces the lag to -1% so only One person or some people aka Guest(s) get that one tiny bit of lag. The lag helps the guests though, the guest doesn't get lag in most games witch is challenging for them when zoomed in to aim better at Either Or shooting and (or) sword fighting, this one tiny bit of lag makes it easier for guests to get on aim A-LOT better to well get practice when in a game that some people hate cause they all ways die on either first or second round. And i will be adding a tele-port plate that teleports you to the sword arena and takes your gear away and replaces it with a sword but right now i'm STILL trying to work on that script. The only reason why it's a "TM" is because its not fully finished and ready for the final game. When the final game comes out, i will remove the "TM" meaning its complete and ready for ANYONE even guests to play. The other script is the gun script i had to cut it cause i found out it had 103% lag and now it has 0% lag with that script. The script was were you can't kill anyone or bring the gun out of the shooting range. But it is cut so Goodluck for you people that suck at shooting. Lol, anyways, the next script is the admin script It was so freaking hard to convert it, cut it, reduce some cmds and get ride of that annoying auto refresh that respawns everyone. Anyways, the 2 Main scripts i took out were the chat script so you would have to press " / " and this emo face '-' to talk. The other script was the leaderboard script it was soo freaking hard to take out without giving it 99.82% of lag, aka TONSSSS of lag. But luckily i took them out and it has -1% of lag that gives lag only to guests. P.s., You can see i did take out the last 2 scripts by going to the Kestrel Fans Homstore/Mall place and by going to Shooting range Test TM (Read DSC) Link to shooting range: http://www.roblox.com/Shooting-range-Test-Read-DSC-place?id=186381622 Link to Kestrel homestore: http://www.roblox.com/Kestrel-Home-Store-Mall-Read-DSC-place?id=183577640
#149487686Sunday, November 09, 2014 11:47 PM GMT

If you would please read all of it before putting "OMG I COULDNT READ IT CUZ IT WAS SOO LONG !1!1" or putting "OMG HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO READ THIS?????" K? Thank you!
#149490487Monday, November 10, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

Couldn't you have double spaced this? Or added a TL;DR section? I'll throw the ball, and you try to catch it.
#149492988Monday, November 10, 2014 1:04 AM GMT

I could have, but i didn't wanna waste like 15 minutes to type it and preview it make some changes, then post it. It took me eh 6 to 8 minutes to post it.

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