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#149609503Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:44 PM GMT

STOP BULLYING, SPEAK UP! I'm trying to protect kids, I don't want any more lives to end, You failed. You failed the kids for not caring. I'm not a victim, I'm a protector. If you just please be supportive and help me protect kids that are getting bullied by, Cyber-Bullying, Bullying, Physical Bullying. If you just act like you don't care get off of this forum, I want kids to live a good life not a bad one! I hate to see that hundreds and hundreds of kids dying all because of people thinking that they are cool but they are not! They are hurting these kids lives. Now, can you just help the kids that getting bullied by Standing up for them?
#149609606Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:46 PM GMT

i hate bullying but this fourm is for ideas for roblox
#149609997Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:51 PM GMT

"can you just help the kids that get bullied by standing up for them?" they can stand up for themselves If blood=(10/10) end | swagk| add 4400 posts
#149610263Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:55 PM GMT

Cyber-bullying Really?
#149610524Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

"Cyber-bullying" A.K.A., trolling. Seriously, cyber-bullying is words. Solution: Sticks and stones. Physical bullying? Solution: Take out all your freaking fury on them. My dad did. He almost killed a guy for breaking his glasses all the time when he was younger. Banged the guy's head on a brick wall until he was knocked out.
#149610763Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:02 AM GMT

@Coriandr cyberbullying is not just words, it can cause pepole to Ki*l them selves
#149610946Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:04 AM GMT

@jj it is words, but they are only effective if the subject is sensitive If blood=(10/10) end | swagk| add 4400 posts
#149611078Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:06 AM GMT

Only way to get rid of bullies is to beat up the bullies yourself.
#149611195Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

Everyone saying it is not a problem it is a problem. Would you like to hear your best friend killed themselves because they couldn't handle the pressure. Millions of people are bullied each year. Honestly I think Roblox needs to make some kind of anti-bullying pledge to help kids and teens learn it is a big deal. (most people should know if you go to school)
#149611216Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

@eoi aka fight fire with fire If blood=(10/10) end | swagk| add 4400 posts
#149611230Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

JJ, did you not read my comment? I friggin' said "Sticks and Stones". Guess what that means? It means suck it up. Words can't stab you, and if you feel so badly about it as to kill yourself, then you need to straighten up your life and thought proccess, because that's just plain stupid.
#149611443Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:11 AM GMT

@block Your grammar is horrible. Anyways, It's just words. And if they use force, you can use force back. There is no "big deal" about it. If blood=(10/10) end | swagk| add 4400 posts
#149612686Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:27 AM GMT

First of all: You can't stop bullying. Bullying will last forever until humanity ends on this planet. Second of all: The only thing you can do about it is report them. And there is a report button for "bullying". Use it. And, finally: I don't think lives are being lost over ROBLOX unless someone is just taking it too seriously, or they know that person in real life. Just stop trying. Nothing will happen. Complaining about it is only going to give ROBLOX a reason to take away the chat or limit it for people who are 13+. It will only make matters worse and ruin your ROBLOX gameplay. ~It's all in my head, but she's touching his-chest now~
#149612783Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:28 AM GMT

No one before me even thought to mention the "report" feature.
#149612877Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:29 AM GMT

STOP BULLYING, Implying I'm a bully.. reported for personal attack (jk). >SPEAK UP! Reported for bullying (jk)! No seriously, I don't like people yelling at me, I feel like a disobedient dog (not really). >I'm trying to protect kids Good, it is nice to have a way to spend your free time.. > I don't want any more lives to end Invent immortality, k?? >You failed. You failed the kids for not caring. I technically am a kid, did I fail myself? k? bye, not the first time.. >I'm not a victim, I'm a protector Nobody cares.. and I bet you are at least a minor victim.. >If you just please be supportive and help me protect kids that are getting bullied by I prefer neutral, taks no effort. And protection.. well, how do I put this? No, hire a body guard(s). >by Don't think this is the correct word.. >Cyber-Bullying Smartest thing to do: *turns off computer* and/or *blocks bully* >Bullying So, first you point out a subcategory? Then the general topic, then other subcategory? Huh? >Physical Bullying Go away and help kids, go put the bully in a hospital.. oh wait, you'd become the bully. Well, anyways, why are you online on a collection of bits and pixels? >I hate to see that hundreds and hundreds of kids dying all because of people thinking that they are cool but they are not! If they kill themselves because of other people's opinions.. I have no words to describe the stupidity of it.. >They are hurting these kids lives. Am I the teenager/used to be kid with a really thick skin? I can watch people dying and not flinch (no, seriously).. >Now, can you just help the kids that getting bullied by Standing up for them? I don't help people. And no, I am not going to stand up. I'm going to lay down and fall asleep.
#149613113Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

All forms of bullying are easily avoided and can be ended shortly. Expect if its physical. But if it's physical, you fight back. If it's words, turn off the damn computer, go outside. Pass a ball around or some crap. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will make me go in a corner and cry by myself for hours." - Eric Idle
#149613166Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:33 AM GMT

STOP BULLYING, Implying I'm a bully.. reported for personal attack (jk). >SPEAK UP! Reported for bullying (jk)! No seriously, I don't like people yelling at me, I feel like a disobedient dog (not really). >I'm trying to protect kids Good, it is nice to have a way to spend your free time.. > I don't want any more lives to end Invent immortality, k?? >You failed. You failed the kids for not caring. I technically am a kid, did I fail myself? k? bye, not the first time.. >I'm not a victim, I'm a protector Nobody cares.. and I bet you are at least a minor victim.. >If you just please be supportive and help me protect kids that are getting bullied by I prefer neutral, taks no effort. And protection.. well, how do I put this? No, hire a body guard(s). >by Don't think this is the correct word.. >Cyber-Bullying Smartest thing to do: *turns off computer* and/or *blocks bully* >Bullying So, first you point out a subcategory? Then the general topic, then other subcategory? Huh? >Physical Bullying Go away and help kids, go put the bully in a hospital.. oh wait, you'd become the bully. Well, anyways, why are you online on a collection of bits and pixels? >I hate to see that hundreds and hundreds of kids dying all because of people thinking that they are cool but they are not! If they kill themselves because of other people's opinions.. I have no words to describe the stupidity of it.. >They are hurting these kids lives. Am I the teenager/used to be kid with a really thick skin? I can watch people dying and not flinch (no, seriously).. >Now, can you just help the kids that getting bullied by Standing up for them? I don't help people. And no, I am not going to stand up. I'm going to lay down and fall asleep [2]
#149613369Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:36 AM GMT

Hahahahahahahaha How The Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Close Your Eyes Haha
#149613439Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:37 AM GMT

REAL Bullying is something that I care about, cyber-bullying, not at all. Because you have the option to I don't know report the person. IGNORE THE PERSON. With the new roblox feautures BLOCK THE PERSON. And if you are so sad about someone being mean to you on a virtual website, you could even quit. YOU COULD EXIT THE DAMN GAME. Please, use common sense before you start saying things like cyber bullying is a problem on roblox, because it's not. With all these options it's almost impossible to get bullied. You live in a BOX Your life IS A BOX you will never get out of the BOX so long as you refuse to accept the existence of anything BUT THE BOX.
#149615056Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

Solution to bullying: Kill yourself.. It really does help. It stops it
#149615725Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:07 AM GMT

@OP First of all, it's not bullying's fault kids commit suicide. It's their own. If a bully decided to push you off a cliff, that's their fault, but if you just jump off a cliff because a BULLY (yes a bully) told you to shut up? Wow. Watch this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWnEJQxieVQ
#149615901Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:10 AM GMT

bullying only happens to the weak
#149618934Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:49 AM GMT

Cyber bullying isn't real unless they genuinely make an effort to stalk you across websites, find your personal info, and try to ruin your life. Which, let's be honest, not many people have the time and patience to do. The only problem here is that society has gotten to the point where we are way too sensitive. If someone is pissing you off on the internet, either ignore them or just click that little X button in the top right corner of your screen, but for the love of God don't act like you now have PTSD because someone called you an idiot.
#149770292Saturday, November 15, 2014 1:37 AM GMT

Cyber-Bullying is Not Just words, Cyber-Bullying can be hurtful and can cause the victim to kill themselves.
#149770385Saturday, November 15, 2014 1:39 AM GMT

The solution to avoid bullying is not kill yourself, Is to find an adult or teacher, or the Principal. Killing yourself will only make the Bully win..

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